Constructs of Trust
Users Percentage
Explanation A Explanation B Explanation C
Figure 12: Experiment Results.
Re-use, implying that utilizing the DeepAI API en-
riched explanations with additional movie-related in-
formation, making them more adaptable and likely to
be chosen. These findings support our hypothesis that
diverse users prefer different explanations, underscor-
ing the need to provide users with control over their
choice to accommodate varied informational needs.
In this paper, we have introduced a comprehensive
taxonomy of context that finds relevance across di-
verse domains and systems. To practically real-
ize context-sensitive explanations, we have presented
ConEX, a general framework founded on our con-
text conceptualization, along with the incorporation
of a post-hoc explainer. We presented an application
of ConEX that leverages context-sensitive explana-
tions to enhance the personalization of movie recom-
mendations. Additionally, we conducted a user study
to demonstrate that context-sensitive explanations en-
hance user trust and satisfaction empirically. Future
work in this domain can include research into au-
tomated situation recognition, reducing users’ input,
and tracking their current state. Moreover, address-
ing the challenge of temporal changes in user prefer-
ences and maintaining the context model’s accuracy
over time is a promising avenue for future research.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence