modern hardware resources, resulting in improved ef-
ficiency and scalability for spatial hashing tasks.
To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we
implemented a new memory storage strategy for pivot
tables, introduced parallelization techniques, and con-
ducted a comparative analysis against existing imple-
mentations. Our findings highlight the need for a
more efficient data structure, as we identified RAM
I/O operations rather than CPU power as the primary
bottleneck of the algorithm.
Additionally, our study presents observations re-
lated to simulation time increases with the expansion
of the simulation space and memory allocation. We
discuss the worst-case scenario for the chunked algo-
rithm and emphasize that memory usage varies sig-
nificantly in real-world simulations, particularly when
dealing with concentrated groups of objects.
Overall, this research addresses the limitations of
current spatial hashing techniques and proposes an ef-
ficient solution for large-scale simulations by mitigat-
ing memory consumption, facilitating parallelization,
and optimizing proximity queries.
Nevertheless, there are potential ways for further
improvements in our algorithm. For instance, explor-
ing the possibility of leveraging GPU computations,
because the algorithm is designed in a way to sup-
port GPU integration. Additionally, making slight
modifications to enable the utilization of SIMD op-
erations could also enhance performance. These im-
provements could be explored in future research en-
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence