cases of relatively high concurrency of tasks (N pT =
10), and in the cases of dense populations of agents,
MS and ST were relatively reduced.
Table 2 shows the case of narrow aisles without
the restriction on moves in the computation of shortest
paths. The influence of heuristics for direction selec-
tion varied with the density of agents’ population. Ex-
cept very dense cases, DR was basically effective in
reducing MS and ST, while DA alone was often not so
effective. It revealed that the replacement of agents’
locations is a fundamental operation and more impor-
tant. On the other hand, the combination of them was
relatively effective in most cases. We found that these
local heuristics might disturb the process of original
solution method in several instances, while the results
were relatively better in average.
Table 3 shows the case of narrow aisles with a
restriction on moves in the computation of shortest
paths. There seems to be several complicated trade-
offs among different settings. While the comparison
between Skip and Alternative revealed that a suffi-
cient restriction is necessary to affect agents’ moves,
the restriction is often excessive in the cases of sparse
populations of agents. In most cases, Int that only
limit moves for intersection vertices reduced the time
steps than All. It revealed some trade-off between the
limitation/control of agents’ moves and the planning
of agents on demand. The combination of Uniform
and Int was relatively better than others except the
cases of sparse populations of agents. Different re-
strictions on agents’ moves might enforce different
rotation paths, and it can be effective according to sit-
uations, as low-cost heuristics.
The case of combinations of heuristics for direc-
tion selection and the restriction on agents’ moves in
the computation of shortest paths is shown in Tbl. 4.
Similar to the case without any restriction on agents’
moves, the additional heuristics for PIBT were rel-
atively effective where the population of agents is
not too dense, and both approaches were complemen-
tary. On the other hand, it was revealed that the com-
bined heuristics were ineffective with the effect of
map settings in very dense cases. In the dense cases,
a global control/limitation method of agents’ moves
is more important and the heuristics for local interac-
tions of among can be inconsistent with such a control
method. There might be opportunities to employ ded-
icated heuristics in agents’ interaction for the dense
With our experimental implementation, the com-
putation time was 0.24 and 0.26 seconds for PIBT
and DR+DA, in the case of N pT = 1 and 125 agents
shown in Tbl. 2.
In developing methods that employ certain informa-
tion of maps and traffic as the heuristics to con-
trol low-level solution methods for continuous multi-
agent pathfinding/pickup-and-delivery problems, we
focused on the case of such problems in narrow ware-
house environments and the solution method PIBT.
For this case study, we experimentally investigated
the effect of map settings and additional heuristics
based on the structures of maps. The experimental
results reveal the potential to employing such funda-
mental components to improve the behavior of so-
lution methods, while the optimum combination of
such settings remains a future work. One possible
approach is using statistics and learning for cases of
several situations in environments. Although we ad-
dressed the static restriction on agents’ moves as a
first case study, methods to dynamically apply such
settings based on summarized information of agent
behaviors without precise reservation of agents’ paths
should also be included in future work. For real-
world applications, there are opportunities of several
extensions including those of PIBT itself in practi-
cal situations. In well controlled automated ware-
houses satisfying the solvable conditions of this kind
of lightweight MAPF algorithms, such an applica-
tion with effective add-ons including the proposed ap-
proaches can be promising.
This study was supported in part by The Public
Foundation of Chubu Science and Technology Center
(thirty-third grant for artificial intelligence research)
and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 22H03647.
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Investigation of Heuristics for PIBT Solving Continuous MAPF Problem in Narrow Warehouse