Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
Peter Hillmann
, Mario Kesseler, Diana Schnell, Goran Mihelcic and Andreas Karcher
at der Bundeswehr M
unchen, Department of Computer Science,
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Governance, Federated Management, Enterprise
Collaboration, Enterprise Architecture Management.
Every organization has an architecture that must be adapted to the given circumstances and future needs in
order to stay competitive. Particularly in the case of federated structures, there is a high degree of complexity
in terms of both business and IT. For a smooth process and a goal-oriented management, this should be done
as proactively as possible in an orderly manner. To make this possible, the principles of governance have
to be applied. This forms the organizational basis for Enterprise Architecture Management. It creates high-
quality information that is used for strategic and operational decisions. The challenge we address is the lack
of Enterprise Architecture Governance with focus on a federated environment. Our goal is a detailed and
applicable concept for Enterprise Architecture Governance. For this purpose, the several components are
examined more closely and detailed explanations are given in a compact form. The evaluation is based on
practical examples in both industry and government.
Every company and every organization has an Enter-
prise Architecture (EA), regardless of whether one is
aware of it. So, EA is always in the area of tension
between unstructured ad-hoc adaptation and planned,
structured change. This is where Enterprise Archi-
tecture Management comes in for a controlled de-
velopment. We define Enterprise Architecture Man-
agement (EAM) in line with definition of EA (Buckl
et al., 2010) as follows: EAM is a continuous and it-
erative discipline for the structured further develop-
ment, adaptation, and improvement of an organiza-
tion. The goal is to align the company and their op-
eration as a whole on the basis of a strategy, taking
the environment into account. This includes the areas
of governance and compliance, finance and risk, roles
and processes as well as IT. It is essential that they are
coordinated with each other with goal of Business-IT-
EAM requires a framework with a coherent set
of methods and principles for designing the organiza-
tional structure, business processes, information, ap-
plications, systems and infrastructure. It relies on an
adequate organizational form with adapted processes,
roles and responsibilities as well as functioning com-
mittees (Inge, 2022; Tiemeyer, 2023).The high im-
portance of structured business planning through EA
methods is reflected in the regulations and decrees of
several governments. In the USA, the Clinger-Cohen
Act mandated the use of EAM for all U.S. federal
agencies (U.S. House, Committee on National Secu-
rity, 1996; U.S. Federal Government, 2012). A well-
known example of non federated usage is the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affair (U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs, 2023).
Therefore, we need governance to establish the or-
ganizational structures for an EAM. It ensures up-to-
date, complete, and high-quality information that is
used for strategic and operational management. We
define Enterprise Architecture Governance (EAG) as
follows: EAG is used to define goals and strate-
gies. It encompasses the control, administration and
monitoring of architecture-related work to achieve re-
quired business outcomes by evaluation of risk and
chances. This includes establishing frameworks with
rules, processes, actions, roles, and control mecha-
nisms for structuring, managing and maintaining EA.
It ensures that EA is effectively implemented, sus-
tained and regulated. It enforces compliance with
standards, guidelines and best practices to assure
Hillmann, P., Kesseler, M., Schnell, D., Mihelcic, G. and Karcher, A.
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence.
DOI: 10.5220/0012399000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 603-613
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
control, transparency and accountability within an
Governance can be divided into different ar-
eas (Schelp and Stutz, 2007). The all-encompassing
level is thereby described by the corporate gover-
nance. This also includes federal associations. A sub-
set of this is the actual EAG, which is divided into the
areas of business architecture governance and IT gov-
ernance. The challenge we address is a detailed de-
scription for EAG and the missing link for Enterprise-
IT-Governance with focus on federal environments,
see Figure 1. Our goal is a detailed and applicable
concept for EAG, which goes in line with the large
frameworks of COBIT, TOGAF, and ITIL.
Figure 1: Abstract structure of Enterprise-IT-Governance
for coordination and management in federal cooperations.
Separation of process, content, and context is crit-
ical to successful governance. This allows for the de-
scription of governance matters without reciprocal in-
fluence. The content-independent approach ensures
flexible applicability. According to COBIT (ISACA
Germany, 2019), functioning governance helps to
identify and address problems at an early stage. We
see it as an proactive as well as reactive discipline.
By describing the components and their relationships
that constitute the whole enterprise, it provides a road
map for business and technological change (Rybaric,
2020). An enterprise architecture is a structured pro-
cess for the implementation of an organisation’s vi-
sion and strategy for effective change. It links the
strategy to the execution by bringing the decision
makers and the technical teams closer together and
providing them with the information they need. This
is done by creating, communicating and improving
the key principles and artefacts that describe the fu-
ture state of the enterprise and enable it to evolve.
Our example comprises a conglomerate of companies
focusing on energy systems, mobility solutions and
medical technology. Business units are given a de-
gree of autonomy in their development because they
know best how to evolve their capabilities. There are
various inter-dependencies between the business units
in terms of internal processes and reuse of existing
products. All units require, among other things, hu-
man resources and financial management as well as
other functions. In addition, sub-products from the
energy systems are used in mobility solutions, for ex-
ample. In order to make targeted use of these synergy
effects between the business units as a joint company,
this federal structure requires holistic coordination.
The goal is to improve cooperation and integration.
The approaches of EAG are suitable for this purpose,
whereby these are to be transferred into a federal con-
We see the following challenges for EA in general
and especially for collaborations on a federated EA
Lack of Clear Purpose:
Imprecise overall organizational goal of EA in
managing and maintaining the relation between
business innovations and complexity of growing
IT systems.
Stakeholder Acceptance:
Missing understanding and support about the use-
fulness of EA in business development and es-
tablishment of business collaborations for pre-
planed, structured and organized procedures.
Lack of Oversight:
Missing continuous overview and thus of the con-
nection from the upper business level to the lower
IT-technical realization level aligned with the
strategic goals for proper governance and man-
Heterogeneous Structures:
Ingrained procedures and legacy systems create
diversity and complexity, particularly in federal
alliance with different approaches.
Different Frameworks:
Usage of multiple EA frameworks and other ap-
proaches require alignment and dedicated appli-
cation descriptions.
Difficulty in Integration:
Challenging interplay of EA approaches with
other management disciplines like project and
change management for gaining synergy of holis-
tic thinking and consistent planning.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Therefore, the following research questions will
be addressed:
1. How could a federated enterprise structure be or-
ganized for an efficient collaboration?
2. What structure of Advisory Boards are needed and
how they should they be organized to make appro-
priate decisions?
3. What kind of architecture resources and skills are
4. How should Multi-Portfolio controlling be han-
5. What kind of interfaces can occur and how could
they be approached?
In summary, we obtain the following main re-
quirements for an EAG of federated enterprise man-
Collaborative Work Possibilities: Support em-
ployees work and interaction to achieve a com-
mon goal in ways that benefit the enterprise.
Coordinated Processes: Guiding the overall
business and EAM process towards a meaningful
goal between interdependent processes in terms of
syntax and semantic through the entire life cycle.
Handling of Enterprise and Projects Artefacts:
Holistically structured and controlled architec-
tures with homogenization and generalization to
reduce complexity for overall simplification.
Transparency and Integration: Clear presenta-
tion and easy access to agreed results with version
and variant traceability for all stakeholders.
Synchronization and Conflict Management:
Alignment of artifacts and processes for a coop-
erative approach and integrated collaboration via
working groups.
Artefact Maintenance and Maturity: Regular
review of results for relevance and timeliness to
achieve higher sophistication.
In the area of governance, the frameworks of TO-
GAF (The Open Group, 2022), COBIT (ISACA,
2019), and BTS (Business Technology Forum, 2019)
provide initial information. All ot them have a large
scope and offer only abstract high-level descriptions.
So these are not practical, especially with regard to
small companies.
The compact approach of Hanschke (Inge, 2022)
and Behara (Behara, 2022) aims directly at gov-
ernance concerns. Similarly, Tiemeyer (Tiemeyer,
2023) provides a description for modern architec-
tures. While these designs list the essential areas, it
does not offer specific suggestions and structures.
For EAM, ADOIT offers an Airport Case
Study (BOC Academy, 2017) with detailed explana-
tions. However, these cannot be adapted to a feder-
ated governance approach.
With the goal of stakeholder management, Kur-
pjuweit (Kurpjuweit, 2009) provides a structured ap-
proach. Furthermore, Obermeier (Obermeier, 2014)
and the Federal Republic of Germany (Beauftragten
der Bundesregierung f
ur Informationstechnik, 2022)
provide a specific approach for public administration.
Both also describe best practices and guidelines for
creating artifacts. These are included here and kept
ITIL (AXELOS, 2019) offers more in-depth infor-
mation on governance with version 4. However, these
have an IT specific focus and do not provide concrete
suggestions. An interaction with the ITIL specific
Service Knowledge Management System is planned.
A deep insight into EAG is provided by the Uni-
versity of Columbia (University Columbia, 2023).
Suitable parts are abstracted and adapted. Subse-
quently, the extension for the federal context takes
Especially in the focus of a federated environment
considered here, none of the comparable frameworks
provides a suitable approach.
For an efficient interaction of a federally structured
Enterprise, different domains have to be addressed.
Figure 2 shows an overview of the essential domains
and their interrelationship for a functioning EAG.
The interrelationships extend to horizontal and ver-
tical domains, anchoring a holistic approach across
the entire organizational structure. Our integrative
approach using EA fosters the collaboration of the
federated grouping. Only through their more pre-
cise design can a goal-oriented EAM take place. In
particular, our concept reveals the expected interfaces
and transition points that need to be addressed. With
this concept, corresponding methods and coordina-
tion demands are identified. Requirements for pro-
cesses, transfer points and information become appar-
ent, whereby a kind of workflow chain or network is
created. For this purpose, corresponding workflows,
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
communication channels and formats have to be coor-
dinated in order to realize a professional exchange in
a federal context. Therefore, we describe operational
interoperability with unified management structures.
Application to multiple segments generates a multi-
plier effect with regard to an emergence across the
federal structure.
Figure 2: Essential domains and their interrelationship for a
functioning EAG.
4.1 Enterprise Structure
Within the federal affiliation, we have developed a
generic basic structure that can be adapted to a respec-
tive enterprise. Figure 3 shows the reference model
with the goal of structured governance. Based on the
design, this reveals interfaces between the business
units where coordination is mandatory.
Figure 3: Reference model for structuring of Federale En-
terprise Architecture (according to ArchiMate, colors self-
selected with regard to grouping).
We start from Segment A in the middle, which be-
longs to a larger enterprise, but can itself have sev-
eral sub-segments. The federated enterprise is ex-
ternally influenced by other cooperation partners and
PESTLE (Aguilar, 1967) aspects as well as by science
and research. In particular, reference architectures are
listed here in the context of EA. On the same level
as the considered Segment A, there are further seg-
ments in the federated context. These cooperation is
managed via boards. According to the Business-IT-
Alignment, Segment A includes an IT staff unit. This
unit is in collaboration with an IT unit at enterprise
level via coordination bodies. Our focus is on the as-
sociated EA staff unit from Segment A. It supports
Segment A in its daily business and also coordinates
with the higher-level enterprise and the sub-segments
as well as IT. For the cooperation in the superordi-
nate federal enterprise, corresponding boards are to
be established for the various topic complexes, such
as architectures, IT and portfolio integration. The
same applies, if necessary, to the subordinate business
units. In accordance with the hierarchical structure,
instructions and directives can be made here from top-
down. For the cooperation of segments on the same
level, interfaces are created with the objective of col-
laboration. Here, no direct specifications can be made
on the basis of the hierarchy. Therefore, individual
coordination of products, processes and interfaces is
required and mandatory support is provided by the EA
staff unit.
We see three main cases for interfaces between
segments. If the segments use the same EA approach,
then the cooperation should be easily possible. If the
segments maintain different EA approaches, the inter-
face and alignments has to be coordinated. In the last
case, a segment has no EA approach at all, so it has to
be covered primarily by the superordinate structure.
The following areas and tasks are to be covered
by the EA staff unit. Project and portfolio manage-
ment is to be located here. The portfolio manage-
ment serves as an overview and takes over the holis-
tic coordination of existing as well as new artifacts.
Project management coordinates and supports dedi-
cated projects. In relation to TOGAF ADM, support
is provided in particular in Phase F and G, although
the previous Phases A-E should also be considered.
In addition, a knowledge management system is re-
quired for inventory administration. This also goes
hand in hand with the ITIL approach, in particular for
cooperation between Segment A and its IT staff unit.
All artifacts are to be managed accordingly in an EA
Repository. In addition, there is a support department
for EA, which serves as a resource pool. In particu-
lar, this provides support for the creation of artifacts
and the implementation of EA for the subordinate seg-
ments of Segment A. This has to be planned for the
sub-segments on a case-by-case basis depending on
whether a sub-segment requires its own EA staff unit
or not.
The structure can be extended upwards and down-
wards in the layers by focusing on a business unit as
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the segment under consideration. Particularly in the
case of downward chaining, a decision must be made
as to whether detailing within the framework of en-
terprise architecture still makes sense or other meth-
ods shall be applied instead. In general, the coordina-
tion along the vertical axis for a parent enterprise with
its segments is carried out by means of boards. To
collaborate along the horizontal axis, individual co-
ordination between the collaborating segments is re-
quired. A segment n can simultaneously belong to the
supporting enterprise via boards and collaborate with
another segment.
4.2 Processes, Triggers, and Interfaces
The key aspects for governance processes are shown
below with a focus on EAM. Figure 4 shows an
overview of the essential tasks that are to be ad-
dressed by processes. These are divided into the
three levels: governance processes, main achievement
processes (performance processes) and support pro-
cesses. The governance processes also include the
management activities of the Board of Directors. The
main achievement processes are further subdivided
into Plan, Do, Check, and Act activities. The vari-
ous processes must be customised and adapted to the
needs of the company, so that no details are provided
here. An essential process for EA is the application
of the TOGAF ADM, whereby this extends with its
phases A-H over all sub-areas. In the case of a fed-
erated consortium, the various processes and commu-
nication plans must be coordinated and harmonized
with the federated partners. The representation typi-
cally takes place in several EA artefacts. This highly
effects the interfaces between the artifacts for chain-
ing. We suggest to double the interface from the prior
process output as input of the following process, so
disconnection becomes visible. Starting points of pro-
cesses and activation of the bodies are called triggers
and can be of various kinds. For a holistic view of the
interrelationships, an example sequence is visualized
in Figure 4.
4.3 Architecture Rolls, Responsibilities,
and Training
As part of EA governance, we see at least the follow-
ing role categories to ensure the basic areas of activity.
These are described with their respective areas of re-
sponsibility and adequate training. The roles and their
authoritative relationship is shown in the Figure 5.
Enterprise Manager: Planning and further de-
velopment of the enterprise and the IT landscape
Figure 4: Overview of general EA processes for governance
and management with example workflow.
Figure 5: EA Governance roles and their relevant relation-
in specific areas; link between business area and
enterprise architects; responsibility for the con-
tent design; interpretation and documentation of
requirements and content design decisions.
EA Sponsor: Responsibility for the EA initiative,
consistency with corporate objectives, provision
of resources.
EA Governor: Overall responsibility for the ap-
plication; preservation of economic aspects and
EA capabilities; strategic development; risk and
change management; strategically develop and re-
fine an enterprise architecture strategy that sup-
ports long-term goals of the business; identifica-
tion of drivers and translation into architectural
EA Portfolio Manager: Coordinates, syn-
chronizes and controls architecture management;
assurance of interoperability; resource man-
agement; maintaining architecture capability;
overview and knowledge management, includ-
ing the repository; communication of architec-
ture concepts to non-technical stakeholders; qual-
ity assurance; performance and optimization man-
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
EA Subject Manager: Responsible for the ar-
chitectural knowledge of the subject area; co-
ordinates, synchronizes and controls architecture
management in specific areas; content design of
architectures in compliance with the specifica-
tions of the responsible business and solution ar-
chitects; part of subject matter expert network; re-
sponsible for the EA continuum of EA artifacts
and reference architectures of the subject area.
EA Solution Architect: Are Subject Matter Ex-
perts and work closely with the project teams; re-
sponsible for architectural knowledge in specific
areas; technology assessment and administration
of reference architectures; creation and commu-
nication of architecture concepts to stakeholders;
governance implementation; following a cyclic
approach of Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle: analyze
requirements, develop solutions, integration test-
ing, and documentation; supported by EA De-
signer to realization.
EA Designer (Optional): Responsible for ar-
chitecture descriptions that conform to specifi-
cations; creation and maintenance of architec-
tural artifacts; capture all relevant information and
interrelationships between the various architec-
tural elements; prepare documentation; compli-
ance with references, standards and best practices;
ensuring Guidelines of Modeling (Becker, 1995;
Ambysoft Inc., 2022) for accuracy, consistency
and completeness in relation to aesthetic represen-
EA Analyst: Evaluate architecture models with
respect to specific and substantive issues; make
recommendations to various audiences, including
executive management, IT teams, and stakehold-
EA Method Specialist: Develop and maintain
the methodologies, models, and frameworks to
design and manage enterprise architecture; cus-
tomization and integration of policies and stan-
dards for usage; training and support for success-
ful application across the enterprise; quality assur-
ance of EA artifacts; identification and promotion
of best practices; continuous improvement in rela-
tion to life cycle management and maturity model.
EA Repository Administrator (Optional): Re-
sponsible for EA artifact management; takes care
on version and variant control; does configuration
management of the EA Repository; set up access
control to the EA Repository.
In addition, there is also the important role of the
stakeholders. We see this only indirectly as part of EA
governance, here. Their interests are manifold and
can vary greatly. Appropriate stakeholder maps must
be maintained for them with concerns, views and re-
lations. It is essential to be clear who the stakeholders
are, before an artifact is created.
According to these roles for the EAM, we have to
address the specific areas and domains of application.
This is especially important for the subdivision of the
role of EA Solution Architect, EA Designer and EA
Analyst. A more fine-grained subdivision depends
on the size of the federated enterprise, especially in
the diversification to specialized subject areas. In re-
lation to the hierarchical structuring of EA artifacts
and EA continuum, the following topics have to be
addressed: business; application and technology; in-
formation and data; infrastructure; process; security;
risk; demand.
We highly suggest that the EA Governor main-
tains a RACI-VS Matrix for the responsibility of each
roles and person. It show the conjunction with their
services and function with respect to all the service
areas and associated functions performed by the EA
organization. This matrix is an EA artifact by itself
and has to be maintained in the EA Repository. Fur-
thermore, a flat hierarchy as a tree with two to three
level is recommended.
4.4 EA Boards
We see as least the following three boards for discus-
sions and decision making. Each board consists of up
to seven members. In practice, larger boards are per-
ceived as ineffective and should perhaps be structured
via additional hierarchies. These boards exist at the
federal level for vertical, superordinate alignment. If
necessary, these also exists at the segment level for
horizontal, inner coordination. The roles described
exist at each level with their own staff unit EA. As-
sociated to the boards are in each case the mentioned
role of the higher segment (level n+1) and the same
roles of the lower, parallel segments (level n). In ad-
dition, the management of the federation should be
involved, as EA is an integral part of the management
culture and thus an effective cooperation is designed
EA Blueprint Board: Ensure a coordinated and
consistent approach to the development, imple-
mentation and application of EA methodologies
within the federated enterprise. EA methods in-
clude the tools, techniques, processes, and stan-
dards used to design, manage, and optimize the
enterprise architecture. It is responsible for moni-
toring the appropriateness, viability, sustainabil-
ity, costs, and benefits of the EA approach, es-
pecially for Governance and Compliance. Con-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
duct reviews of EA artifacts to ensure architec-
tural alignment. Build standards, patterns, tem-
plates, and reference architectures. Involved roles
of EA subdivisions: EA Governor or representa-
tive EA Method Specialist or EA Portfolio Man-
ager. Informed business role of the federation
staff: CIO.
EAM Board and Strategy Council: Coordinate
and direct strategic decisions and votes regarding
the enterprise architecture on a federal level. En-
sure that the various subdivisions and departments
are in harmony with the overall corporate goals.
Jointly develop EAM concerns and capabilities;
share a vision and best practices, establish strate-
gic direction for the EAM effort; set goals for
project portfolio management; recommendations
with regard to the further EAM project as well
as the development of the IT landscape to max-
imizing ICT’s effect. Involved EA roles of divi-
sions and subdivisions: Enterprise Manager and
EA Portfolio Manager or representative EA Sub-
ject Manager. Informed business role of the fed-
eration staff: CEO.
EA Portfolio Board: Controlling the project
portfolio, evaluating and prioritizing project pro-
posals and demands. Thus, it is defining and man-
aging the portfolio of the EA artefacts. Projects
are also started, stopped and paused, and in-
vestment decisions are made accordingly, if nec-
essary, to ensure the company’s long-term effi-
ciency, flexibility and innovation through appro-
priate EA initiatives. The focus is based on prod-
uct areas and products. It takes care of the user
and business owner perspectives. Involved EA
roles of divisions and subdivisions: EA Portfolio
Manager or representative EA Subject Managers,
if required EA Sponsor. Informed business role of
the federation staff: CTO.
Beside these, every enterprise has to address addi-
tional, not direct EA governance related boards, e.g.
IT and Security Council. It must still be coordi-
nated and guided with typical perspectives of holis-
tic ICT-service, -application and -technology archi-
tecture (Raad, 2023).
4.5 Program, Portfolio, and Project
This unit represents the operational power center.
Here, the coordination of strategic intentions takes
place within the framework of programs and projects.
The activities in the portfolios of all projects must be
coordinated with each other, especially with regard to
dependencies, interconnections, and interfaces. This
includes prioritizing projects and planning resources.
It involves monitoring of budgets and progress. In
the event of difficulties, appropriate escalation is to
be made to the various boards. Depending on the
size, a separate unit for controlling can be created or
a division for the different programs can be installed.
The managing role is the EA Portfolio Manager and
should be centralized in one person if possible. For
support and reliability, a deputy should be appointed,
who is always informed and up to date. Typical arti-
facts for this are: Strategy Map, Program and Portfo-
lio Roadmaps with dependencies, Project Working-
Plans and Gantt-Charts with milestones, and Gap-
Analyses. They represent the knowledge center and
maintain an overview. A holistic expertise of the EA
Repository is required in order to provide precise in-
formation. Comprehensive communication of results
and interim information is essential for the success
of the entire EA approach. Within the framework of
the federal cooperation, a horizontal as well as verti-
cal exchange has to take place. The contact persons
for this are the respective EA Portfolio Manager or
the corresponding board. For this purpose, an appro-
priate reporting system with time, format, scope, and
medium has to be coordinated.
4.6 Artifacts, Deliverables, and
Architecture artifacts can have a high degree of di-
versity. This ranges from simple catalogs and ma-
trices to structures and models to roadmaps and di-
agrams (Roth et al., 2014; Kotusev, 2019). In the
context of governance, this must be taken into ac-
count when creating artifacts. Therefore, the fed-
erated parties should agree in advance on the meth-
ods, standards, and guidelines for designing. The EA
blueprint board is particularly useful for this purpose.
It is recommended that the category or a specific type
of an artifact shall be determined appropriately ac-
cording to the purpose (Bundesministerium des In-
neren und f
ur Heimat, 2022; Bundesministerium des
Innern, 2007). This promotes cross-cutting collab-
oration by narrowing down the multiplicity, elimi-
nated ambiguity, and reduce complexity. Thus creat-
ing a uniform understanding and a common approach.
When artifacts are created, key design decisions are
to be tracked in a table with justification. This sup-
ports the application and also serves in the context
of further development for new versions and diverse
variants. Especially, variants enable the adaptation to
one’s own specifics in a federal cooperation. In this
context, compatibility with the reference must be en-
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
sured (Ascher et al., 2022).
Efficient implementation of variant creation re-
quires precise coordination across the Architecture
Continuum following TOGAF. Here, a clear separa-
tion between solution-independent architectures and
the realization-dependent solutions must be ensured.
These two types of artifacts must always be created,
maintained and linked to each other. This is impor-
tant in relation to the innovation cycle of technolo-
gies (Hillmann et al., 2021), e.g. for a change of
concrete solutions. A respective gradation of each
type from foundation to organization-specific should
take place as required. The additional effort in-
volved should be weighed up in advance in relation
to the benefits. Basically, artifacts of the federated
enterprise describe the highest level of abstraction.
These have a comprehensive view of the coopera-
tion with often reduced details. Segment level arti-
facts are more detailed in terms of programs, port-
folio and projects. These include both business and
IT. Domain-specific artifacts and specific designs de-
scribe concrete services, systems, or effects for basic
activities and projects. The use of Architecture Build-
ing Blocks (ABB) can reduce the effort for both EA
and implementation, preferably using Model-Driven-
Architecture. For effective reuse in federated collabo-
ration, these ABB and artifacts should be made avail-
able transparently via a register.
For the use of ABB and in variant formation, we
see two possible uses in the federal domain:
Take-Over: An artifact is adopted by a fed-
eral segment and is applied accordingly. Var-
ious techniques can be used in this process:
Copy, Analogy, Specialisation, Inheritance, In-
stantiation, Configuration, Parametrisation (vom
Brocke, 2018).
Joint use: A segment uses an artifact offered by
another segment without changes. This can be
done as reuse like a value chain or as aggregation
of ABBs into a higher value benefit.
In both cases, the interfaces must be precisely defined,
harmonized and coordinated so that the artifacts can
interact across areas. This can be done via the EA
Portfolio Board. The goal here is Day Zero Interop-
erability. The results of coordinated interfaces shall
be tracked as artifacts, e.g. as in Federated Mission
. Furthermore, all artifacts have to be
validated and verified, before these are released for fit
for purpose by an EAM-Board.
Independently of this, the responsible role or per-
son must also be determined for each artifact in the
federal cooperation. In the last instance, this is always
performed by the EA Portfolio Manager and, if nec-
essary, delegated. This person is then responsible for
maintenance and quality assurance. All members are
always responsible for use and compliance, whereas
the EA Governor is supervising the process.
4.7 Methods, Standards, Tools,
Guidelines and Techniques
The methods, standards, tools, guidelines and tech-
niques used for EA must be harmonised as part of
governance. A combination of frameworks can be
used to address the interests of stakeholders at both
business and IT level. Our approach follows The
Open Group and is based on the frameworks of TO-
GAF and ArchiMate in conjunction with ITIL. In ad-
dition, the use of a grid according to Zachmann for
the EA artefact organisation provides an overview.
Within the framework of federated architecture
management, our focus is on common principles and
best practices for collaboration. Establishing best
practices is an essential part of limiting degrees of
variety in the design of EA artifacts. In addition, it
gives the EAM direction for decisions and thus de-
fines a basic order for all partners. The principles are
documented classically using the following data: ID,
Name, Statement, Rationale, Implication. For better
clarity, it is advisable to categorize the principles ac-
cording to their area of application or roles. For one
area, a set of smaller than 30 principles has proven to
be practically usable. These can grow organically and
adapt to the needs of the enterprise. For the federal
context, we see the following overarching principles
in focus on a smooth cooperation:
1. EA pursues the goal of value creation, which must
be evident in every deliverable.
2. Before an EA artifact is designed, the stakeholder
has to be identified to be role concentrated.
3. For each EA artifact, a clear maturity level is ad-
4. Each EA artifact is self-contained.
5. Every Design follows the Service-Oriented-
Architecture (SOA) principle with clear defined
interfaces for input and output in relation to inter-
operability and modular extensibility.
6. Extensive usage of standards, reference designs,
interoperable open architecture, and glossary
wherever possible.
7. Every EA artifact has an identified owner for clear
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
8. EA artifacts follow the basics of proper modelling
approach (Becker, 1995; Bundesministerium des
Innern: Referat IT-Steuerung Bund, 2011) and
fullfil visualization guidelines.
9. Establishing a culture of digital information trans-
10. Establishing a welcoming culture for innovations
and suggestions for improvement.
4.8 Repository
The repository serves as a central knowledge base of
information by storing all artifacts. This also includes
the EA artifacts of the EA governance. The goal is
to make EA usable, widely available and comprehen-
sively transparent. It is managed by the EA Repository
Administrator or by the EA Portfolio Manager. In the
context of federal cooperation there are two possibil-
ities for the realization of the data library:
Common Archive: The federal community main-
tains one central data repository, which is shared
between all parties. This has the advantage that
the contents can be directly linked with each other
and reduces the administrative effort.
Multiple directories: Each party of the federal en-
terprise maintains its own data repository. Rele-
vant EA artifacts have to be made available to the
other parties (Heiland et al., 2021), preferably via
linking. For this purpose, Linked Data approaches
are suitable using HTML iFrames, REST, AMQP,
OSLC, RDF, or CSD. Here, the sovereignty over
the data obliges by the individual party.
Regardless of this, the principle of Single Source of
Truth must be adhered to avoid synchronization and
integration conflicts of shadow copies in different ver-
sions and variants (Zenz et al., 2023). We recommend
a common archive as Single Point of Information in
the context of a federated enterprise. This avoids syn-
chronization and conflict handling problems from the
As a realization, we use a web-platform to en-
sure easy access for all stakeholders and employ-
ees (Gidey et al., 2022; P
ohn and Hillmann, 2021). A
detailed design of an EA Repository is referred to this
work (Hillmann et al., 2022). To enable a broad use,
all approved and released EA artifacts should be ac-
cessible by everyone. This ensures full transparency.
We see at least the following categories for the orga-
nization of EA artifacts. These are not considered ex-
clusive, rather they serve as tags within the metadata.
Governance and Methodologies Artifacts, Au-
thority Structures
Business, Strategies and Capability Artifacts
IT Architectures (Is-Plan-Goal)
Processes and Data
Portfolio and Project Architectures
Reference Architectures, Building Blocks,
Blueprint and Service Architectures
Standard Elements, Specifications, and Regula-
tory Requirements
4.9 Dashboard
The dashboard serves on the one hand as a live
overview and on the other hand as an entry point to the
EA Repository. It offers the entry into the EA world
of experience, as seen in the example Figure 6. For a
clear start there is an interactive live grid with the dif-
ferent aspects and subjects. For the management of
the portfolio and the running projects a graph is used,
where clockwise color notations serve as progress in-
. The Gantt chart provides a roadmap of
deadlines and project dependencies (NATO Training
Architecture Framework, 2019). Current information
and changes can be found in the news feed and in
the change log. This includes objectives, drivers, and
history graphs. Metrics and alerts are displayed for
monitoring purposes (Office of VA Enterprise Archi-
tecture, 2016). In addition, it provides a wiki like tool
for: Reference Models, Requirements (Heiland et al.,
2023) , Baseline Documents and the Glossary.
Figure 6: Example of an EA Dashboard as entry point of
the EA Repository.
4.10 Glossary
A common understanding of terminology is essential
for cooperation in a federal context. This is particu-
larly important for discussions within the boards. For
this purpose, a cross-company glossary must be es-
tablished and maintained. The glossary itself rep-
resents an EA artifact and is to be kept in the EA
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
Repository. A deep integration enables glossary el-
ements to be referenced within EA artifacts through
the tool landscape. This allows to provide further in-
formation in a targeted manner. In addition, linking
via ontology is recommended, as this makes it easy
to identify inconsistencies. The machine-processable
format enables comprehensive analyses, especially if
links to the EA artifacts are traced. If standardized
glossaries or ontologies already exist for a domain,
these should preferably be used, such as NATO C3
Taxonomy (NATO Consultation, Command and Con-
trol Board (C3B), 2021) or Ontology for simulation,
modeling, and optimization (Horsch et al., 2022). In
the context of EA artifact creation, always unique des-
ignations shall be used where possible. To avoid con-
fusion, the singular and a gender neutral form should
always be used.
The concept was transferred to a multidisciplinary
company, like Siemens AG. This company is struc-
tured as follows. Our considered segment is the pro-
duction division for Medical Devices, e.g. MRI sys-
tems. Parallel segments are e.g. Finance, Energy,
Industrial Automation, Drive Technology. We co-
operate with these parallel segments on a horizontal
level. This relates in particular to the handling of
finances and the development of components. Our
Medical Devices segment is further subdivided into
digital twin, radiology and training, among others.
By means of a table-top exercise, the presented ap-
proach is validated as a whole. For this purpose, the
roles were assigned to different persons. Everyone
is given a general overview and specific instructions
on their tasks and responsibilities. Boards are formed
by all participants, with the main responsible role be-
ing the moderator. Starting point for the processes
are done by randomly selecting different triggers on
a card deck that typically occur in EA like technol-
ogy innovations or market changes. Through these,
the defined processes are triggered. The processes are
manually replicated and tracked using pen and paper.
One hurdle is initiating the right process and linking a
suitable path across several processes. Each role must
act according to its area of responsibility and create
its necessary EA artifacts. The project specific EA ar-
tifacts are mapped using puzzles, dominoes or Lego
bricks. Here, a single piece symbolizes an ABB with
defined service interfaces. Figure 7 shows a factual
example of the overarching interaction.
Experience has shown that our EAG concept
works both for individual companies and in a federal
Figure 7: Example Solution Concept Diagram with usage of
Architecture Building Blocks and services for the creation of
project specific EA artifacts.
context. The processes support a structured workflow
and responsibilities can always be identified.
In summary, our presented concept describes all es-
sential components for EA governance in a federated
context. This approach is independent of the spe-
cific established EA frameworks, so that each partner
can continue to use its own EA framework. It builds
on top of theirs and regulates necessary coordination,
processes and interfaces in federated collaborations.
Thus, our concept enables a goal-oriented control by
means of EAM. It highly supports the workflow by
clear command and control. It has been shown that
our framework can be adapted to individual specifics.
All activities and decisions concerning the architec-
ture are aligned with the concerns of the company
and the context. The resulting architecture collections
meet the expected business needs of the enterprise and
its stakeholders.
In the future, we will extend our concept in deal-
ing with EA artifacts. In addition, a detailed analysis
of the different EA processes with regard to gover-
nance will be performed.
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