Table 7: Comparison Optimal TR as Realized under
Various Approaches.
The procedure is developed and applied to the
simulation outputs, focusing on optimizing TR (max)
and MFT (min). These performance measures have
been selected because they are extensively referred to
as primary KPIs in the literature. Follow
up/confirmatory runs are subsequently conducted as
sensitive analysis to fine-tune and validate the
settings initially uncovered through the first
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initial crisis: (i) Protect the workforce: standardize
operating procedures and processes; (ii) Manage risks
to ensure business continuity: anticipate potential
changes and model the plant to react to fluctuations
to enable rapid, fact-based actions. (iii) Drive
productivity at a distance: Continue to effectively
manage performance at the plant while physical
distancing and remote working policies remain in
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values can subsequently be used as targets for a more
advanced analytical multiple-objective optimization
scheme, using tools such as simulation metamodels.
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