more layers for the VQCs than previous works (Chen
et al., 2022), as they have yielded better results in the
In the future, the VQC results could be run not
only on a quantum simulator, but on real quantum
hardware to determine which and if there is a differ-
ence. Also, a comparison of the VQC approach with a
gradient based neural network would be an option for
future work. Another option would be to compare the
VQC approach in terms of the number of parameters
with a data reuploading method and see if this can
solve the coin game similarly well with even fewer
qubits. Additionally, we could work on the hyperpa-
rameters and see if even better results can be achieved
by adapting them.
This work is part of the Munich Quantum Valley,
which is supported by the Bavarian state government
with funds from the Hightech Agenda Bayern Plus.
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