hance the object detection model further. Spatial in-
formation of the objects has been preserved during the
-agnostic detection and ROI pooling stages, ensuring
accurate annotation preparation. The model has been
fine-tuned on weakly generated datasets, focusing on
the targeted class, resulting in improved object detec-
tion capabilities.
Evaluation of the custom-trained model has
demonstrated its effectiveness in detecting and local-
izing the targeted class of objects. The integration
of clustering, weakly generated data, spatial preser-
vation, and custom training has contributed to the
overall success of the proposed approach. This re-
search provides new insights into unsupervised novel
object detection, addressing the challenges of limited
labelled data for novel objects. The methodology pre-
sented in this paper offers a practical framework for
detecting and localizing novel objects in various do-
mains, paving the way for advancements in computer
vision and object detection research. Future work can
focus on extending this approach to real-time applica-
tions and exploring additional techniques to enhance
the accuracy and efficiency of unsupervised novel ob-
ject detection systems.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications