AnonEmoFace: Emotion Preserving Facial Anonymization
Jan Hintz
, Jacob R
and Ingo Siegert
Mobile Dialog Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Anonymization, Privacy, Face Recognition, Emotion Recognition, Human Recognition,
Seeking therapy often implies a major hurdle, especially when it comes to addressing personal problems that
cause shame or are socially stigmatized. This is where the recent developments of remote therapy can help. To
further reduce this barrier, it can be accommodating to carry out the therapy anonymously. This paper present
a proof of concept for such an anonymization of remote therapy video calls. The aim is to enable video
calls for subjects without the risk of being identified by their face. The challenge lies in the contradiction
of preserving emotional content and successful anonymization. To achieve this goal, avatarization by facial
landmark detection is employed. In a user study with 30 participants we achieved an unweighted average recall
of 48.6% for facial recognition task, confirming anonymity, while preserving emotional expressivity with an
accuracy of 93.3% for happiness, 68.3% for fear, 50.05% for anger and 35.5% for disgust. Thus creating a
safe environment for the user, while preserving emotional content for therapeutic purposes.
There are many conditions for which people seek
professional help but are reluctant or even afraid to
receive it because of the fear of social stigmatiza-
tion (Owen et al., 2013). With the growing need for
psychological treatment, and the digitalization of the
health sector, remote therapy rises as a new oppor-
tunity, making therapy more accessible and creating
a protected space. Text-based electronic therapy for
at-risk patients has already been successfully applied
by Quackenbusch et al. (Quackenbush and Krasner,
2012). The method allows patients to disclose them-
selves without risking identification. The therapy was
conducted in a virtual office where patients could talk
to a therapist through an Avatar on text-basis. While
this approach grants high anonymity, it is also not
as natural as a face-to-face conversation (B
ock et al.,
The aim of this paper is to provide a proof of
concept for visual anonymization while preserving
the emotional content. The objective is to imple-
ment anonymization techniques to safeguard the iden-
tity of individuals who contact a helpline seeking re-
mote assessment, treatment, and prevention services
related to child sexual abuse. Given the sensitive na-
ture of the subject and the need for help-seekers to
maintain a high level of anonymity while disclosing
personal inclinations and preferences, the implemen-
tation of anonymization measures on the client side
(user terminal) becomes imperative. Our approach
aims for natural face-to-face interaction while grant-
ing anonymity, with a focus on emotion preservation
in facial expression.
There exists a variety of techniques to anonymize vi-
sual data, ranging from applying a bar covering the
eyes (Roberts et al., 2016), blurring or pixelating
(Fan, 2019) to applying generative models (Sun et al.,
2018; Hellmann et al., 2023). All of these approaches
have different advantages and use cases (Siegert et al.,
The problem with these approaches is that they
can be reverted (Cichowski and Czyzewski, 2011).
Therefore, modern approaches use either some form
of random dithering, making it impossible to obtain
the facial expression, or face-swapping, needing high
computing power but can result in unnatural faces
having an impact on the conversation. To address
the aforementioned challenges, we suggest employ-
Hintz, J., Rühe, J. and Siegert, I.
AnonEmoFace: Emotion Preserving Facial Anonymization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012410600003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 785-788
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ing a technique known as avatarization of the patient’s
face. This involves tracking facial landmarks and
transferring them onto an avatar (e.g., Apple’s “Mem-
oji”). It facilitates the identification of facial expres-
sions while it is not seen as unnatural during conver-
sation. To the best of our knowledge, this form of
facial motion retargeting has been researched exten-
sively (Aneja et al., 2018; Chaudhuri et al., 2019), but
has not been validated in an anonymization scenario
with human interaction.
In the following, we elaborate on the processing
pipeline of our approach. We aim to produce a rep-
resentation that meets two primary criteria. First and
foremost, it is imperative that the Video does not
contain any identifiable visual information, in order
to guarantee the privacy and anonymity of the in-
dividuals involved. The second requirement is that,
the generated representation should contain all essen-
tial information required for emotional assessment.
By fulfilling these two requirements, our approach
aims to strike a balance between privacy preserva-
tion and maintaining facial expressions for therapy
purposes. Facial landmarks have been proven to
fulfill the second criteria in multiple studies (Aneja
et al., 2018; Gupta, 2018; Hellmann et al., 2023; Ko,
2018; Nguyen et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018). (Sun
et al., 2018) and (Hellmann et al., 2023) have also
proven that landmark-based, generative approaches
grant high anonymity.
Figure 1: Video anonymization (left original taken
from Voxceleb2 (Chung et al., 2018), right anonymized,
We are using Mediapipe’s face-mesh model (Kar-
tynnik et al., 2019), extracting 468 3-dimensional
Landmarks. To ensure that any additional information
that could exhibit a possible indirect identification is
disregarded, the extracted points are then plotted onto
a 2-dimensional blank canvas (720×1280). The result
can be seen in Figure 1
To allow seamless integration into streaming plat-
forms and video conference tools, we generate an
OBS virtual camera by using the pyvirtualcam library.
In the later phase of the project, this will be inte-
grated into a stand-alone virtual camera environment
for easy use.
A user study with 30 participants was conducted to
evaluate subjective verification and emotion preser-
vation in anonymized data. The test dataset con-
sist of six individuals, with three recordings each for
anonymization purposes where the person is moving
their head from left to right and two recordings each
for the 4 acted emotions (happiness, anger, fear, and
disgust). The participants were presented a video of
a person next to an anonymized video. The objec-
tive was to verify the identity (True/False) and rate
the confidence in this decision (11-point scale). In
doing so, we tested whether it is possible to identify
the original person from the anonymized videos. In
the following, participants were given the task to la-
bel a video with emotion. As baseline, the raters had
to assess non-anonymized recordings of acted emo-
tions before evaluating the anonymized material. As
before, the participants also rated their confidence.
5.1 Face Verification
If the anonymized and non-anonymized faces be-
longed to the same individual, the unweighted aver-
age recall (UAR) for face recognition was 30%. How-
ever, if the IDs did not match, the UAR increased to
67.3%. This resulted in 48.6% UAR overall, in a two-
class problem this is as good as random chance which
implies high anonymity.
Figure 2: Bi-histogram of participants’ confidence by cor-
rect/incorrect match of ground truth with anonymized data.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The stated confidence did subtly reflect the partici-
pants’ performance, with an average confidence score
of 6.59 in case of correct verification results, and 6.14
for incorrect verification results. The bi-histogram in
Figure 2 visualizes this as shift of the histogram of
incorrect matches with the ground truth, displayed on
the negative y-axis.
5.2 Emotion Recognition
The human raters were capable of recognizing all
acted emotions in the non-anonymized scenario, with
happiness (99.4%) and fear (94%) being correctly
recognized by the majority, while disgust (93.8%) and
anger (81.6%) were slightly more difficult to distin-
guish. The average confidence score was 8.56.
Figure 3: Confusion plot non-anonymized (left) and
anonymized (right) emotion recognition.
In case of the anonymized stimuli, happiness
(93.3%) and fear (68.3%) were recognized correctly
by most, while anger (50.05%) and disgust (35.5%)
were more difficult to discriminate from the other
emotions. This can also be observed by comparing
the confusion plot over the tested emotions, shown in
Figure 3. The average confidence score was 6.14.
The combined bi-histogram shown in Figure 4
demonstrates also reflects the average confidence
scores and overall recognition rates.
Figure 4: Combined bi-histogram of participants’ confi-
dence by correct/incorrect match of ground truth with emo-
tional non-anonymized and anonymized data.
The conducted study has certain limitations. The
generated dataset is relatively small and lacks suf-
ficient variety that would be required for a broader
study. The evaluation also lacks extension by ma-
chine recognition to accurately assess whether the
anonymization is also robust in this regard, as hu-
man recognition can be outperformed (O’Toole et al.,
2012). This was disregarded as the current concept
aims for human to human communication in a stream-
ing setup.
Furthermore, the dataset only includes four emo-
tions, performed by people without acting experience.
Therefore, the study lacks subtle, more nuanced emo-
tions that might be valuable for therapy.
The presented method of avatarization has proven
to anonymize sufficiently while still preserving fa-
cial expressivity. The participants of our preliminary
study were unable to accurately verify the identity of
an individual, therefore proving anonymity. Similarly
to the findings of Aneja et al. (Aneja et al., 2018)
some emotions seem to be more difficult for humans
to both perceive and act out. The effect on percep-
tion can also be observed in our findings, as anger
and disgust are sometimes confused with other emo-
tions within the non-anonymized data. The impact is
even more notable with anonymized data. This could
be due to missing properties of the anonymization
method, as the mask does not transfer the wrinkles of
frowning as well as mouth movement during smiling.
Furthermore, the anonymization also has a notable in-
fluence on the overall confidence of the participants in
their decisions.
Future works will include extended experiments
with deeper and broader evaluation of emotion trans-
fer and anonymity, addressing the limitations men-
tioned in Section 6.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy