A propositional interpretation for P assigns each
variable in P a true/false value. We also use the term
state to refer to a propositional interpretation and we
let 2
denote the set of all propositional interpreta-
tions. We will also be concerned with beliefs and be-
lief change in this paper. We define a belief state to
be a set of states; informally the belief state K rep-
resents the beliefs of an agent who believes that the
actual state of the world must be one of the elements
of K.
Broadly, in logical approaches to Knowledge Rep-
resentation, we think of atomic formulas as represent-
ing properties of the world. So a variable like Rain
might be used as such: it is true in states where it is
raining, and it is false in states where it is not rain-
ing. In this manner, we are able to represent incom-
plete beliefs. A belief state that includes some states
where Rain is true and some states where Rain is false
will be used to capture an agent’s uncertainty about
whether or not it is raining.
Finally, as a general statement, throughout this pa-
per we will often be concerned with the notion of
trust. We will consider formal notions of trust later,
but for now we make a simple disclaimer. When we
say that an agent is trusted over φ in this paper, we
simply mean that we will believe φ if that agent tells
us φ is true. However, we informally are thinking
about this in terms of perceived knowledge. In other
words, we trust an agent on some fact just in case
we believe that they have the requisite knowledge to
know when that fact is true. This is different from
the notion of trust due to honesty. When dealing with
honesty, we need to consider the idea that a particular
agent may be intentionally deceptive. This introduces
different problems that we do address in this paper.
2.1 Action Languages
We briefly describe the action language A. We as-
sume an underlying propositional signature, as well
as an underlying set of action symbols. A sentence of
the action language A has the form:
A causes L if P
where A is an action, L is a literal and P is a propo-
sitional formula. Following the terminology used in
the area, we will sometimes refer to atomic formulas
as fluent symbols; this just reinforces the fact that the
truth value of an atomic formula can be changed as
actions are executed.
A set of sentences of A defines a transition system
(Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1998). A transition system
is simply a graph where the nodes are labelled with
states and the edges are labelled with actions. The
semantics of A dictates that for any set S of sentences,
the associated transition system will include an edge
labelled with A from s
to s
just in case
• s
|= P ands
|= Ł
• For all atomic formulas Q that do not occur in L,
|= Q iff s
|= Q.
Hence, a set of causal sentences serves a single pur-
pose: it describes how the state of the world changes
when actions are executed. One advantage of an ac-
tion language is that it gives a compact, declarative
description of action effects that is easy to read and
2.2 Belief Change
Belief revision refers to the process where an agent
receives new information, and has to incorporate it
with their current beliefs. One important approach
is the AGM approach to belief revision is the AGM
approach. In the AGM approach, a belief revision op-
erator is a function ∗ that maps a belief state K and a
formula φ to a new belief state K ∗ φ. We say that ∗ is
an AGM revision operator if it satisfies a certain set
of rationality postulates, which are normally called
the AGM postulates. We do not list the postulates
here, but instead refer the reader to (Alchourrón et al.,
1985) for a complete description of the framework.
While AGM revision operators are defined in
terms of a set of rationality postulates, it has also been
shown that there is an equivalent semantic characteri-
zation. In particular, it has been shown that an opera-
tor satisfies the AGM postulates just in case there is a
function f that maps each initial belief state K to a to-
tal pre-order ⪯
over states such that K ∗φ is the set of
minimal states in ⪯
that satisfy φ. In the literature,
the function f is called a faithful assignment(Katsuno
and Mendelzon, 1992).
We can think of the ordering ⪯
as a plausibility
ordering, where a state precedes another if it is con-
sidered to be more plausible. The important point for
our purposes is that we can determine the outcome of
AGM revision by finding all states consistent with the
new information that are minimal with respect to the
total pre-order.
2.3 Trust
In the original approaches to belief revision, the new
information always had to be incorporated into the
new belief state. In other words, following revision
by φ, the underlying agent would always believe φ.
Of course, in many practical settings, this is not a rea-
sonable assumption; we should only believe the new
A Description Language for Similarity, Belief Change and Trust