It is obvious to observe that our parallel computa-
tion is significantly faster compared to the sequential
version across all dataset instances. Furthermore, our
analysis reveals that the average absolute acceleration
achieved using MapReduce is 50.8 times (Table 2),
and the absolute acceleration obtained through Spark
is 94.3 times (Table 3). This substantial acceleration
is notable, which reflects the effectiveness of our par-
allel computation approach.
Table 2: Acceleration of Parallel SubTree Kernel computa-
tion on different datasets using MapReduce.
D1 D2 D3 D4 Average
57.2 62.9 42.6 40.7 50.8
Table 3: Acceleration of Parallel SubTree Kernel computa-
tion on different datasets using Spark.
D1 D2 D3 D4 Average
61.4 95 86.8 134.3 94.3
The prefix tree automaton constitutes a common base
for the computation of different tree kernels: SubTree,
RootedTree, and SubSequenceTree kernels (Ouali-
Sebti, 2015). In this paper, we have shown a paral-
lel Algorithm that efficiently compute this common
structure (RWTA automaton) and we have used it for
the computation of the SubTree Kernel using MapRe-
duce and Spark frameworks.
Our parallel implementation of the SubTree kernel
computation has been tested on synthetic datasets
with different parameters. The results showed that our
parallel computation is by far more speed than the se-
quential version for all instances of datasets. Despite
that this work has shown the efficiency of the paral-
lel implementation compared to the sequential algo-
rithms, three main future works are envisaged. Firstly,
we have to devise some algorithms that generalise
the computation of others kernels such RootedTree,
and SubSequenceTree . . . . Some of them will deploy
tree automata intersection in addition to the associ-
ated weights computation. In fact, while the subtree
kernel is a simple summation of weights, the SubSe-
quenceTree needs more investigation on the weight
computations using the resulted RWTAs intersection.
Secondly, more large datasets have to be generated
and tested to confirm the output-sensitive results of
our solutions. Finally, one can investigate different
cluster architectures in order to give more insights and
recommendations on the cluster’ parameters tuning.
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods