Table 2: Results of the matheuristic and the merge-and-split heuristic.
Matheuristic results Merge-and-split results
ILP time
Best solution
NbMergeMax Nb sol.
Best solution
| |B
| |B
F 100 10 7 22/22 7 0.062 5 8 22/22 7 0.069
I 10 5 3 30/30 12 0.017 5 88 30/30 15 0.027
W 200 50 3 92/92 37 0.022 20 14 92/92 21 0.49
C 1000 300 7 103/103 18 0.069 50 5 103/103 12 0.12
C1 50 10 4 52/52 19 0.037 5 15 52/52 18 0.38
C2 50 10 2 51/51 6 0.13 5 1 51/51 8 0.10
heuristic in terms of number of beams selected and
mean squared radius sum, except on instance C2.
However, the merge-and-split heuristic finds several
solutions covering all polygons, while the matheuris-
tic takes a few iterations to cover all polygons. The
heuristic method considers MSRS directly, while the
matheuristic focuses on SRS, as the formulation of
MSRS is not directly linear. We can show that the
matheuristic improves the SRS criterion from itera-
tion 2 while the MSRS is improved from iteration 2
to 3 on the Central Europe instance but then increases
until the end of the process.
In this paper, we considered a problem associated
with the design of a telecommunication satellite used
for television broadcasting on regions, for which a set
of beams of different sizes must be defined to cover a
set of polygons, considering antenna mechanical con-
straints represented as a graph coloring problem. To
face the combinatorial issues and find solutions that
are industrially feasible, we proposed two different
methods. The first one is a matheuristic method that
is built upon an ILP formulation and uses an evolving
pool of candidate beams until finding a feasible solu-
tion. This matheuristic produces good-quality solu-
tions, but can require a long computational time. The
second method, called the merge-and-split heuristic,
iteratively constructs the beam layout by updating a
set of beams step-by-step through local merging op-
erations. This second method is faster and robust
to large scale instances. Several perspectives can be
listed for this work. For the matheuristic approach, we
could design other methods to fill the pool with rele-
vant beams, and some unused beams could be deleted
to alleviate the ILP model. Moreover, to handle
the mean squared radius sum in the matheuristic in-
stead of the squared radius sum, we could use Linear-
fractional Programming. We could also try other cri-
teria, such as minimize the maximum radius or raise
the radius to higher exponents. For the merge-and-
split heuristic, we could parallelize the process to ben-
efit from all cores and other merging methods should
be looked for, in particular to better identify the rea-
sons for the non-colorability at each merging step. A
last perspective is to define a hybrid method where the
matheuristic and the merge-and-split heuristic could
share solutions or sets of relevant beams.
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Heuristic Methods for the Antenna-Constrained Beam Layout Optimization on Multibeam Broadcasting Mission