In this paper, we present an approach called SynCRF
that allows to mine TRIZ parameters from patents.
This approach is part of a solved contradiction min-
ing process whose purpose is a fine-grained under-
standing of the inventions described in patents. Syn-
CRF is built with a deep neural encoder and a Condi-
tional Random Field. It relies on the syntactic struc-
ture of sentences to estimate pairwise potentials and
improve consistency in the predicted label sequences.
SynCRF shows solid improvements over the state of
the art with absolute improvements of 3 to 5% for all
metrics over the best baseline (XLNet-CRF-cs). It is
also highlighted that SynCRF learns more easily the
forbidden transitions and allows for example to im-
prove the precision by more than 20% compared to
the best baseline without constraints on the transitions
This research was funded in part by the French Na-
tional Research Agency (ANR) under the project
”ANR-22-CE92- 0007-02”
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SynCRF: Syntax-Based Conditional Random Field for TRIZ Parameter Minings