Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations
Location Design Problem
Michal Koháni
and Stanislav Babčan
Department of Mathematical Methods and Operations Research, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, Zilina, Slovakia
Keywords: Variable Neighborhood Search, Location Problem, Electric Buses, Charging Infrastructure.
Abstract: In the paper we describe a mathematical model and propose a solution method for solving the electric bus
charging station’s location design problem. We formulate a location-scheduling mathematical model, where
the set of possible charging stations can be in terminals and depots and tours of all vehicles are known and
will be unchanged. To solve the problem, we propose solving method based on the Variable Neighbourhood
Search metaheuristic. Using the proposed method, we realised extensive numerical experiments on the test
datasets created from real operational data provided by the municipal transport operator in the city of Zilina.
One of the main trends in transport sector nowadays
is using of alternative energy sources as a power for
vehicles due to the environmental aspects. Many
manufacturers are developing vehicles with
technologies like CNG, hybrid-fuel systems or full
battery vehicles. This trend also affects bus
Many public transport providers are trying to
include these types of vehicles into their fleet. The
reasons for that can be environmental sustainability,
government grants that support renewable resources,
operating cost savings, or simply prestige in front of
public and customers. Using these types of vehicles
in service can be difficult due to the limitations that
these technologies have. Especially electric buses
have significant disadvantage compared to buses with
combustion systems and that is maximum range.
Most of the electric buses today has lower range than
traditional diesel buses, and thus they cannot fully
replace them. Therefore, providers must solve either
battery charging or battery swapping in daily
operating when using electric buses.
In battery charging technology, there are multiple
possibilities. Electric bus can be recharged at stops by
inductive road charging or with a plug-in technology
at terminal stops. In these types of charging, charging
speeds of chargers are rather fast. On the other hand,
overnight charging is mostly in depots and charging
speeds are lower because of durability of battery
capacitors. If providers of public transport want to
include electric buses into daily operations, they must
think of building charging infrastructure.
In this paper we are dealing with a problem of
electric bus charging stations location. We formulate
location-scheduling mathematical model, where the
set of possible charging stations can be in terminals
and depots and tours of all vehicles are known and
will be unchanged. To solve the problem, we propose
solving method based on the Variable
Neighbourhood Search metaheuristic. Using
proposed method, we realised extensive numerical
experiments on the test datasets created from real
operational data provided by the municipal transport
operator in the city of Zilina.
The topic of the charging infrastructure emerges in
the literature during last few years. Authors are
dealing mostly with the design of charging
infrastructure for electric cars or a fleet of cargo
vehicles. Some of the authors are also addressing the
problem of charging infrastructure for electric buses
considering the limitations related to this area.
Authors in paper (Xylia, 2017) are proposing
Koháni, M. and Bab
can, S.
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations Location Design Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0012398000003639
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2024), pages 317-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-681-1; ISSN: 2184-4372
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
complex design of the charging infrastructure.
Authors proposed linear model for the location of
charging stations in the urban area and tested it on the
data of Stockholm’s bus lines network. The
calculation was performed using a commercial
CPLEX IP solver. To solve the problem of charging
station location for electric buses, the modifications
of the mathematical models for designing of the
charging infrastructure for passenger electric vehicles
can be used. In the paper (Dickerman, 2010) authors
used a model that verifies the location of charging
stations generated by the genetic algorithm. Several
authors have been inspired by location problems
leading to solve the mixed integer programming
problem. In (Bauche, 2014) the demand for electric
vehicles charging in the city of Lyon was estimated
based on a traffic survey and a proper placement of
charging stations was found by the cost minimization.
The optimization problem was resolved by a
universal IP solver. A similar methodology was used
in works in (Cavadas, 2014), (Lam, 2014) and
(Ghamami, 2015). Solutions of proposed
optimization problems are usually verified using
simulation methods such as in (Sweda, 2011). When
designing a network of charging stations for electric
buses, we will also take advantage of solving similar
problems. In (Czimmermann, 2017) and (Kohani,
2017), authors have proposed the methodology and a
mathematical model for location of charging stations
for the fleet of electric vehicles using the location-
scheduling model which is solved using the IP solver.
We will also take advantage of solving different types
of location problems. In the paper (Janacek, 2008)
authors have designed an efficient algorithm for
solving an uncapacitated facility location problem.
The basic methodology for solving the problem of
designing public service systems using location
problems was described in (Janacek, 2012).
Verification of all proposed methods and solutions
will require extensive computational and simulation
experiments, utilizing experience in designing of
emergency medical stations network and simulation
verification of these suggestions described in
(Janosikova, 2017).
Our goal is to find optimal locations for charging
stations for electric buses. In our approach we have
focused on plug-in technology for charging vehicles.
Number of charging points at each located charging
station is part of the solution as well. The model was
described in (Vasilovsky, 2019).
3.1 Problem Definition
The model respects current configuration of
schedules and trips of buses. Possible locations of
charging stations can be terminal stops and depots. At
terminal stops, buses wait for a next trip, in depots
they stay overnight. Daily tour of bus is to serve
multiple trips of given schedule. Each trip is the set of
stops that vehicle must serve at specified time. After
the tour the bus returns to depot. Bus can have
different schedules for each day in week thus the
model simulates operating and charging of vehicles
for multiple days (usually one week).
Let I be the set of terminal stops and depots, where
charging station can be placed. Let D be the set of
days. Let V be the set of all vehicles (electric buses).
Daily schedule of vehicle v
V consists of ordered
set of trips J
that vehicle serves during the day d
Order of the trips is defined by the time sequence. Set
contains deadhead trips (transfers without
passengers between terminal stops) as well. Each trip
starts and ends at terminal stop or depot. Each trip
(except deadhead) has information about time of
arriving at the stop and the time of leaving the stop.
Arrival time at the terminal stop i
is the end time of
the trip j 1 and departure time from the terminal stop
is the start time of the trip j if i
= i
. Otherwise,
vehicle must serve deadhead trip between stop i
. Let’s say that vehicle’s j 1 trip has end time at
7:00 a.m. at the terminal stop i
and the next trip j
starts at 7:20 a.m. at the terminal stop i
and i
6= i
Also let suppose that time needed for travelling
between i
and i
is 10 minutes. Vehicle can leave
terminal stop i
at any time between 7:00 a.m. and
7:10 a.m. to be at the terminal stop i
on time. For
simplicity we allow that vehicle can only leave the
stop at the following cases and that is immediately
leaving the stop after arriving or staying at the stop as
long as possible before needed transfer to the next
trip’s, i.e., at 7:00 a.m. or 7:10 a.m. in above example.
From the point of charging, vehicle can be charged
between 7:00 - 7:10 a.m. at the terminal stop i
or in
the time 7:10 - 7:20 a.m. at the terminal stop i
there are charging stations placed at the stops i
). These cases are considered as the trips and set J
contains both. Because of that, additional set J
, J
contains trips j
with first case i.e.” leaving
the stop after arriving” case. This set is used for
building constraints which choose from one of these
cases. The value of energy consumption of vehicle v
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
V on the trip j
during the day d
D is
represented by b
. Let T
is the set that represents
time interval that vehicle v
V spends at the terminal
stop/depot i
I before trip j
on the day d
In this model, we use discretization of time intervals.
Set T
is union of all T
for a day d. Charging
speed of the charging station placed at stop/depot i
I is E
in the kilowatt hour units (kWh).
Binary variable y
represents decision about (not)
locating of charging station at stop i
I. It is set to 1
if charging station will be placed at the stop/depot i.
Otherwise it is set to 0.
Integer decision variable q
represents number of
charging points at the station i. Binary variable x
represents decision about charging vehicle. Variable
is set to 1 if vehicle v is charged before the trip j at the
stop i at the time t on the day d.
The continuous decision variable d
amount of energy (kWh) stored in battery of the
vehicle v before trip j on the day d. Value of the
variable depends on amount of energy before trip j
1, consumption of energy on the trip j1 and amount
of the charged energy before trip j1.
Binary decision variable z
represents decision
which deadhead case will be applied for vehicle v and
trips j and j + 1. If z
is set to 1, vehicle v can be
charged at the final stop of the trip j1 (final stop of
the trip j1 is same as start stop of the deadhead trip
j). If z
is set to 0, vehicle v can be charged at the final
stop of the the deadhead trip j (start stop of the trip
3.2 Mathematical Model of the
,∀𝑖 𝐼
= 𝑀 ,𝑣∈𝑉 (3)
+ 𝑒
≤𝑀 ,𝑑∈𝐷,𝑣
+ 𝑒
,∀𝑑 𝐷,𝑣 𝑉,
,∀𝑖𝐼 (10)
,∀𝑖𝐼 (11)
The objective (1), is to minimize the total sum of
charging points of the electric infrastructure.
Constraint (2) ensure that charging points can be sited
at the location i only if charging station is placed at
the location i. Constraint (3) initializes battery state of
the vehicles to full battery capacity on the first day
before first trip j. Constraint (4) ensure that number
of vehicles charged at the station i at the same time t
must be lower or equal to number of charging points
at i. Constraint (5) prohibit to exceed battery
capacity. Constraint (6) ensure that battery is
charging and discharging according to trips and
charging at charging stations. Constraint (7) is similar
to constraint (6), except that constraint is applied for
last trip e
of the previous day d
1 and first trip 1 of
the next day d. Constrains (8) and (9) ensure that
vehicle v is charged before or after deadhead trip j.
Constraints (10 - 14) are obligatory constraints.
Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a
metaheuristic used to solve combinatorial and
nonlinear optimization tasks. Its principle consists in
systematically changing the structure of the
neighborhood while searching for a solution. VNS
can be implemented in a variety of ways, where
slightly different steps and strategies can be used
compared to basic VNS, but the principle of changing
the neighborhood remains. In this work, we will deal
with basic VNS (Mladenovic, 1997)
4.1 VNS
Changes to the structure of the neighborhood in VNS
are based on the following principless:
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations Location Design Problem
A local optimality criterion in one neighborhood
may not be a local optimality criterion for
another neighborhood.
The global optimality criterion is a local
optimality criterion for all neighborhoods.
Empirical evidence shows that for most tasks
the local optimality criteria are relatively close
to each other.
VNS is described by three basic steps:
Finding an initial solution (Shaking procedure)
where the algorithm try to avoid a local
minimum in the given area.
Local search, where the current solution could
be improved by using simple heuristics
(replacement heuristics, insertion heuristics...).
Changing of neighborhoods, where the
algorithm can continue searching in the next
neighborhood or start searching the
neighborhoods from the first one.
4.2 Solution Approach
4.2.1 Creating a Starting Solution
The finding of initial solution for the VNS algorithm
in our paper was implemented in two ways:
In the first method, a so-called "simulation test
run" was launched, where charging stations and
charging points were created in the event that an
electric bus arrived at a stop and its battery capacity
dropped below 70% and no charging point was
available for charging, at that stop there was a new
charging station built (if there was no charging station
at the stop) or another charging point was added to the
stop (if a charging station was already built at the
In the second method, the number of charging
stations to be built was determined At each stop it was
decided whether a charging station would be built on
it or not based on probability. If a charging station
was built at a given stop, the number of charging
points in the range of one to five was generated for it.
Subsequently, the solution created in this way was
subjected to verification of the admissibility of the
solution using simulation. If the solution was
admissible then this solution was used as the starting
solution. Otherwise, the random solution generation
process had to be repeated.
The advantage of the first method of generating
the initial solution was the speed of the solution
generation, because only one simulation run was
always enough to generate an acceptable solution. In
the second method, a situation could arise that the
generated solution might not be admissible and the
whole process could be repeated several times, which
significantly increased the time for creating the initial
The disadvantage of the first method was the same
starting point for VNS algorithm, and thus the process
of searching for admissible solutions was limited only
to the set of admissible solutions that can be reached
from this single solution. In the second method, it is
assumed that due to the different starting points for
the VNS algorithm, we were able to search a larger
set of admissible solutions than in the first case.
4.2.2 Local Search
The local search process in the current neighborhood
of the solution was implemented by randomly
selecting a solution from the current neighborhood of
the solution to avoid getting stuck in the local
optimum and to examine a larger number of
admissible solutions. Acceptance of the searched
solution as the new best solution of the solved
problem was realized in the case that the searched
solution was admissible, where the verification of the
admissibility of this solution was tested using
simulation. When searching each neighborhood, the
neighborhood was defined in a way where all
solutions in the current neighborhood were better in
terms of the objective function than the best solution
found so far.
4.2.3 Change of Neighborhood
After completing the search of the current
neighborhood for the best solution found so far, it was
necessary to decide on the next neighborhood to be
searched. If admissible solution was found in the
current neighborhood, this solution was accepted as
the best solution found so far and the search of the
neighborhood continued in the first neighborhood of
the defined neighborhood structure. Otherwise, the
search continued in the next neighborhood of the
neighborhood structure. If a situation arose in which
the algorithm did not find an acceptable solution even
in the last neighborhood of the defined neighborhood
structure, the VNS algorithm ended its operation.
4.2.4 Structure of the Neighborhoods
The neighborhood structure for the VNS algorithm in
our approach consists of five neighborhoods. The
basic structure of the neighborhood is organized in
such a way that when moving to the next
neighborhood, this neighborhood is more extensive in
terms of the number of solutions in the given
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
neighborhood and more computationally demanding
when choosing the solution from the current
The Neighborhood Induced by the Charging Point
Withdrawal Operation
This neighborhood contains solutions that can be
reached by removing any charging point from the
best-found solution. When removing charging point,
the charging station must not be cancelled, which
means that this point could only be removed from
stations where there is more than one charging point.
Neighborhood Induced by Canceling of the
Charging Station
This neighborhood contains solutions defined by
canceling the station from the set of built charging
stations of the best-found solution, which means that
the number of charging points at the cancelled
charging station was set to zero.
Neighborhood Induced by Operations of Building
a Charging Point and Cancelling the Station
In this neighborhood, there are solutions that can be
reached by cancelling the charging station and at the
same time adding a new charging point to an already
built charging station from the set of built stations of
the best solution found so far.
Neighborhood Induced by the Operation of
Building a new Charging Station and Cancelling
Another Charging Station
This neighborhood contains solutions that were
defined by building a new charging station at a stop
where a charging station has not yet been built and at
the same time cancelling a charging station from the
set of built stations. In the case of cancelled station,
the condition that the given station had two or more
charging points had to be met. The value of the
objective function of the solution where the station
with only one charging point would be cancelled is
the same as the value of the objective function of the
best-found solution.
Neighborhood Induced by the Operation of
Exchanging Two Charging Stations
In this neighborhood, there are solutions that were
created by exchanging the number of charging points
between the two built charging stations of the best-
found solution. To make such a solution more
advantageous than the best solution found so far, one
charging point was removed from one of these
stations after the process of changing the charging
points, which caused a decrease in the value of the
objective function compared to the value of the
objective function of the best solution found so far.
Removing a point could also lead to the cancellation
of the charging station itself.
4.2.5 Verification of Feasibility of the
When generating a starting solution or examining the
solution in the currently searched neighborhood, it
was necessary to verify whether these solutions are
feasible. A feasible solution for the problem of
charging station placement is one where the charging
station placement covers the requirements of all shifts
performed during the week.
To verify the admissibility of the solution, a
heuristic simulation approach based on the discrete
event simulation of the operation of electric buses
during the week was created. Individual events were
inserted into the event calendar, which was
implemented using a priority queue, where the
priority for each event was the time at which the given
event should occur. When selecting currently
processed events, the event with the lowest
occurrence time was selected. During the simulation,
four types of events occurred:
Arrival of the Electric Bus at the Stop
In this event, the battery capacity of the electric bus
was reduced due to the length of the route it travelled
before reaching the relevant stop associated with the
event. After each simulation spet, there was a check
of the current battery capacity, where if the current
capacity dropped to negative values, it meant that the
electric bus would not be able to reach next stop. In
this case, the simulation ended its operation, and the
currently tested solution was marked as infeasible
solution. If the battery capacity did not drop below
zero value, further events were planned. If the
charging station was built at the current stop and free
charging point was available for charging, the start
and end of electric bus charging events were added to
the event calendar. The times of occurrence of these
events were planned considering the currently
missing battery capacity and the next connection that
has electric bus to perform. If the stop of the next trip
was different from the current stop, events for the
start and end of the execution of the manipulation
move to the starting stop of the next trip were added
to the event calendar. If the electric bus had no other
trip scheduled after the current trip, the electric bus
ended its operation at the depot for the given day.
Departure of the Electric Bus From the Stop
The processing of this event meant the departure of
the electric bus from the stop associated with this
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations Location Design Problem
Start of Electric Bus Charging
The processing of this event caused one charging
point to be occupied at the charging station at the stop
associated with the event.
End of Electric Bus Charging
When processing these events, the current battery
capacity of the electric bus was increased in relation
to the time during which it was connected to the
charging point. After increasing the current battery
capacity of the electric bus, one charging point was
released at the charging station of the stop connected
to the event.
The implementation was carried out in the IntelliJ
IDEA Community Edition 2020.3.2 development
environment. The language used for the
implementation was Java using JDK version number
15. The experiments were performed on our personal
computer. Computer parameters:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @
2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (Usable memory: 7.87 GB)
• Operating system: Windows 10 Home
To test the implementation of the VNS metaheuristic,
it was necessary to choose the type of electric bus that
will be used during the experiments. The Urbino 8.9
electric model from the Solaris brand was used as the
type of electric bus. The parameters specified by the
manufacturer for this electric bus are:
• Battery capacity: 140 kWh
• Energy consumption: 0.8 kWh/km
• Charging speed (plug-in): 1.33 kWh/min
• Charging speed - depot: 0.4 kWh/min
5.1 Test Scenarios
Three scenarios were proposed for testing, which
represent the operation of the electric bus in different
climatic conditions. All scenarios are created from
real operation data provided by the DPMZ
transportation company.
The first scenario represents the operation of the
electric bus during the spring months. During these
months, significant effects of heat or winter are not
frequent, therefore the parameters of the electric bus
were kept as specified by the manufacturer.
Another scenario represents the operation of the
electric bus during the winter months. Because of low
temperatures on the battery, the capacity of the
electric bus was reduced by 25%. Also in the winter
months, it is necessary to heat the interior of the bus,
which represents additional battery consumption,
therefore the energy consumption per kilometre was
increased by 35%.
The last scenario represents the operation of the
electric bus during the summer months. During these
months, the battery consumption is burdened by the
operation of the interior air conditioning, therefore we
also increased the energy consumption per kilometre
by 35%.
For each of these scenarios, three variants of the
type of electric bus used were used. In the first
variant, the parameters of the electric bus were set to
their default values, in the second, the battery
capacity of the electric bus was increased by one
third, and in the third variant, the battery capacity was
reduced by one third.
5.2 Numerical Experiments
Experiments were carried out testing different
configurations of the VNS metaheuristic in terms of
the number of neighborhoods it searches and in terms
of the order of neighborhoods in which the search is
performed. During the execution of the experiments,
metaheuristics was run several times due to the
stochastic nature of the selection of elements in
individual neighborhoods.
5.2.1 Testing the VNS Configuration
In this subsection, the individual experiments
performed with different configurations of the VNS
algorithm are explained. For each experiment, the
value of the objective function, the number of
charging stations and charging poits and the time
required to perform the experiment with the given
configuration are given. The effectiveness of
individual experiments was evaluated according to
the averages of the objective function values and the
time required for the calculation.
In all tables the column denoted as “stat” is the
number of locations where the charging station will
be built, column denoted as “Pts.” Represents the
number of charging points at all stations, “Obj.” is the
value of the objective function and “comp. time” is
the computation time in second.
5.2.2 Basic Configuration
For the basic configuration, all neighborhoods were
used in the order in which they were listed in section 4.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Results for Basic configuration.
Scenario Stat. Pts. Obj.
time [s]
Spring 8 8 240 000 492
Winter 10 16 318 000 720
Summer 9 11 276 000 392
Spring 8 8 240 000 593
Winter 10 11 303 000 425
Summer 8 8 240 000 275
Spring 10 13 309 000 284
Winter 11 19 354 000 500
Summer 10 14 312 000 493
Table 2: Results for three operations.
Scenario Stat. Pts. Obj.
time [s]
Spring 8 9 243 000 148
Winter 10 15 315 000 254
Summer 10 12 306 000 198
Spring 8 9 243 000 186
Winter 9 13 282 000 201
Summer 8 8 240 000 175
Spring 11 12 333 000 184
Winter 12 19 381 000 234
Summer 11 15 342 000 253
Table 3: Results for four operations.
Scenario Stat. Pts. Obj.
time [s]
Spring 8 9 243 000 144
Winter 10 16 318 000 239
Summer 10 12 306 000 163
Spring 7 10 219 000 135
Winter 11 12 333 000 155
Summer 8 8 240 000 155
Spring 10 12 306 000 168
Winter 12 18 378 000 265
Summer 11 17 348 000 281
5.2.3 Changing the Number of Operations
Inducing Searched Neighborhoods
In the following experiment, algorithm
configurations with a lower number of operations
inducing individual neighborhoods were tested. In the
first experiment, a configuration with the first three
operations inducing neighborhood was used, in the
second with the first four operations.
5.2.4 Changing the Order of Searched
In this experiment, configurations were designed that
contain all the neighborhoods of the basic
configuration, but the order of searching these
neighborhoods was changed. In this experiment, the
order of searched neighborhoods was opposite to that
of the basic configuration.
Table 4: Results for opposite order of operations.
Scenario Stat. Pts. Obj.
time [s]
Spring 9 13 282 000 452
Winter 11 20 357 000 516
Summer 10 17 321 000 461
Spring 7 13 228 000 391
Winter 9 20 303 000 517
Summer 9 18 297 000 453
Spring 11 18 351 000 521
Winter 12 27 405 000 689
Summer 10 19 327 000 537
5.3 Discussion
Configurations with three and four operations
inducing individual neighborhoods gave the worst
results in only two cases, even though they worked
with a smaller number of admissible solutions
searched. Since the neighborhood order of these
configurations was taken from the order of the basic
configuration, we can assume that the order of
searched neighborhoods has a significant impact on
the solutions that the algorithm can produce.
The configuration that searched neighborhoods in
the reverse order of the base configuration did the
worst, where the solution value it was able to deliver
for individual scenarios represented the worst value
delivered among all configurations in most scenarios.
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations Location Design Problem
In the paper we described the mathematical model
and propose solution method for solving of the
electric bus charging station’s location design
problem. We formulated location-scheduling
mathematical model, where the set of possible
charging stations can be in terminals and depots and
tours of all vehicles are known and will be
unchanged. To solve the problem, we proposed
solving method based on the VNS metaheuristic.
Using proposed method, we realised extensive
numerical experiments on the test datasets created
from real operational data provided by the municipal
transport operator in the city of Zilina. From the
numerical experiments we can see that choosing to
search the neighborhoods from simpler to more
complex ones (basic configuration) is a better strategy
than searching the neighborhood s from more
complex to simpler ones.
This work was supported by the research grant VEGA
1/0654/22 Cost-effective design of combined
charging infrastructure and efficient operation of
electric vehicles in public transport in sustainable
cities and regions.
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ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems