tions in roof construction. The underlying roof model
including insulation is generalized to most cities, yet
in our test area, i.e. the City of Melville, insulation is
often missing. Indeed, many buildings even allow for
air circulation between building walls and roof.
Comparing the initial conditions, only slightly
better results are found when the thermal image is
used. The precalculation is supposed to overcome the
thermal inertia rendering the initial condition crucial,
thus this minor improvement aligns with expected be-
havior. From the class-wise approach, ground sur-
faces suffer from outliers with large deviations be-
tween simulation and measurement. A reasonable ex-
planation are the neglected variations in moist, soil
composition, and street types (e.g. asphalt, concrete,
In summary, the simulation shows good agree-
ment with the measured temperatures for most
classes, yet buildings and vegetation will need further
improvement in future work.
We presented a tool for temperature computation of
urban areas being more precise in thermal modeling
than game-oriented software yet less computation-
ally heavy than microclimate simulations. Starting at
meshes derived from multi-source sensor data, we are
driven by the motivation to create realistic tempera-
ture values which will allows for faster decisions in
urban planning.
We realized that the path from raw multi-source
sensor data to thermal image of an urban area is chal-
lenging and complex. The geo-referenced 3D para-
metric model, enriched with the weather data, makes
it possible to derive the temperatures of the scene
elements at any moment of time, and from there,
the radiance (infrared) image can be generated. The
negative consequence of a complex procedure is al-
ways that an inaccuracy at a very early stage re-
sults in barely inexplicable deviation from the refer-
ence data in the final output. Providing a better co-
registration of sensor data; more robust procedures for
land cover and material classification; higher levels of
details for buildings and trees; consideration of fur-
ther terms for infrared image synthesis out of surface
temperatures: all this influences the quantitative result
greatly. In this work, we concentrated on the under-
lying physics-based thermal models. Semantic- and
material-dependent models for conductive and con-
vective heat were presented. There, the convective
model by (Awol et al., 2020) has been adapted to real
urban areas. To handle the thermal inertia and the
challenging initial temperature conditions, material-
wise precalculation and usage of thermal imagery
were introduced, and the precalculation show promis-
ing results which is of importance as acquisition of
thermal imagery can be challenging.
In summary, our approach yielded promising re-
sults for a quick, superficial screening of a large ur-
ban scene. Such a quick screening can assist in urban
planning. Yet, the simplified vegetation model of the
simulator at its current stage is a major drawback. Im-
proving this model, by integrating latent heat, is one
important direction of future work. Furthermore, we
strive for the inclusion of a simplified CFD simula-
tion, i.e. replacing the global wind velocity and direc-
tion by triangle-wise values. Naturally, as the current
implementation is in form of a prototype, we further-
more strive for a final implementation and compari-
son of absolute runtimes to microclimate simulation
and gaming approaches.
Many thanks for providing the multi-source data of
the test site, City of Melville, particularly to Dr. Petra
Helmholtz from Curtin University, Australia.
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Between Gaming and Microclimate Simulations: Temperature Estimation of an Urban Area