filtering techniques distort image quality after recon-
struction and often can not effectively remove adver-
sarial noise where noise levels can be very small. Re-
cently, deep learning models, including deep neural
networks (DNNs), have been applied to remove dis-
tortions and noise from images effectively.
In this paper, we propose a novel DenseNet-
based classification model to classify three differ-
ent citrus diseases on leaves and fruits. The pro-
posed DenseNet model is trained in two different
scenarios: (1) with noise injection image augmen-
tation and (2) without any form of image augmen-
tation. In our experiments, we adopt and evaluate
three state-of-the-art deep learning denoising mod-
els, i.e., Convolution Blind Denoising network (CBD-
net) (Guo et al., 2019), Real Image Denoising net-
work (RIDnet)(Anwar and Barnes, 2020), and Resid-
ual Encoder-Decoder network (REDnet) (Mao et al.,
2016). We train these three denoising models in two
different scenarios: (1) We train the models on cit-
rus images corrupted with Gaussian and salt and pep-
per noise. (2) We perturbed the citrus images with
two types of adversarial attacks (Fast Gradient Sign
Method (FGSM) (Goodfellow et al., 2015), and Pro-
jected Gradient Descent (PGD) (Madry et al., 2019)).
The three denoising models are then combined with
our DenseNet classification model, which makes the
model more robust and stable in predicting citrus dis-
eases. We summarize our contributions as follows:
• Developing a novel DenseNet-based model for
citrus disease classification with and without
noise injection image augmentation techniques.
• Training and validating three different denoising
models, i.e., CBDnet, RIDnet, and REDnet, with
Gaussian, salt and pepper, and adversarial noise.
Then, the denoising models are combined with the
proposed DenseNet classification model.
• Evaluating and analyzing the citrus disease
DenseNet classification models’ performance
against Gaussian, salt and pepper and adversarial
noise with and without combining the denoising
models. The experiments show that the denoising
models contribute to increasing the robustness of
the proposed DenseNet classification against var-
ious types of noise, especially FGSM and PGD
adversarial noise.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 is
the literature review. Section 3 explains the pro-
posed denoising-classification plant disease detection
framework. Section 4 presents experimental settings.
Section 5 shows the experiments and simulation re-
sults. Section 6 discusses and analyzes the experi-
mental results. Section 7 is the conclusion.
Shireesha et al. showed how a DenseNet121-
based CNN model with transfer learning techniques
achieved a 96% accuracy in detecting four different
citrus diseases (Shireesha and Reddy, 2022), indi-
cating the strengths of DenseNet for the classifica-
tion problem of citrus disease. Sharma et al. com-
bined a CNN network of three 224 × 224 convolu-
tion layers, three 112 × 112 convolution layers and
64 max-pooling layers with a long short-term mem-
ory (LSTM) network to classify citrus canker on
lemons based on the stage of the disease. The model
achieved an accuracy of 94.2% for the hybrid model
and 98.43% for the early level of lemons citrus canker
disease severity (Sharma and Kukreja, 2022). Li et al.
made a comprehensive summary of various popular
models and methods of detecting plant diseases, such
as VGG-16, inception v3, GoogleNet, and hyperspec-
tral imaging (Li et al., 2021).
While many of these models performed relatively
well in classifying their respective diseases, the accu-
racy of these models was achieved by training them
on clean images. To combat this problem, some
studies have combined image-cleaning methods to
remove noise from images before classification (Xu
et al., 2018). Huang et al. introduced an asymp-
tomatic non-local mean network (ANLM) and an ex-
treme learning machine (ELM), a learning algorithm
based on a single feed-forward hidden layer opti-
mized by linear particle swarm optimization (PSO).
The ANLM model was fused with a parallel CNN
(PCNN) utilizing exponential linear unit (ELU) to
form a new ML model. The ANLM network was
used to denoise images, while the hybrid ANLM-
PCNN was used to classify images that include five
types of peach diseases (Huang et al., 2020). How-
ever, the study focused on classifying peach diseases,
and there was no direct measure of how much of an
effect the denoising model had on the overall accu-
racy. Narmadha et al. proposed an image-processing
system that consisted of image acquisition, prepro-
cessing, feature extraction, and segmentation (Nar-
madha and Arulvadivu, 2017). During the segmen-
tation part, the K-means algorithm was used to both
denoise and enhance the images (Lloyd, 1982). Sim-
ilarly, Deepa utilized both the median filter and K-
means algorithm to clean and enhance images before
classification (Deepa, 2018). Using both techniques,
the quality of the image increased to 35% and allowed
for better performance of the classification model.
In the past few years, more advanced denoising
models based on deep learning have been proven to
excel at cleaning images with noise and perturbations
Robust Denoising and DenseNet Classification Framework for Plant Disease Detection