algorithm with a linear complexity of 𝑂(𝑚) (Punnen,
The maximum capacity path problem finds its
application in various domains. For instance, let us
consider a network that represents connections
between routers on the Internet. In this context, each
arc in the network denotes the bandwidth of the
corresponding connection between two routers. With
the maximum capacity path problem, our objective is
to discover the path between two Internet nodes that
offers the highest possible bandwidth. This network
routing problem is well-known in the field. Apart
from being a fundamental network routing problem,
the maximum capacity path problem also plays a
crucial role in other areas. One noteworthy
application is within the Schulze method, which is
utilized for determining the winner of a multiway
election (Schulze, 2011). In this method, the
maximum capacity path problem aids in resolving ties
and determining the strongest path among multiple
alternatives. Additionally, the maximum capacity
path problem finds application in digital compositing,
wherein it assists in combining multiple images or
video layers into a final composite image or sequence
(Fernandez, 1998). By identifying the path with the
maximum capacity, the compositing process can
ensure the most efficient allocation of computational
resources. Moreover, the problem contributes to
metabolic pathway analysis, which involves studying
chemical reactions within biological systems. In this
context, the maximum capacity path problem aids in
understanding the flow of metabolites through
various pathways and identifying the most influential
pathways in terms of capacity (Ullah, 2009). In
summary, the maximum capacity path problem has
extensive applications ranging from network routing
on the Internet, multiway election methods, digital
compositing, to metabolic pathway analysis. Its
capability to identify and utilize paths with the
highest capacity proves valuable across these diverse
In this paper, a new combinatorial optimization
problem called the generalized maximum capacity
path (GMCP) problem is introduced. It is a more
intricate version of the problem that involves finding
a directed path from a given source node s to a given
sink node t, with the minimum loss among all
available directed paths from s to t (Deaconu, 2023).
The GMCP problem is defined on a network where
each arc is characterized by two attributes: capacity
and loss factors.
The capacity of an arc represents the maximum
flow value that can be transmitted through it. On the
other hand, the loss factor of an arc indicates the flow
value that arrives at the tail node when one unit of
flow is sent through the arc. The objective of the
generalized maximum capacity path problem is to
discover a path that is capable of transmitting the
maximum flow while considering the loss factors.
This problem is inspired by an extension of
maximum flow problems that incorporates loss
factors, known as the generalized maximum flow
problem (Ahuja 1993). Therefore, the algorithms
developed for solving the GMCP problem can also be
utilized as subroutines for addressing generalized
maximum flow problems.
Moreover, the GMCP problem can be viewed as
an extension of the maximum reliability path (MRP)
and maximum capacity path (MCP) problems. It
becomes equivalent to the MRP problem when
capacities are infinite and transforms into the MCP
problem when the loss factors are equal to 1. Thus,
the GMCP problem expands upon the scope of both
MRP and MCP problems, encompassing their
characteristics and generalizations.
Overall, the GMCP problem introduces a novel
combinatorial optimization problem that extends the
concepts of maximum flow, MRP, and MCP by
incorporating loss factors. The algorithms developed
for GMCP can be utilized for generalized maximum
flow problems, making it a versatile and applicable
problem in various contexts.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we provide the necessary background
information and definitions to lay the foundation for
the research work. Section 3 clearly defines the
research problem and outlines its significance.
Section 4 describes in detail the proposed algorithms
to solve the problem. Section 5 presents the
experiments conducted to validate and evaluate the
proposed algorithms. Finally, Section 6 summarizes
the main findings of the paper and discuss their
implications and potential future directions.
Consider a directed and connected network 𝐺 =
(𝑉,𝐴,𝑢), where 𝑉 represents the set of nodes, A
represents the set of arcs (each arc 𝑎 = (𝑖,𝑗) starts
from node 𝑖 and terminates at node 𝑗), and 𝑢 is a
capacity function mapping arcs to non-negative real
numbers. Within this network, there are two special
nodes: 𝑠 , referred to as the source node, and 𝑡 ,
referred to as the sink node. Let 𝑛 denote the total
number of nodes in the network (|V|), and 𝑚
represent the number of arcs (|A|).