to very efficiently build ensemble models that outper-
form naive ensembles and can offset bad-performing
base models. Since modern machine learning ap-
proaches often undergo a hyperparameter optimiza-
tion resulting in many decent, but not optimal model
we can use our approach to improve from those mod-
els a nearly no cost.
6.2 Future Work
Currently, both the weighting method and the model
sets are fairly naive. In future work we plan to inves-
tigate more sophisticated methods. The base models
currently share the same architecture and training data
and only differ in hyperparameters. Modern ensemble
approaches often consider model diversity when se-
lecting base models. Doing the same in our approach
could result in a fairly large improvement since the
ensemble model can only forecasts correctly if the
ground truth is between minimum and maximum base
forecast. We also have not yet investigated the influ-
ence of the size of our ensembles. Larger ensembles
could potentially perform even better but may need
different normalization functions and weighting ar-
chitectures. Another direction we would like to in-
vestigate are adaptive model sets. Using the perfor-
mance of base models on different benchmark data
as additional input would allow us to change the set
of base models. This would be useful if there is a
drift in our data. With long-term drifts being common
in hydrological data we intend to also extend our ap-
proach towards training and retraining models at run
time instead of just weighting a static model set, thus
adapting to changed environments.
The used data is mostly publicly available from DWD
(German Meteorological Service) and the LfU-SH
(Landesamt f
ur Umwelt Schleswig-Holstein), kindly
aggregated by the LfU-SH. This research was sup-
ported by the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein in
the context of the “KI-F
orderrichtlinie” under grant
220 22 05 (project KI-WaVo).
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