significant role in transforming healthcare practices,
policy development, and service delivery across the
nation, aligning with national goals of enhancing
healthcare quality and accessibility.
In summary, our interview with Kruschitz not
only highlights Mavie Next's objectives but also
serves as a valuable case study for the Austrian
healthcare system at large. It underscores the need for
a systemic embrace of digital innovation and data-
centric strategies to meet the evolving healthcare
needs of the population globally.
PH and TK are affiliated with the Centre for Digital
Health Interventions (CDHI), a joint initiative of the
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care,
University of Zurich; the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich; and the
Institute of Technology Management and School of
Medicine at the University of St Gallen. CDHI is
funded in part by CSS, a Swiss health insurer and
MavieNext, an Austrian healthcare provider. TK is
also a co-founder of Pathmate Technologies, a
university spin-off company that creates and delivers
digital clinical pathways. However, neither Pathmate
Technologies nor CSS was involved in this research.
We express our sincere gratitude to Erich Kruschitz
for his invaluable contributions to this work. His
willingness to share insights and dedicate his time has
significantly enriched our understanding of the
Austrian healthcare landscape and the role of DHT.
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