We evaluated the impact of different marker sets when
learning the normalization parameters of FLIM net-
works for object detection. For this analysis, we mod-
ified the FLIM methodology to allow one marker set
to be used when estimating the kernels and another
when computing the normalization parameters. We
also introduced a marker bot to create FLIM CNNs
automatically from ground truth with a desired pro-
portion of foreground-to-background ratio.
Our analysis showed a positive correlation be-
tween 2D projections and our adaptive decoder, open-
ing ways to build encoders more suitable for FLIM
networks without needing a decoder for layer evalua-
tion. The results showed that different normalization
parameters have significant impact and oversampled
classes provide a better representation of their object
parts, allowing the design of a more accurate, high-
quality, and interpretable FLIM network.
For future work, user-drawn markers could be
used to create better-positioned markers for learning
the kernels, and then they could be extended automat-
ically to learn the normalization parameters in the de-
sirable unbalanced setup to provide better solutions.
Also, a similar study could be developed with the de-
tached marker sets to understand better the impact of
different markers for kernel estimation, having a fixed
set for normalization.
The authors thank the financial support from
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior – Brasil (CAPES) with Finance
Code 001, CAPES COFECUB (88887.800167/2022-
00), CNPq (303808/2018-7), FAEPEX, and Labex
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Understanding Marker-Based Normalization for FLIM Networks