Like all studies, our research has its limitations.
The accuracy and completeness of the input data
determine how well machine learning algorithms
work and provide results. Despite our best efforts to
ensure thorough feature selection and data
pretreatment, biases present in the original datasets
may nevertheless affect the outcomes. Additionally,
the choice of hyperparameters and model
configurations can affect the algorithms'
performance, which we aimed to optimize but might
not be the best for all scenarios.
Future research could go deeper into
comprehending the precise causes for the distinct
gene selections of various models, given the insights
from our current analysis. To further improve the
precision and applicability of disease classification, it
may be worthwhile to investigate integrating more
complex or specialized algorithms or even ensemble
approaches that combine the best features of several
algorithms corporating feedback loops, which allow
for continuous learning from fresh data to improve
and refine the disease's grouping significance. This
should be a consideration in GediNET's progress.
In conclusion, our efforts to enhance GediNET
have opened new horizons for understanding disease
groupings. At the same time, we've made significant
advances in the process of exploration and refinement
in this domain. The combination of biology and
machine learning may lead to more accurate, tailored,
and successful disease knowledge and treatment in
the future.
The work of M.Y. has been supported by the Zefat
Academic College.
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