affected as well; they are easily lured into clicking
malicious links. The current approach proposed a
novel PSO ensemble to improve and advance research
done in the maliciousness detection problem of web
links. Our ensemble is heterogeneous, combining
multiple ML algorithms that proved to be efficient in-
dividually. The combining mechanism uses weights,
which are generated with the PSO algorithm on a vali-
dation set. The experiments follow a calibration stage,
and they are tested on two different datasets. The re-
sults achieved on the first dataset (97.05% accuracy)
improve the previous solution. In contrast, for the
second dataset, our approach is not so accurate com-
pared to the solution found in literature. There are
still things to improve, but, to our considerations, we
manage to propose an innovative empirical approach
on malicious web links detection.
Considering future work, we propose to develop
a real-time reporting framework that aims to collect
data associated with a link, including time-dependent
features that can improve detection algorithms and re-
duce their complexity. Time-dependent features in-
clude network information if the web link was in-
cluded in blacklists or whitelists. The framework is
supposed to get a snapshot with the current link data.
Moreover, we propose to test this PSO-ensemble
against larger datasets to further prove its efficiency
and robustness.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence