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Dataset Description
Dynamic Scale MNIST. The Dynamic Scale
MNIST pads the original 28x28 images from the
MNIST dataset (Deng, 2012) to 168x168 pixels and
then on initialisation of the dataset, an independent
scale for each sample is drawn from the chosen scale
distribution. Only scales e larger than 1 are sampled
during training time to prevent the influence of in-
formation loss which occurs when downsampling the
data. Since each digit is upsampled upon accessing no
additional storage is needed to use this dataset for var-
ious scale distributions. After initialisation the dataset
is normalised.
Additionally, this dataset can also be used to eval-
uate across a range of scales by sampling each test
digit individually on multiple scales. The scales to
evaluate are rounded to the nearest half-octave of 2.
The number to evaluate is determined by the range of
octaves times 10. Thus for Fig. 4, 45 scales are sam-
pled between 2
and 2
in a logarithmic manner.
The underlying MNIST dataset (Deng, 2012) is split
into 10k training samples, 5k validation samples, and
50k test samples and 3 different realisations are gen-
erated and fixed.
MNIST-Scale The images in the MNIST-Scale
dataset are rescaled images of the MNIST dataset
(Deng, 2012). The scales are sampled from a Uni-
form distribution in the range of 0.3 - 1.0 of the orig-
inal size and padded back to the original resolution
of 28x28 pixels. The dataset is split into 10k training
samples, 2k validation samples and 50k test samples
and 6 realisations are made.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications