This work has been partially supported by the Span-
ish project PID2022-136436NB-I00 (AEI-MICINN),
Horizon EU project MUSAE (No. 01070421),
2021-SGR-01094 (AGAUR), Icrea Academia’2022
(Generalitat de Catalunya), Robo STEAM (2022-
1-BG01-KA220-VET-000089434, Erasmus+ EU),
DeepSense (ACE053/22/000029, ACCI
O), Deep-
FoodVol (AEI-MICINN, PDC2022-133642-I00),
PID2022-141566NB-I00 (AEI-MICINN), CERCA
Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya, and Agencia
Nacional de Investigaci
on y Desarrollo de Chile
11230262). D. Ponte acknowledges the support
of Secretar
ıa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnolog
e Innovaci
on Senacyt Panam
a (Scholarship No.
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