formed in recent years to provide architectures for us-
ing the cloud in MAS, such as (Venkateshwaran et al.,
2015), which presented a framework for agent ne-
gotiation while using the resources provided by the
cloud environment. Other research focuses on using
agent technologies to address cloud computing diffi-
culties. Among these, we mention the work of (Ma-
havidyalaya and Nadu, 2021), (Barkat et al., 2021),
and (Yahya et al., 2020), who recommended employ-
ing MAS to address cloud challenges. The authors
of (FAREH, 2015) presented an architecture based on
self-organizing agents to deal with the difficulty of
cloud service composition. Current researchers han-
dle these issues dependently without achieving an op-
timal solution. Therefore, this work focuses on dy-
namic resource scheduling for efficient resource allo-
cation. Synchronously, we must maintain customer
service quality by minimizing the makespan and cost
of virtual machines. The contributions of our research
• Create a dynamic resource allocation model to in-
crease resource utilization and user satisfaction by
minimizing task rejection rate.
• Propose a new Dynamic Resource Allocation ap-
proach with Mobile Agents DRAMA to minimize
the cost and makespan.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 is a list
of related works. Section 3 shows the problem state-
ment and formulation. Section 4 describes our pro-
posed solution. Experiment results and the implemen-
tation of a proposed prototype are reported in Section
5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper by identify-
ing our plans.
This section will discuss some of the most relevant
frameworks that focus on using multi-agent systems
and mobile agents for resource allocation in cloud
computing. In (Soltane et al., 2018), authors have
proposed a cloud architecture based on a multi-agent
system exhibiting a self-adaptive behavior to address
dynamic resource allocation DRA. The principal fo-
cus of this work is to enhance energy consumption
while satisfying the quality of service QoS demanded
by users. This architecture consists of four agents: an
analyzer agent who identifies the resources and ser-
vices required by users and builds specific queries.
The scheduling agent is responsible for allocating
resources users need and making the final decision
about resource allocation. The controller agents track
the status of resources in the data center. The coordi-
nator agent supervises the whole process.
Wang et al.(Wang et al., 2016) have defined a de-
centralized multi-agent-based Virtual Machine (VM)
allocation approach. The approach aims to allocate
VMs to Physical Machines (PMs) while minimizing
system energy costs. This approach allows dispatch-
ing a cooperative agent to each PM to assist the PM in
managing resources. Another solution based on agent
technology, called low-level resource distribution, is
proposed by (Bajo et al., 2016). This approach allows
the distribution of computational resources through-
out the entire cloud computing infrastructure, con-
sidering its complexity and associated computational
costs. In this system, agents are distributed over the
infrastructure. Each physical server in the cloud envi-
ronment contains a set of stationary agents in charge
of monitoring and making decisions that involve as-
signing or removing nodes for a particular service.
Each service offered to the cloud users is associated
with two agents, one for monitoring and the other
for control; both are responsible for ensuring compli-
ance with the previously established SLA agreement.
Other agents also ensure the proper operation of the
cloud computing system. On the other hand, some ap-
proaches have been proposed using mobile agents. In
(Singh et al., 2017), a new mechanism was proposed
that deploys various intelligent agents to reduce the
cost of virtual machines and resource allocation com-
plexity. This system defines four stationary agents
and one mobile agent, which searches the resources
from the available resource instances of a current data
center. The mobile agents can manage resource allo-
Further, Aarti Singh et al. (Singh and Malhotra,
2015) proposed using mobile agents for resource allo-
cation in cloud computing, focusing on cost optimiza-
tion. The end users send the resource request to the
cloud data center, where all the resources are avail-
able. Every cloud is associated with a cloud Mobile
Agent (MAc). Every MAc is responsible for all in-
formation on resources and their status, whether free
or allocated. Initially, a service request arrives at an
MAc and checks the available free resources to de-
cide whether the request can be served. After that, the
resource manager agent (RMA) will determine how
it would be allocated, i.e., which technique should be
applied to resources so that they will be adequately
distributed and the cost of VMs minimized. Finally,
resources are distributed to the user.
Belgacem Ali et al. (Belgacem et al., 2020) focus
on dynamic resource allocation. The authors present
a multi-objective search algorithm called the Spac-
ing Multi-Objective Antlion algorithm (S-MOAL) to
Mobile Agents-Based Framework for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing