• Research into how updateability in the distributed
HW could be optimized to account for rapid and
continuous updates to keep up with the pace in
technological developments could provide an en-
hancement in technological lifespan for the next
generation of AMI.
• Considering the proposed recommendation of a
centralized approval authority for information
systems in the energy sector and AMI, further
research could investigate the viability and fea-
sibility of such a solution. Research concern-
ing how to organize and unify the regulation of
information security in such an entity could be
conducted, considering the model from the De-
fense sector. Further, research concerning how the
technical evaluation of implementations should be
conducted during the pre-approval process would
be beneficial to development of structures and
routines in relation to organizing such work.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy