the average results reported by benchmark studies
on indoor or urban scene segmentation. Yet,
there’s still room for improvement of metric values
obtained for railway-specific objects, and results are
mitigated regarding training and inference times.
Finally, the ability of some methods to process
strongly subsampled scans without showing a severe
drop in segmentation performance could meet
industrial expectations in terms of speed for specific
maintenance use cases.
Other than the complexity and size of our dataset,
another possible reason for limited segmentation
performance is that the point clouds captured by
the rotating scanner are relatively sparse. It would
therefore be feasible to test other methods like
SPGraph (Landrieu and Simonovsky, 2018) that is
less affected by distance-dependent sparsity, and
SqueezeSeg (Wu et al., 2018) which exploits the way
the LiDAR captures the data to generate a dense range
image, where each pixel corresponds roughly to a
point in the scan.
Future work also includes completing the dataset
with additional data, compensating for the statistical
class imbalance. Another development to further
evaluate our baselines consists in segmenting more
objects in order to annotate new classes such as
fences, electrical cabinets and traffic lights. Besides,
extending our experiments to classification and object
detection tasks might be a promising direction for
future research.
This research work contributes to the french
collaborative project TASV (autonomous passenger-
service train), with Railenium, SNCF, Alstom
Crespin, Thales, Bosch and SpirOps. It was carried
out in the framework of IRT Railenium, Valenciennes,
France, and therefore was granted public funds within
the scope of the French Program “Investissements
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RailCloud-HdF: A Large-Scale Point Cloud Dataset for Railway Scene Semantic Segmentation