Figure 5 presents curves which compare commu-
nication cost in each approach.
5.2 Comparison of Algorithms by
Increasing the Number of Cores
Then, we increase the number of cores by fixing the
number of tasks to 50. Thus, the table 2 represents the
communication cost for each algorithm.
When measuring the profit obtained in terms of
communication cost, we find that our strategy of-
fers a little more than 5% (
∗ 100) of profit
compared to poornima algorithm and 2% (
100) profit compared to that proposed by kapil. Fig-
ure 6 presents curves which compare communication
cost in each approach.
The simulations show that our strategy is better
than those proposed in (Bhardwajn and Kumar, 2013)
and (Govil, 2011). This is explained by efficiency of
strategy since it offers several heuristics which gives
more flexibility to placement level.
5.3 Evaluation
It can be observed from Figure 5 that the values of
the total optimal cost obtained by the present algo-
rithm are better compared to those obtained in (Govil,
2011) and (Bhardwajn and Kumar, 2013), in the case,
when the number of cores is kept fixed and the num-
ber of tasks is taken in an increasing order. The simi-
lar observation can also be made from Figure 6 in the
case when the number of tasks is fixed and the number
of cores is taken in increasing order.
Thus, it is concluded that the present algorithm
results have better optimal cost in both cases.
In this paper, the problem of periodic tasks allocation
on a homogeneous multicore architecture using tasks
clustering, is discussed. As the task allocation prob-
lem is known to be NP-hard.
Our strategy proposes an allocation of tasks which
reduces cost of communication between cores and
also suggests reducing distance between tasks if the
allocation on same core is not possible to obtain the
system feasibility.
From the experimental results, we conclude that
the proposed solution improves the cost communica-
tion in the whole system while keeping its feasibility.
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A Novel Partitioning Approach for Real-Time Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Systems