in segmentation might yield more pronounced results
in future investigations. We assume that having a
diverse array of segments for each object category,
without pronounced imbalances, is crucial. As ob-
served in Table 6, segmentation didn’t enhance the
outcomes for tables. This can be linked to the distri-
bution where over 96% of the table points are associ-
ated with two classes, and fewer than 4% with a third
class. This distribution is detailed in Table 5.
This study presented the line of models for point
cloud completion by accurately incorporating a view-
guided approach and segmentation. This method uti-
lizes images and incomplete point clouds to address
the task. The ImgAdaPoinTr performs better for all
classes of 3D objects considered in comparison with
baselines. The best results were received by ImgEnc-
SegDecAPTr, which is enchanced by fusion of im-
age features and segmentation simultaneously. We
also introduce the ImgPCN dataset, generated via our
open-source rendering tool, which provides a new re-
source for evaluating point cloud completion tech-
niques. Due to the revealed limitations of existing
pre-trained segmentation models, we plan to widen
ImgPCN with segmentation markdown and set up a
precise experiment for fusing.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications