industry, such as policyholders, healthcare providers,
regulatory agencies, and insurers.
Qualitative data was collected and analyzed from an
interview with Dr. Kramer, an innovation manager at
one of Switzerland's largest health insurers.
According to our findings, regulatory frameworks for
preventive measures enable providers to offer to
individuals in need.
From a BMI perspective, our findings highlight
the trend of collaboration between insurers and
healthcare providers. This makes health insurers
important in setting the right incentives for primary
care providers, such as the capitation model that
controls the volume of care given and rewards a cost-
saving strategy (Miller, 2009).
Although there are approaches to achieving cost
leadership and innovating business models for health
insurance companies, DHTs present a great potential
to realistically enable future health insurance roles.
Lastly, future research can compare different
geographic regions and the paradigm-shifting
dynamic of preventive care.
WM, JK, and TK are affiliated with the Centre for
Digital Health Interventions (CDHI), a joint initiative
of the Institute for Implementation Science in Health
Care, University of Zurich; the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich; and
the Institute of Technology Management and School
of Medicine at the University of St Gallen. CDHI is
funded in part by CSS, a Swiss health insurer and
MavieNext, an Austrian healthcare provider. TK is
also a co-founder of Pathmate Technologies, a
university spin-off company that creates and delivers
digital clinical pathways. However, neither Pathmate
Technologies nor MavieNext were involved in this
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