In this paper, we have demonstrated that the YOLOv8
models can be successfully fine-tuned on UAV
images for person detection in real-world
environments. Our experiment was conducted on the
publicly available SARD dataset.
Furthermore, we built a set of SAR-
DAG_overflight for testing the geolocation of a
person and tested three geolocation algorithms on it:
the Earth's ellipsoid model, the DEM model, and the
modified cross-section measurement algorithm that
we proposed in the paper.
We believe that the fine-tuned YOLOv8@SARD
models that we fine-tuned at the SARD dataset and
the proposed person geolocation algorithms along
with the given recommendations can be greatly
utilized in SAR operations as they can help in the
detection of persons in drone images, and thus
contribute to providing more precise information for
coordinating the operation and reducing search time.
In future work, we plan to further investigate the
model's robustness to weather conditions, night
shooting, and camera motion blur, as well as conduct
experiments with multiple datasets to increase the
robustness and generalizability of our model.
This research was partially supported by HORIZON
EUROPE Widening INNO2MARE project (grant
agreement ID: 101087348).
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