see different directions for future work. Primarily, we
plan to extend our benchmark to address our major
internal threat to validity by including more datasets
and layout algorithms. Besides accuracy and percep-
tion, other aspects of quality, e.g., temporal stability,
could be quantified and taken into account, too. Fur-
thermore, besides a quantitative study of text layout
algorithms, a qualitative approach, which categorizes
layouts according to their topological and geometrical
properties, would be interesting. We expect that such
a categorization would be beneficial for choosing DRs
for specific analytics tasks.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
feedback. This work was partially funded by the Ger-
man Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
through grant 01IS22062 (“AI research group FFS-
AI”). The work of Tobias Schreck was partially
funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency
(FFG) within the framework of the flagship project
ICT of the Future PRESENT, grant FO999899544.
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