initial values, and as a result, the computational cost
is about 1/100 of the original cost.
The results also suggest that the regulatory
structure of the network is dominant with respect to
the bistability compared to the parameter values. This
indicates that, when searching for regulatory
networks with bistability, it may be effective, for
example, to fix all parameter values to 1 and search
for variations in structure only.
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analyzed here were cyclic reaction systems as nodes.
The MAPK cascade, a typical signal transduction
system, includes the process of double
phosphorylation. To extend the mathematical model
of this study to include the process of double
phosphorylation in the analysis, the set of differential
equations derived from a single node can be modified.
In the future, we intend to extend it as such and apply
it to a more realistic analysis of bistability in
intracellular signaling systems.
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Identification of Bistability in Enzymatic Reaction Networks Using Hysteresis Response