security governance. Organizations should consider
different interventions to assist the workforce realize
the nature of cyber threats, how attacks are delivered,
the impact to individual safety and business
operations, recognize what behaviours can put the
organization at risk and what actions they need to
apply when they are under attack. A common cyber
threat that organizations and individuals are facing is
SE. A typical approach to address SE attacks is to
deliver awareness-raising training to empower and
upskill the workforce. However, this should not be
perceived as a solution that can be adopted by all
organizations as this depends on different factors,
with the economic aspect and lack of engagement
being the most prevailing. Given that awareness-
raising and training activities can complement the
objectives of security policies, this should be taken
into account to propose new interventions to
empower small businesses that have limited budgets
to increase awareness of their workforce. This work
proposes the development of a social engineering
awareness-raising policy, incorporating awareness-
raising and educational principles alongside policy
rules. The aim is to offer an open, cost-free baseline
intervention that can help the workforce realize how
SE attacks can be delivered in the context of their
working environment and job role, better understand
the objectives of specific security policies, identify
and apply the relevant policy rules that can help in
addressing SE attacks. Future work will expand upon
the concept of delivering tailored SE awareness-
raising and training initiatives.
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