original GAN model achieved an accuracy of 52.34%
and the proposed algorithm 66.39%. This is a much
higher result, which is visible in the values of the loss
function. For the discriminator, there is a difference
of 0.11 (while for the previous database, it was 0.01),
and for the generator, it was 0.2. Based on the ob-
tained results, it can be concluded that the proposed
mechanism of image analysis in terms of having cer-
tain features is an effective solution that can signifi-
cantly affect the operation of GAN models.
In this paper, we presented a modification of the GAN
learning model. We extended the operations by build-
ing a set of essential features based on the images re-
turned by the discriminator by the heuristic algorithm.
The set is used by the generator to check whether the
generated image has essential features for the discrim-
inator. If not, the loss function is subject to the value
of the penalty mechanism. Based on the test results, it
was noticed that the proposed methodology allows for
a significant increase in the accuracy of the generator.
Especially when the database was much more diverse.
It was noticed that the modification of the value of the
loss function affects the training of the network due to
the learning algorithm, which is ADAM. In addition,
the implemented heuristic algorithm can achieve good
results with lower parameter values. The presented
method is important for enabling more efficient train-
ing of the generator in GAN models.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence