This study proposed the development of an automatic
tool for classifying fuel prices to replace the statisti-
cal approach previously used by SEFAZ in the state
of Sergipe. Five commonly applied text classification
techniques were studied, evaluated, and compared.
Upon completing algorithm execution and evaluation,
it became evident that the naive Bayes classification
algorithm was the most efficient in addressing the pro-
posed problem and forming the developed tool.
After implementation, continuous evaluation, and
successful use, it was concluded that the system
exhibits high reliability and effectiveness. Conse-
quently, the system was adopted by the tax auditor
team responsible for the fuel sector. Its use has sig-
nificantly improved the accuracy and speed of calcu-
lating the averages used for the PMPF. It is worth not-
ing that the results of classifications performed in a
real-life scenario were audited and approved by the
gas station union in Sergipe.
The success achieved in implementing the fuel
classifier highlights the potential of applying this pat-
tern recognition algorithm in tax scenarios. The re-
sults indicate that the tool may function in a broader
scope, although there is no guarantee that the high de-
gree of assertiveness obtained will be maintained if
applied to products from other economic segments.
Potential future work may involve extending clas-
sification algorithms to other tax segments. The re-
sults underscore the possibility of employing some of
these techniques to formulate tax guidelines, a fiscal
resource that monitors the prices of specific products
for tax collection, price monitoring, and price trans-
parency for the end consumer.
This study was financed in part by the
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior, Brasil (CAPES), Finance Code 001.
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Fuel Classification in Electronic Tax Documents