CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries
Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
Wanyu Hu
and Vrizlynn L. L. Thing
ST Engineering, Singapore
National Vulnerability Database (NVD), Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Common Platform
Enumeration (CPE), Named Entity Recognition (NER), Natural Language Processing (NLP).
With the drastic increase in the number of new vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
every year, the workload for NVD analysts to associate the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) with the
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) summaries becomes increasingly laborious and slow. The
delay causes organisations, which depend on NVD for vulnerability management and security measurement,
to be more vulnerable to zero-day attacks. Thus, it is essential to come out with a technique and tool to
extract the CPEs in the CVE summaries accurately and quickly. In this work, we propose the CPE-Identifier
system, an automated CPE annotating and extracting system, from the CVE summaries. The system can
be used as a tool to identify CPE entities from new CVE text inputs. Moreover, we also automate the data
generating and labeling processes using deep learning models. Due to the complexity of the CVE texts, new
technical terminologies appear frequently. To identify novel words in future CVE texts, we apply Natural
Language Processing (NLP) Named Entity Recognition (NER), to identify new technical jargons in the text.
Our proposed model achieves an F1 score of 95.48%, an accuracy score of 99.13%, a precision of 94.83%,
and a recall of 96.14%. We show that it outperforms prior works on automated CVE-CPE labeling by more
than 9% on all metrics.
As the world advances into the digital era, there is a
drastic increase in the number of softwares. These
modern softwares depend heavily on open-source li-
braries and packages. Many organizations spend a
lot of resources to monitor the new vulnerabilities in
those open source softwares. One of the most well-
known open-source vulnerability databases is the Na-
tional Vulnerability Database (NVD), maintained by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology
There are thousands of new vulnerabilities dis-
closed each year. In 2021, an average of fifty [red-
scan] new vulnerabilities were disclosed daily, and a
total of 20169 [NVDCVE] new vulnerabilities were
published in 2021. The number of new vulnerabil-
ities is increasing rapidly. More than 8000 new vul-
nerabilities were published in the first quarter of 2022,
around a 25 percent [Comparitech] increase from the
same period in 2021. Many organizations’ vulnera-
bilities databases heavily depend on the NVD notifi-
cations. Therefore, timely analysis of the new open-
source vulnerabilities is crucial for an organization.
However, according to a survey, once a new vul-
nerability is publicly disclosed by the Common Vul-
nerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system and pub-
lished on the NVD, the metadata used in vulnerabil-
ity management, such as Common Platform Enumer-
ation (CPE) applicability statements, took 35 days on
average [Wareus]. This hinders organizations from
getting important vulnerability information in time
and leaves the organizations vulnerable to zero-day
Therefore, this paper proposed an automated CPE
annotating system, called the CPE-Identifier system,
which automates the CPE extraction process in the
CVE summaries and, in addition to the improved F1,
accuracy, precision, and recall scores, it increases the
potential time performance improvements in the anal-
ysis. This system serves as a tool to identify CPE en-
tities from new CVE text accurately, quickly and con-
veniently. Named entity recognition (NER) is used in
the system to automatically identify CPEs in CVE de-
Hu, W. and Thing, V.
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP.
DOI: 10.5220/0012403500003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 67-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
scriptions. This can be useful for security researchers
who want to quickly identify the systems and pack-
ages affected by a particular CVE. Moreover, while
various past machine learning methods were exper-
imented, they require a large amount of annotated
training data, which is not publicly available for ev-
ery CVE summary since the year 1999. Past pa-
pers used various methods to annotate the training
data. Bridges et al. [Bridges] used ”Database Match-
ing, Heuristic Rules and Relevant Terms Gazetteer”
to label the CPEs in the sentence, Wareus E. et al.
[Wareus] mapped the words in the sentence to the
existing CPEs in the available CPE-list. However,
these methods are often costly and not a viable so-
lution. Therefore, we also proposed an idea to auto-
mate this data generating and labeling process using
deep learning models. Our work outperformed previ-
ous methods for automatic CPE labeling in all aspects
of performance metrics. Our best model obtains a F1
score of 95.48%, Accuracy score of 99.13%, Preci-
sion score of 94.83%, Recall score of 96.14%.
The structure of this paper is as follow: Section 2
introduces the relevant works while discussing their
advantages and challenges. Section 3 explores the re-
search methodologies, which include the system de-
sign and our proposed five NLP models for different
purposes in our system. Section 4 elaborates on all
the datasets and data engineering processes, includ-
ing the automated data annotation, generation, and
cleaning. Section 5 explains the three SoTA models:
BERT, XLNet and GPT-2. Section 6 describes the im-
plementation of the research, including the Data pre-
processing, models training and design of the Graphi-
cal User Interface (GUI). Section 7 analyses the ex-
periment result. Section 8 concludes the paper by
identifying the best model for the CPE-Identifier sys-
tem and its usability. We also propose directions for
future work.
There are past research leveraging NLP methods for
CVE summaries. Most of these works are related to
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classifica-
tion (CAPEC), Common Vulnerability Scoring Sys-
tem (CVSS) score, and Common Weakness Enumer-
ation (CWE). K Kanakogi et al. [Kanakogi] have sug-
gested automatically associating the CVE-ID with the
CAPEC-ID using the Term Frequency-Inverse Doc-
ument Frequency (TF-IDF) technique [TFID]. Ros-
tami, S. et al. [Rostami] built 12 Multiple Layer Per-
ceptron (MLP) models to predict and map those miss-
ing ATT&CK tactic categories to those CAPEC with-
out tactic types.
Saba Janamian et al. [UC] have introduced the
VulnerWatch to predict the eight criteria for calcu-
lating the CVSS score. Similarly, Shahid, M. R. et
al [Shahid] suggested using multiple BERT classifiers
for each metric composing the CVSS vector. While
Ohuabunwa, B. C. et al. [Ohuabunwa] proposed Cate-
gorical Boosting (CatBoost) to predict the CVSS ver-
sion 3 scores, Evangelista, J. [Evangelista] compared
the predictive performance of Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA) and BERT in predicting CVSS version
2 scores. Finally, to convert the metrics from CVSS
version 2 to version 3, Nowak, M. et al. [Nowak] com-
pared the three models Naive Bayes classier (NB),
k-nearest Neighbors Algorithm (kNN), and Kernel
Support Vector Machine (KSVM). Each model is
trained on CVE summaries and predicts the CVSS
When dealing with vulnerabilities, Das, S. S. et al.
[Das] maps CVEs to CWEs using BERT model to un-
derstand the impact and mitigate the vulnerabilities.
Stephan Neuhaus et al. [Neuhaus] experimented with
a similar idea using the unsupervised LDA model to
classify CVE texts into vulnerabilities. Yang H. et al.
[Yang] used multiple ML models to analyze the num-
ber of CVE References containing PoC code and how
these References affect the CVE exploitability. Simi-
larly, Yin J. et al. [Yin] performed similar research us-
ing a Bert-based model with a Pooling layer. Bozorgi
M. et al. [Bozorgi] also researched the vulnerability’s
likelihood and exploitability using the Support vector
machines (SVMs) method.
To extract the CPE features from the NVD CVE
summaries. Huff P. et al. [Huff] proposed a recom-
mendation system using Random Forest and Fuzzy
Matching to automatically match the company’s hard-
ware and software inventory in the CVE summary to
CPEs’ Vendor and Product name. However, the size
of the data is insufficient. Jia Y. et al. [Jia] proposed to
use multiple datasets and the Stanford NER to extract
cybersecurity-related entities and train an extractor to
extract cybersecurity-related CPE entities and build a
knowledge base. However, the F1 score is only be-
low 80%. Georgescu et al. [Georgescu] uses IBM
Watson Knowledge Studio services to train the CVE
IoT dataset to enhance the diagnosing and detect pos-
sible vulnerabilities within IoT systems. To extract
vulnerability types from CVE summaries, Bridges et
al. [Bridges] proposed a summarization tool called
CVErizer to summarise CVE texts and extract vulner-
ability types. The author used Auto-Labelling rules to
link CVE word with CPE entities through CWE clas-
sification. However, the Auto-Labelling rules, like
the Heuristic Rules, cannot provide an accurate re-
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
sult. Lastly, Wareus E. et al. [Wareus] have suggested
using the Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory
(Bi-LSTM) and a Conditional Random Forest (CRF)
layer to identify the CPE labels, such as vendor and
product names, in the CVE summaries. The labels are
then combined to reconstruct the CPE names. This
method is like the approach we use in our paper. How-
ever, Wareus E. et al. [Wareus] only considers the
top 80% of the most common CPE products and ven-
dors names to ”avoid CPEs with very few mentions”.
Those CPEs with very few mentions are eliminated.
The disadvantage of this method is that it discourages
the prediction of those rare CPE entities names in new
CVE summaries, thus compromises the generality of
the model.
Despite their efforts to extract CPEs from CVE
summaries, achieving a high performance result is
challenging. Many of these works fail to produce an
accurate and precise CPE identification result. The
model used in these researches are not the SoTA NLP
model and their performance metrics are not good.
Their F1 scores are below 90%. Also, prior researches
are not able to find and annotate enough corpora
when training the model. Those proposed data an-
notation rules, such as the Database matching, Rel-
evant Terms Gazetteer, and Heuristic Rules, are not
able to provide an accurate annotation result. Hence,
we draw insights from the challenges and advantages
of the related works and design a system that ad-
dresses those disadvantages. Our proposed approach
uses the state-of-the-art (SoTA) natural language pro-
cessing (NLP) technique to automatically find CPE
identities from new CVE summaries. We generated
and annotated our training data using the SoTA Trans-
formers models with two publicly available cyberse-
curity NER datasets. We also trained and evaluated
the three SoTA Deep Learning NER models – BERT,
XLNet, and GPT-2, to perform CPEs entity identi-
fication, and found that they outperformed previous
methods [Wareus] for automatic CPE labelling. The
best model is selected to construct the CPE-Identifier
3.1 System Design
The system architecture of the CPE-Identifier is a
client and server model. The client interacts with the
CPE-Identifier using the Named Entity Highlighter
GUI. After a string of CVE text is provided to the
GUI, the text is encoded, supplied to the model, and
then decoded to the prediction result. The Named En-
Figure 1: CPE-Identifier Design.
tity Highlighter GUI highlights the named entities and
displays them to the client through the GUI. The Fig-
ure 1 illustrates the proposed CPE-Identifier design
and its component.
3.2 Proposed Approach
The Figure 2 presents the design of the models train-
ing process. The research consists of three stages:
1. Data Pre-processing stage: This stage includes
data collection, cleaning, annotation, augmenta-
tion, and merging. The CVE dataset is down-
loaded and undergone feature engineering pro-
cesses. The result is used to generate new dataset
and annotate raw dataset in this stage.
2. Build and train models stage: This stage consists
of constructing one Data Annotator model, one
Data Augmentator model, as well as three SoTA
NER models BERT, XLNet, and GPT-2, which
are trained using the pre-processed data.
3. Analysis and build Graphical User Interface
(GUI) stage: The predictive performance of each
model are compared. A GUI is constructed to vi-
sualize the prediction result of the best model.
To fine-tune a model capable of understanding cy-
bersecurity domain-specific jargon, we need a large
set of labeled data specifically for the Named En-
tity Recognition (NER) task that are tailored to the
cybersecurity domain. Moreover, high-quality anno-
tated entities closely related to the CVE-CPE field
are also important for identifying new entities in this
domain. In a recent paper [Aghaei], Aghaei et al.
also suggested that the absence of publicly available
domain-specific NER labeled dataset has caused their
research on training a NER model in cybersecurity a
”challenging task”. The author employed a relatively
small sized dataset called MalwareTextDB [Malware-
TextDB]. However, after investigating the Malware-
TextDB dataset, it consists of four NER tags, which
are not related to our research target. Furthermore,
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
Figure 2: Models Training Process Design.
the size of the dataset is relatively small for training a
deep learning model, which may cause the model to
overfit. Therefore, it is crucial to collect high-quality
publicly available training datasets exclusively com-
piled for the cybersecurity CVE-CPE domain.
However, large and annotated CVE-CPE datasets
are not publicly available. A few possible reasons for
this challenge include:
Challenge 1: There are few publicly available an-
notated CVE datasets for NER tasks.
Compared to other natural language processing
tasks such as text classification or relation extrac-
tion, Named Entity Recognition is not common
on CVE datasets. There is only a few past re-
search works focused on the NER task of the CVE
dataset, making it even more challenging to find a
large amount of annotated NER corpus. To the
best of our knowledge, there is only one such
publicly available dataset from the Stucco project
Challenge 2: Those publicly available annotated
CVE datasets are not the latest.
The CVE summary and its corresponding CPE
metadata are updated every day. It is difficult for
the cybersecurity analysts to keep an eye on ev-
ery new CVE released and maintain an updated
database. Moreover, the CVE NER dataset is
not used by any specific application or comput-
ing environment but only by developers. There-
Figure 3: Challenges and Proposed Solutions.
fore, there is no complete set of the latest anno-
tated CVE NER dataset.
Challenge 3: Manual annotation of NER training
data is costly.
The manual annotation of a high-quality CVE
dataset for Named Entity Recognition in the cy-
bersecurity domain is time-consuming, requiring
experts who are professionals in cybersecurity.
Training a model using a small amount of data
or a highly skewed dataset will cause the model to
over-fit. The model “sees” a small number of to-
kens repeatedly and learns to recognize those training
data correctly but is not capable of generalizing to the
novel inputs in the test dataset. The training error of
the model becomes extremely small at the expense of
high test-error.
The figure 3 shows our proposed solution to each
challenge of the data availability:
4.1 CPE Data
CPE is a standardized identification system for Infor-
mation and Communications Technology (ICT) prod-
ucts. It provide a more consistent and accurate way to
identify products across different security databases,
and make it easier for security researchers to col-
lect and share information about vulnerabilities and
products. Each CPE is linked to a particular CVE
ID, which includes the following features [Andrew]:
cpe version, part, vendor, product, version, update,
edition, and language. The CPE texts are available at
the NVD official website [NVDdata].
4.2 Padding/Trimming the Sentences
Since each of the sentences in the dataset is of a dif-
ferent length, we have padded and trimmed the in-
put sentences to keep all the sentences to be the same
Out of 361088 sentences, the length ranges from
3 to 449 words. There are 93.96% of the sentences
are shorter than 128 words, therefore we have set
the maximum length of the sentences to 128 tokens.
Those sentences shorter than 128 are padded with
[PAD] tokens. Those sentences longer than 128 are
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Sentence Length Distribution.
4.3 Tagging Schemes
The training corpora are required to be tagged before
performing training. The tagging scheme, BIO (Be-
ginning, Inside, Outside), is used in this paper.
We trained and used five pre-trained models and one
Masked-Language Model (MLM) to construct our
CPE-Identifier system. These six models are:
1. BERT Pre-Trained NER Model
This is a pre-trained bert-base-cased model
downloaded from huggingface.co. It is used to
fine-tune our own Data Annotator model from
2. Model 1: Finetuned BERT Data Annotator
This is a fine-tuned bert-base-cased model
from training annotated cybersecurity NER
texts from GitHub (Dataset a). This model is
used to annotate the named entities in NVD
CVE Dataset from 1999-2021 (Dataset B) and
produces an Automatically Annotated dataset
(Dataset C).
3. Model 2: DistilRoBerta Data Augmentator
This is a distilroberta-base Masked Language
model. This model generates the Augmented
NER dataset (Dataset D) by randomly replac-
ing word tokens in sentences from the Auto-
matically Annotated dataset (Dataset C).
4. Model 3: BERT NER Model
This is a pre-trained bert-base-cased model.
We use the Final Training Corpora (Dataset E)
to train this model and analyze its performance
against Model 4 and Model 5.
5. Model 4: XLNet NER Model
This is a pre-trained xlnet-base-cased model.
We use Final Training Corpora (Dataset E) to
train this model and analyze its performance
against Model 3 and Model 5.
6. Model 5: GPT-2 NER Model
This is a pre-trained gpt2 model.
We use Final Training Corpora (Dataset E) to
train this model and analyze its performance
against Model 3 and Model 4.
5.1 BERT Model
BERT is an AutoEncoder (AE) language model and
uses only the Encoder portion of the Transformer
architecture. We construced our Data Augmentator
model by utilizing the BERT MLM property to gen-
erate new sentences. We masked seven tokens in each
sentence and asked the model to predict the masked
The advantage of the AE language model is that
it can see the context in both the forward and back-
ward directions. However, it uses the [MASK] token
in the pre-training, which is absent from the real data
during fine-tuning and results in the pretrain-finetune
discrepancy. It also assumes the masked token is inde-
pendent of unmasked tokens, which is not always the
case. For example, “Microsoft Word” where “Word”
is dependent on “Microsoft”. If “Word” is masked
and predicted, Bert may output “Microsoft Office”.
Therefore, we also tested the XLNet model, which
addresses this issue.
5.2 XLNet Model
The XLNet model is a generalized Auto-Regressive
(AR) Permutation Language model [Liang]. It is a bi-
directional Language model. The AR model can pre-
dict the next word using the context word from either
forward or backward, but not both directions.
Figure 5: XLNet Permutation Language Modelling (PLM).
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
XLNet solved this issue by introducing Permu-
tation Language Modelling (PLM), PLM allows for
predicting the upcoming words by permutating a se-
quence and gathering information from all positions
on both sides of the token. In the figure, the target
token w3 is located at the i-th position, and the i-1 to-
kens are the context words for predicting w3. There
are ve patterns in 120 permutations. The words are
permutated at each iteration; therefore, every word
will be used as the context word. This way, it can
avoid the disadvantages of the MASK method in the
AE language model.
5.3 GPT-2 Model
GPT-2 is Auto-Regressive (AR) model as well
[Liang]. It is good at generative NLP tasks because
of its forward direction property. However, it can
only use forward or backward contexts, which means
it can’t use forward and backward context simulta-
neously. Therefore, GPT-2 is a Uni-directional Lan-
guage Model, unlike the other two NLP models. Dif-
ferent from the Bert model, GPT-2 uses the Decoder
portion of the Transformers architecture.
The implementation of the research follows three
stages: Data pre-processing, models training, and de-
sign and development of the Graphical User Interface
6.1 Data Pre-Processing Stage
This stage aims to create a set of clean, annotated, and
structured NER corpora, which will be used to train
the three SoTA models.
We identified five datasets to be used for our work.
They are:
1. Dataset A: GitHub annotated CVE Dataset from
Jan 2010 to March 2013 publicly available online
2. Dataset B: Raw CVE Dataset from 1999-2021
publicly available online [NVDdata].
3. Dataset C: Self-annotated NER dataset using our
proposed Data Annotator model.
4. Dataset D: Self-augmented NER dataset using
our proposed distilroberta-base Masked Language
5. Dataset E: Final Training Corpora generated by
combining both Dataset C and Dataset D, which
is used to train the three SoTA models.
Figure 6: The details of all Datasets used and generated.
6.1.1 Data Collection
Dataset A is downloaded from GitHub [GitHubdata].
It consists of CVE summaries from three sources:
Microsoft Security Bulletin, Metasploit Framework
database, and the NVD CVE database. The entity
types of each dataset is shown in figure 7:
Figure 7: Dataset A.
While the same CVE-ID describes the same kind
of vulnerabilities, the descriptions in each source are
different. For example, in Figure 8 the descriptions of
CVE-ID: CVE-2013-1293 are different from various
Figure 8: CVE text Description from different sources.
Dataset B contains the raw CVE summaries and
CPEs from 1999 to 2021 that is downloaded from
6.1.2 Data Cleaning
Our proposed CPE-Identifier system only considers
the top five popular named entities in the CPEs “edi-
tion”, ”product”, ”update”, ”vendor”, and ”version“,
because the remaining named entities are not always
available in the CPE identifier strings dataset. These
five types are enough for the cybersecurity analyst
to quickly narrow down to the vulnerability details.
Therefore, We have replaced the unrelated entities in
dataset A with the Out-of-Word label (”O”). After
investigating the dataset, we have noted that the ”ap-
plication”, ”hardware” and ”os” labels correspond to
the ”product” label in the CPE identifier strings, so
we have renamed the three entities to ”product”.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We then constructed two 2-dimensional lists to
store the data in NER format. The two sample 2-
dimensional lists to store the data in NER format is
illustrated 9:
Figure 9: Sample data format after Data Cleaning step.
For dataset B, we combined the dataset from 1999
to 2021 into one text file.
6.1.3 Data Annotation
This step allows an NLP model to automate the
named entity labeling process. Manually annotat-
ing the 169092 unlabelled CVE summaries is time-
consuming and costly and requires expert knowledge
in both cybersecurity and natural language process-
ing. Therefore, we built a deep learning model to an-
notate the unlabelled CVE summaries automatically.
It dramatically improves efficiency and accuracy of
the data labeling process. The model accuracy is
98.73%, and its F1 score is 95.64%. The time taken to
annotate 169092 sentences is only 2 hours. The high
F1 score as well as the accuracy score proves that our
fine-tuned BERT Data Annotator model is capable of
tagging the sentences with NER tags accurately. Fur-
thermore, we have also randomly picked sentences
from the output dataset (dataset C) and manually ex-
amined its accuracy. The steps to generate and anno-
tate the dataset C is described.
1. Constructed the Data Annotator model by finetun-
ing the bert-base-cased NER model from scratch
using dataset A. The resulting model (model 1)
learns the domain knowledge from cybersecurity
texts and will be used as a tool in the next step.
2. We used model 1 as an annotating tool to identify
the named entities in the unlabelled NVD CVE
dataset (dataset B) from the Data Cleaning stage.
3. The resulting labeled data (datast C) contains
169092 sentences. The distribution of the entities
is shown in the figure 6.
6.1.4 Data Augmentation
The next step in the Data Pre-processing stage is Data
Augmentation. The augmented dataset was generated
using the NVD CVE summary with BERT Masked
Language Model. Data augmentation helps to im-
prove the data skewness problem by increasing the
data size of the specific named entity. For example,
in our automatically annotated NVD CVE summary
dataset, there are only 19298 tokens that are tagged as
the “update” entity, while 288228 words are classified
as the “product” entity. This highly imbalanced data
causes the resulting model to be less generalized on
the “edition” tag.
We build a BERT Masked Language Model and
augment new sentences by randomly replacing seven
words with their synonyms based on the dictionary.
There are very few “edition”, “vendor” and “update”
named entities in our automatically annotated NVD
CVE summary dataset 5560 words for “edition,
114656 for “vendor” and 19298 for “update”; we plan
to generate more sentences containing these three en-
We extracted sentences containing “edition”,
“vendor” and “update” only. There are a total of
13288 sentences. We created 192380 new sentences
using our augmentation model, the Data Augmentor.
The distribution of the augmented data is shown in the
Figure 6.
6.1.5 Data Merging
The last step in the Data Pre-processing stage is
to merge the Automatically Annotated NER dataset
(dataset C) and the Augmented NER dataset (dataset
D). The distribution of the entities is shown in the Fig-
ure 6. The Final Training Corpora contains 361472
sentences and will be used to train the three SoTA
NER models.
6.2 Models Training Stage
The models are trained in the Ubuntu Kernel, using
GeForce RTX 3070 Graphics Card. CUDA version
6.2.1 Model 1: Finetuned BERT Data Annotator
The fine-tuned BERT Data Annotator model is fine-
tuned from the bert-base-cased pre-trained model
for 5 epochs, using the annotated CVE summaries
(dataset a) from GitHub. The purpose of the Data An-
notator model is to serve as a tool to annotate the un-
labelled NVD CVE summaries (Dataset B) with the
named entities.
The algorithm of the approach is shown in Fig. 10:
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
Figure 10: Data Annotator Approach.
The F1 score of the model is 95.64%, and the ac-
curacy score is 98.72%. The F1 score is plotted in
Fig. 11. This approach improves efficiency and saves
the cost of the manual labeling process.
Figure 11: F1 score of Data Annotator model.
6.2.2 Model 2: DistilRoBerta Data Augmentor
The DistilRoBerta Data Augment model is built on
top of the DistilRoBerta [Distilroberta] pre-trained
model. The purpose of the Data Augmentor model
is to serve as a tool to generate new labeled NER cor-
pora. The imbalanced data causes skewness issue in
the model, which degrades the model to describe typ-
ical cases as it must deal with rare cases on extreme
values. The model will predict better on entities with
more training words than those with fewer training
words [C.]. This approach solves the data skewness
issue by generating new sentences with specific enti-
ties. The algorithm of the approach is shown in 12:
Figure 12: Data Augmentation Approach.
Figure 13: Model Training Hyperparameters Details.
6.2.3 Model 3, 4, 5: BERT, XLNet and GPT-2
NER models
The three SoTA NER models are trained for 20
epochs each. The figure 13 shows the hyperparam-
eters used when training the models:
We have tested the BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 mod-
els and compared their performances and determined
the most suitable architecture for the NER task on
CVE summaries.
6.3 Analysis and build Graphical User
Interface (GUI)
We have also designed a GUI to visualize the pre-
diction result. The interface of the CPE-Identifier is
hosted on a web using the Streamlit Python pack-
age. The Interface allows the analysts to input the
new CVE texts into the “Enter Text Here” text box
and select a specific model, or all the three fine-tuned
models to retrieve the annotated result. This feature
allows the analysts to choose the best model that fits
their CVE text.
The prediction result is highlighted in different
colors, where each color indicates a named entity
type. The colors and their corresponding entities are
shown in Figure 14
Figure 14: CPE Entities Colors.
The figure 15 shows the input text box and the cor-
responding prediction result, where entities are high-
lighted in the corresponding colors:
In the example, the word ”Adobe” is highlighted
in green, indicating it belongs to the ”VENDOR” cat-
egory, The word ”Shockwave Player” is in orange,
which means that it is part of ”PRODUCT” cate-
gory. One interesting finding is that, instead of one
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 15: GUI of CPE-Identifier.
word corresponds to one entity, the same word can
be identified as different entities at different positions
of the sentence. For example, according to dictio-
nary.com [dict], the word ”before” is defined as ”pre-
vious to the time when”. It does not belong to any
entities when used alone. However, in the example
sentence, the word ”before” is identified as different
entities when it is positioned differently. The word
”before” at the beginning of the sentence is not high-
lighted, which indicates that it is not an entity. How-
ever, the word ”before” in the front of the word ”11.6”
is highlighted in purple, which indicates that it be-
longs to the ”VERSION” entity. This finding shows
that our fine-tuned BERT model is intelligent enough
to identify the meanings of the words based on their
syntactic and semantic positions in the sentence, and
not purely based on the definitions of that particular
words. This is a good indicator of the performance of
our fine-tuned model.
The models’ performances are evaluated using Accu-
racy, Precision, Recall, and the F1 score and training
time. The results are shown in the table.
7.1 Precision
The formula to calculate the precision score is
Precision Score =
TruePositive + FalsePositive
Figure 16: Model Results Comparison.
The BERT model achieved the highest Precision
score, with a value of 94.83%. XLNet gained 94.71%,
and GPT-2 obtained 89.16%.
Figure 17: Model Precision Comparison.
7.2 Recall
The formula to calculate the recall score is
Recall Score =
TruePositive + FalseNegative
The XLNet model achieved the highest Recall score,
with a value of 96.15%. Bert gained 96.14%, and
GPT-2 obtained 90.69%.
Figure 18: Model Recall Comparison.
7.3 Accuracy
A model with a high accuracy means it can locate
most of the named entities correctly. The formula to
calculate accuracy is
Accuracy Score =
T P + T N
T P + FP + T N + FN
The BERT and XLNet models achieved the highest
Accuracy scores, with a value of 99.13%, and GPT-2
obtained 98.28%.
However, although the model achieves an accu-
racy above 90%, 10% of the cases are the named iden-
tities, but the model predicts that they are not. This is
obviously too high a cost for the cybersecurity expert
to neglect that case. One missed named entity may
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
Figure 19: Model Accuracy Comparison.
cause the CPE-Identifier becomes unreliable and re-
sults in a single point of failure. Therefore, we also
take the F1 score into account.
7.4 F1 Score
The F1 score is the most critical evaluation metric in
machine learning. It considers precision and recall
and gives a measure of the incorrectly identified cases.
F1 score is a good assessment of the model as it con-
siders the distribution of the data. If the data is highly
imbalanced, the F1 score better assesses the model’s
predictive performance.
If our model incorrectly predicts positive named
entities as negative or vice versa, the cybersecurity an-
alysts will get confused about the prediction result. It
is crucial to ensure there is as few False Positive and
False Negative as possible, which means both preci-
sion and recall are maximal. However, in practice, it
is impossible to maximize the precision and recall to-
gether. Improving the precision score will reduce the
recall score and vice versa. Therefore, we used the F1
score as it considers both precision and recall.
The F1 score is the weighted average of the
model’s precision and recall. The range of the F1
score is between 0 and 1. 0 indicates the predictive
performance of the model is worst, while 1 represents
the predictive performance of the model is the best.
The formula of the F1 score is
F1 = 2
Precision Recall
Precision + Recall
The F1 score of the three models is plotted in a graph
and compared. The BERT model achieved the high-
est F1 score, with a value of 95.48%. XLNet gained
95.43%, and GPT-2 obtained 89.92%.
Figure 20: Model F1 Score Comparison.
Hence, from the performance metrics above, the
Bert model is the best model which obtained the high-
est Precision, Accuracy, and F1 score. Its Recall score
is 0.01% lower than the XLNet model.
7.5 Error Analysis
For the model with the best performance the Bert
model, we have done an error analysis and checked
the number of CVEs in the test set have been correctly
labeled for CPE without any error. The classification
report of the prediction result is as shown in the Figure
Figure 21: Classification Report.
Since our dataset is imbalanced and every class is
equally important, we chose the Macro Averaged F1
score as the performance metric. According to the
Classification report21, four out of ve classes have
achieved a F1 score above 95%. The F1 score for the
”product” class is 87%. The reason for this low F1
score may due to the overfitting problem of the model.
There are 322344 unique words that are labeled as
”product”, which is only 30% of the overall ”product”
class size. The size of the unique data is too small,
and there are not enough data samples to accurately
represent all possible input data values. Therefore,
the model is unable to generalize well on the novel
data of the ”product” class. This issue is a potential
future work we will address in the last section.
Among the 64982 CVE sentences in the test
dataset, the Bert model predicts 95% of the CPE enti-
ties correctly on average. We have manually checked
the dataset with wrong prediction result. There are
two main causes for the errors.
1. The original label is wrong. As shown in the Fig-
ure 22, the sentence is ”Integer overflow in . . .
SP3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary
queries via a crafted . file that triggers an over-
flow allocation - size error , aka . Integer Over-
flow Vulnerability .”. The model predict the ”.
at the fourth position of the sentence as ”O” en-
tity. However, the Ground Truth label of the ”.
word in the entity is ”B-vendor”. The model pre-
dicts the correct result, while the original dataset
is wrong.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 22: Ground Truth is Wrong.
2. The dataset treat the two continuous symbols as
one single token, while the model predicts the two
continuous symbols as two separate tokens. As
shown in the Figure 23, the sentence is ”REST
ING endpoints j Jenkins 2 .. 218 and earlier , Java
2 .. 204 .. 1 and earlier were prone to clickjack-
ing attacks ..”. The model treats the two continu-
ous symbols ”.. as two separate tokens and gives
two separate labels ”O” and ”O”. However, the
dataset treat the two continuous symbols as one
single token, thus corresponds to one single label
”O”. This problem can be solved with better qual-
ity of training dataset.
Figure 23: Different number of tokens.
This paper designs an automated CPE labeling system
called CPE-Identifier. The system can help the cy-
bersecurity analysts automatically annotate new CVE
summaries and identify key CPE entities, such as edi-
tion, product name, vendor name, version number,
and update number. We have demonstrated the au-
tomated data annotation and augmentation processes
by building two deep learning models. We have
also compared the predictive performance of the three
SoTA NER models when dealing with CVE summary
text. We have concluded that the best model is the
Bert model, which achieves an F1 score of 95.48%
and outperforms the baseline model from past related
work. We have also built a Graphical User Interface
that allows the cybersecurity analysts to use the CPE-
Identifier system conveniently and zoom into the re-
spective CPE entities accurately and efficiently. This
paves the way for further discussions on various se-
curity operations to accelerate the incident handling
processes when a new vulnerability emerges.
Regarding the limitations of the proposed ap-
proach, it is noteworthy that while the performance
metrics of the Data Annotation model are commend-
able, the automated labeling process applied to the
Named Entity Recognition (NER) dataset might in-
troduces a degree of noise into the resultant dataset.
This, in turn, exerts an adverse impact on the train-
ing process of the XLNet, BERT, and GPT-2 NER
models. Therefore, for future research endeavors, we
advocate for a meticulous manual examination of the
labeled dataset prior to its utilization in training the
aforementioned NER models. Additionally, we rec-
ommend enhancing the Data Annotation model by
training it on more recent datasets, as it is currently
fine-tuned on data spanning from 2010 to 2013. This
limited temporal scope may result in suboptimal per-
formance when annotating contemporary data, where
novel technical terminologies frequently emerge.
Furthermore, in light of the increasing promi-
nence of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as the
GPT series, LlaMa LLMs, and the PaLM LLMs, we
propose collaboration with these advanced language
models in our future research endeavors to harness
their capabilities effectively.
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