Navigating Germany’s Digital Health Ecosystem: Insights from a
Health Insurance Industry Expert
Laura Bitomsky
, Julian Hollender
, Marcia Nißen
1,4 b
and Tobias Kowatsch
1,3,4 c
School of Medicine, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK), Germany
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Digital Health Technologies, Digital Health, Health Insurance, Expert Interview.
Abstract: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 73% of the global mortality in 2017, with an estimated
financial impact of up to US$ 47 trillion by 2030. This escalating prevalence poses a significant challenge to
healthcare systems and insurers, particularly in the context of an aging population with multiple NCDs. Digital
health technologies (DHTs) have emerged as a potential solution, offering scalability, accessibility, and cost-
effectiveness. However, integrating DHTs into healthcare services remains a complex task. We conducted a
semi-structured interview with an industry expert from Germany's largest statutory health insurance group to
explore this issue and derive first hypothesis for improvement. Results indicate seven key insights into
Germany's dynamic digital health ecosystem and offer critical reflections for all stakeholders, providing a
foundation for further discussions and actions in this transformative field.
As of 2017, non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases,
chronic respiratory diseases, including common
mental disorders (CMDs) accounted for a staggering
73% of the global mortality (Roth et al., 2018) with
an estimated global financial impact of up to US$ 47
trillion between 2010 and 2030 (World Health
Organization, 2021). As older adults are increasingly
affected by multiple NCDs, health expenses can
escalate dramatically with each additional condition
(Hajat & Stein, 2018). This is due to the growing
complexity of management, which demands health
resources and expertise from various disciplines
(Newman, Tong, Levine, & Kishore, 2020). This
poses a significant health and economic challenge for
healthcare systems worldwide, particularly for health
insurance companies. This is further exacerbated
given the aftermath of COVID-19 where health
insurers already face tight budgets.
In light of this, the question arises whether digital
health technologies (DHTs) are a fitting approach to
alleviate the health and economic impact of NCDs.
DHTs thereby refer to digital solutions that leverage
information and communication technologies,
enabling medical professionals and caregivers to
customize and extend personalized, long-term
treatments to individuals (Kowatsch & Fleisch,
2021). By leveraging technology, DHTs are scalable,
constantly accessible, less stigmatizing, cost-
effective, and culturally adaptable (Jacobson, Quist,
Lee, & Marsch, 2023). As such, they promise to
overcome many traditional barriers to healthcare and
are poised to transform healthcare delivery
substantially (Cummings, Allen, Clennon, Ji, &
Druss, 2017; Fleisch, 2021; Jacobson et al., 2023).
To this end, there is an unprecedented surge of
interest and activity within the digital health
community, and investments in DHTs have risen
substantially in recent years (Jacobson et al., 2023).
Consequently, the DHT landscape has witnessed
remarkable growth in recent years, with a tremendous
Bitomsky, L., Hollender, J., Nißen, M. and Kowatsch, T.
Navigating Germany’s Digital Health Ecosystem: Insights from a Health Insurance Industry Expert.
DOI: 10.5220/0012401500003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 865-870
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
growth of technology start-ups dedicated to this field
and a projected global market valuation of US$ 56
billion in 2025 (Insider Intelligence, 2022).
Furthermore, there is a growing spectrum of methods
to disseminate DHTs to individuals. These methods
span from healthcare provider (HCPs) offering “apps
on prescription”, also called digital therapeutics
(Fürstenau, Gersch, & Schreiter, 2023), to activation
codes from payors, employers, or pharmacies
(Jacobson et al., 2023). Additionally, several
countries have established comprehensive national
coverage frameworks for DHTs (e.g., DVG in
Germany) (Essén et al., 2022; Fürstenau et al., 2023).
However, there is currently a lack of established
frameworks for integrating DHTs into healthcare
delivery and the overall healthcare system (Kay-
Lambkin, Heinsch, & Sampson, 2023). Also, studies
have shown that HCPs underutilize DHTs in their
clinical practice (Batterham et al., 2015). As such, a
fundamental paradigm shift in the healthcare system
is required to integrate DHTs successfully and
sustainably into healthcare delivery and unleash
DHTs’ full potential in combatting the rising burden
of NCDs.
To this end, we conducted a semi-structured
expert interview to gain insights into navigating
Germany’s digital health ecosystem. With “digital
health ecosystem” we hereby refer to the complex and
multifaceted interplay of the health industry,
regulations, and technology (e.g., infrastructure,
components, devices) to enable the delivery of
(digital) health services. The interview was conducted
online and latest approximately 90 minutes. We
interviewed the CEO of a digital hub (set up as a
corporate startup) of Germany’s largest health
insurance group. The insurers cover approximately 27
million individuals, nearly one-third of the population
and over 45% of care-dependent individuals in
Germany. With a market share of 37 percent, they
spend roughly 271 million euros every day for the
healthcare of all insured individuals. The interview
was structured along the three dimensions status quo,
business models and ecosystems, and required
(regulatory) changes to get a holistic perspective on
navigating the German digital health ecosystem both
today and in the future. The interview reflects the
expert’s opinion based on his extensive experience in
the healthcare industry. The views expressed are his
and do not speak for the health insurance group he is
currently employed at.
The themes explored during the interview were
synthesized into seven key insights, which are
elaborated in Chapter 2. It is important to note that all
content in Chapter 2 is derived directly from the
original interview data and thus reflect the
interviewee’s perspective. Lastly, we discuss and
contextualize the insights generated from the
interview within the broader context of relevant
research to draw our conclusions.
The expert interview resulted in seven key insights
that will be elaborated in the following. The insights
derived represent the expert’s opinion based on his
substantial experience in the health care industry and
do not represent the opinion of the health insurance
2.1 For a Payor, It Is not Enough to
Know a DHT Is Overall Effective
While the Digital Care Act of 2019 introduced the
“app on prescription”, also known as DiGA
(“Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung”) and has spurred
innovation and dissemination of DHTs, their
integration into Germany's healthcare system still
faces challenges.
Direct-to-patient solutions manifest notable
activity, particularly in female health, diabetes, and
overall well-being. However, from a statutory health
insurance (SHI) standpoint, DHTs are yet to take
centre stage, both in availability and adoption.
Furthermore, current solutions are too often in their
infancy for a systematic application.
While some within the SHI community see DHTs
as transformative and a vital part of the future
healthcare system, initiating flagship projects and
supporting the dissemination, others still strongly
question the overall effectiveness and, more
importantly, the cost efficiency of DHTs. The divide
widens regarding prevention versus treatment, where
the potential user base expands significantly.
In a post-COVID-19 landscape where insurers
face tight budgets, critics emphasize short-term cost
increases associated with DHTs. Within DiGA
guidelines, a clinical trial must be conducted to prove
that a DiGA is better than not using it, referring to a
positive supply effect. However, from a SHI cost
perspective, DHTs must surpass mere effectiveness
and provide a comparative advantage over
conventional approaches.
Scale-IT-up 2024 - Workshop on Emerging Business Models in Digital Health
Since health service expenditures are a multitude
of administrative costs, even a marginal cost lever
could have tremendous positive and negative impacts.
As such, DHTs could play a significant part for SHI
in the future if they effectively succeed in proving
such comparative advantage over traditional
approaches. Until then, DHTs are likely to continue
to divide the SHI community into enthusiasts and
2.2 A Battle for Attention Will Limit
Successful Standalone B2C
Clear strategic approaches are essential for effective
DHT customer outreach, characterized by two
primary dissemination channels: direct-to-customer
(B2C) and healthcare provider-to-customer (B2B2C).
Direct-to-customer solutions are directly sold to
consumers who pay out of pocket for the respective
service (e.g., cycle trackers within the context of
female health). Although lucrative, this approach can
be extremely difficult, as the willingness to pay
additional health-related services beyond existing
health insurance coverage is extremely low. More
importantly, with increasing number of DHTs
entering the market, attention among potential users
saturates quickly. Consequently, the pressure for
individual DHTs to deliver distinct and substantial
benefits is extremely high to facilitate successful
scalability. Thus, there is expected to be a finite
window for additional successful standalone
solutions before attention competition hampers
further growth.
With B2B2C approaches, HCPs such as
physicians are key actors, as they prescribe or
recommend a digital therapeutic or preventive care
intervention, ideally paid for by the patients’ health
insurance. With HCPs as gatekeepers, it is pivotal to
gain their trust and incentivize the prescription and
recommendations of DHTs. Furthermore, seamless
integration within the healthcare provision process is
critical. As this facet is often underemphasized,
collected DHT data runs the risk of remaining
underutilized and falling short of its full potential.
2.3 Digital Ecosystems Are Pivotal for
Scaling DHTs Effectively
There currently exists a well-functioning health
ecosystem in Germany – the main challenge is that it
its predominantly analogue. This analogue ecosystem
systematically hinders successful scaling of DHTs as
standalone solutions coexist in silos but are not
sufficiently integrated with each other and the
existing ecosystem. As such, a digital health
ecosystem is instrumental for effective DHT scaling.
A well-functioning digital ecosystem that rivals or
surpasses the incumbent analogue structure could
potentially replace the HCPs’ role as a gatekeeper and
allow for new protagonists to take the stage: If the
first point of contact for consumers is no longer the
HCP but, for example, a DHT that manages the
patient journey end to end, that could expedite
dissemination of DHTs substantially.
However, while the goal of a fully digital health
ecosystem is admirable, to build and establish a
successful digital health ecosystem is incredibly
difficult and, as of today, yet to be seen successfully
in action.
2.4 Shis in Prime Position to Take
Centre Stage in a Digital Health
Ecosystem as Policyholder
As with all ecosystems, only a few providers will
prevail, resulting in extremely high-risk capital for
everyone attempting.
Looking at the current landscape, there are three
broad alternatives. A seasoned external player (e.g.,
Apple, Google) enters the healthcare arena,
leveraging technological prowess and potential
interoperability with existing devices such as
wearables that will generate sufficient pull for other
digital health players. Alternatively, a highly
successful digital health use case exerts a significant
pull, propelling ecosystem participation. For
example, a successful digital symptom checker or
appointment management system may represent an
entry point for an end-to-end digital health journey.
Finally, established entities like SHIs or hospitals
could leverage their significant industry expertise and
established position in the analogue ecosystem.
While SHI are unlikely to be successful in
independently building and orchestrating a complex
digital health ecosystem due to insufficient
capabilities and resources, they are in a prime
position. SHIs have a unique monetary incentive to
keep policyholders healthy and ensure efficient
treatment. In the broadest sense, SHI can be seen as
non-profit organizations. As such, they are ideally
situated to orchestrate a digital health ecosystem with
policyholders' best interests at heart. Even though
policyholders might not always realize it, SHI’s role
as advocates for them is paramount.
Navigating Germany’s Digital Health Ecosystem: Insights from a Health Insurance Industry Expert
In the end, however, having a well-functioning
digital ecosystem by any participant is preferable to
having nothing at all.
2.5 Data Protection Needs a More
Balanced Risk Approach
An important task in implementing a digital health
ecosystem in Germany lies in the stringent protection
of health-related data. However, risk evaluation
approaches that focus mostly, if not solely, on data
protection dominate presently in Germany. This often
neglects or at least underemphasises other potential
risks. To setup a successful digital health ecosystem
a more balanced approach is essential. This includes
considering other risks such as falling behind in
digitalization efforts and not being able to afford the
current healthcare system in future as well as
considering benefits like enhanced medication cross-
effect analysis. Striking a comprehensive risk
assessment is crucial, yet there is currently no well-
functioning system in place for weighing risks
adequately and holistically.
2.6 Enabling Genuine MVPs Rather
than Fixating on Every Detail Is
Presently, digital solutions on an institutional level
are designed as convoluted minimum viable products
(MVPs), intended for a broad audience but offering
minimal value (see, for example, the German
electronic health record). Regulatory specifications
and requirements are often delayed or unaddressed
due to the urgency of accommodating all exceptions.
A shift towards authentic MVPs, initially benefiting a
smaller demographic but exhibiting significant
utility, can expedite innovation and digital progress.
This approach fosters rapid iteration, learning, and
evolution, with broader applicability and exception
inclusion following organically. Furthermore,
sustainability in digital strategies and regulations
demands increased predictability. While periodic
introspection is imperative, pre-empting new
regulations before comprehensively assessing prior
ones risks stifling progress. Augmented predictability
empowers players, whether established entities or
startups, to innovate, design, and develop solutions
with confidence in their long-term viability. This
stability is needed in Germany to build an attractive
digital health ecosystem.
2.7 Overall Success Hinges from Equal
Participation from all
The strength of an ecosystem relies on every
participant's equitable contribution. Ideally, each
entity is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to
fulfil its role. When intrinsic motivation falters,
impartial sanctions must be enforced consistently,
even if not politically expedient. While successful
precedent exists in industries such as finance and
banking, HCPs’ influential role has historically led to
reluctance to impose sanctions. This imbalance needs
to be addressed to establish a successful digital health
ecosystem in Germany.
The escalating prevalence of NCDs poses a
significant challenge to healthcare systems globally
and health insurers particularly. As such, innovative
approaches to rethink current healthcare delivery are
imperative. DHTs have emerged as a potential
solution, promising scalability, accessibility, and
cost-effectiveness. However, integrating DHTs
successfully and sustainably into healthcare services
remains complex, and their true potential is yet to be
uncovered. While further interviews would be helpful
to get a more robust perspective, the expert’s insights
already offer invaluable perspectives on navigating
Germany's digital health ecosystem and provide a
foundation for further discussions and actions in this
transformative field.
The divide within the SHI community regarding
the effectiveness and cost efficiency of DHTs mirrors
the need for further research and evidence to
demonstrate their comparative advantage over
conventional approaches. While numerous studies
have proven the overall effectiveness of DHTs, both
in practice (Krämer, Köhne-Volland, Schumacher, &
Köhler, 2022; Pöttgen et al., 2018; Twomey,
O'Reilly, Bültmann, & Meyer, 2020) and in research
(e.g., Deady et al., 2017), the short-term cost
concerns, especially in the wake of COVID-19,
highlight the importance of proving the economic
benefits of DHTs.
The necessity of a well-functioning digital
ecosystem is pivotal for effective DHT scaling,
surpassing the limitations of the current analogue
system. Until then, successful standalone solutions
will not only be rare but due to their siloed nature will
fall short of their full potential. Similarly, B2B2C
solutions will continue to be sporadically integrated
into healthcare delivery, underutilizing the collected
Scale-IT-up 2024 - Workshop on Emerging Business Models in Digital Health
data, and failing to unlock all the potential cost
efficiencies and healthcare delivery effectiveness.
This is in line with previous work that has highlighted
the limited impact of sophisticated DHTs in a
fragmented healthcare ecosystem (Abernethy et al.,
2022). The untapped potential of DHTs could impact
patient outcomes even further: in a well-designed
digital health ecosystem, DHTs have the potential to
prevent, mitigate and reduce disparities in access and
care delivery (e.g., Craig et al., 2020). As such, the
need for a well-functioning digital health ecosystem
is further highlighted. However, building and
establishing such an ecosystem is a formidable
challenge that requires collective efforts from various
stakeholders. This goes hand in hand with achieving
equilibrium among all participants in the digital
health ecosystem as a crucial success factor.
Addressing the historic imbalance in the influence of
healthcare providers is imperative, as impartial
sanctions and consistent enforcement are necessary
for the ecosystem's sustainable growth. Future work
should focus on outlining and evaluating concrete
steps on how to promote participation from all
stakeholders and motivate shared incentives to build
this integrated system. This could include, but is not
limited to, exploring the implications and benefits of
blended care (e.g., Keller et al., 2023; Kowatsch et al.,
Finally, the significance of balanced data
protection measures is underscored, necessitating a
comprehensive risk assessment framework that
considers both privacy concerns and the benefits of
enhanced data analysis. This is in line with previous
works recommending to balance protecting privacy
and realizing the benefits from access to health data
(Borgesius, Gray, & van Eechoud, 2016; Lane &
Schur, 2010; Wan et al., 2022). Finding this balance
is crucial if Germany is serious about establishing a
well-functioning digital health ecosystem.
In conclusion, navigating Germany's digital
health ecosystem requires a multifaceted approach
that considers the perspectives of SHIs, healthcare
providers, regulators, and patients. Balancing cost
concerns, data protection, and innovation will be
pivotal in realizing the full potential of digital health
technologies in combatting the rising burden of non-
communicable diseases. As the healthcare ecosystem
continues to evolve, embracing digital solutions will
be paramount in shaping a more efficient, accessible,
and effective healthcare system for the future.
We want to thank our interview partner for taking the
time and allowing for unique insights into the German
(digital) health ecosystem.
LB, MN, and TK are affiliated with the Centre for
Digital Health Interventions, a joint initiative of the
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care,
University of Zurich, the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH
Zurich, and the Institute of Technology Management
and School of Medicine at the University of St
Gallen. The Centre for Digital Health Interventions is
funded in part by CSS, a Swiss health insurer, Mavie
Next, an Austrian health insurer, and MTIP, a Swiss
digital health investor. TK is also a cofounder of
Pathmate Technologies, a university spin-off
company that creates and delivers digital clinical
pathways. However, neither CSS, SanusX, MTIP, nor
Pathmate Technologies were involved in this
research. All other authors declare no conflict of
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