3. The remaining two persons, ∼ 8%, had almost
equally split probabilities to each of the four clus-
It is however hard to tell which one was correct
since even HR professionals could also have biases,
and be error-prone sometimes.
RQ2: Is anchor and bias removal helpful? When us-
ing the bias and anchoring removal methods proposed
in Section 4.2.2, we observed that results classified
one more person in the same cluster as professionals,
but on the other hand for the rest of 6 persons the av-
erage error difference increased to 0.31.
RQ3: Respondents’ post-evaluation feedback After
finishing the surveys, the 25 persons were asked to
compare it with the ones done face-to-face. Results
show that 21 out of 25 liked more this because they
had more time to think, felt less pressure to give an-
swers, and were satisfied that they had the opportunity
to complete it without prior scheduling from their own
After iterating several prototype versions and apply-
ing the framework to our mentioned use case, we
conclude that the proposed method of providing AI
agents to conduct surveys can help organizations in
two ways: a) improve the quality of the results ob-
tained after surveys without having to invest in more
staff to conduct face-to-face surveys, and b) help hu-
man professionals improve alongside AI agents by us-
ing them as assistants during a real-time survey.
This research was supported by European Union’s
Horizon Europe research and innovation programme
under grant agreement no. 101070455, project DYN-
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence