Evaluation of ”Speech System” and ”Skill”: An Interaction Paradigm for
Speech Therapy
Vita Santa Barletta
, Miriana Calvano
, Antonio Curci
, Alessandro Pagano
and Antonio Piccinno
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy
e-Health, Smart Assistants, Speech Therapy, User Study, Evaluation, Gamification.
Speech therapy is the medical field in which speech impairments are treated. They concern the inability of
individuals to adequately enunciate words, construct, elaborate and appropriate sentences when speaking, and
overall lack linguistic skills. Although speech impairments can emerge throughout different stages of life, the
most common period of time in which they are encountered is childhood. The professionals in this medical
field use to treat these impairments with the employment of therapies that are carried out over an extended
period of time. This research work aims at proposing and evaluating through a user study a new interactive
paradigm that involves ”Speech System”, a web-application, and ”Skill”, a skill for Amazon Alexa. The
objective consists in determining the practical feasibility of the solution and investigate the consequences
that the use of technology brings to the world of speech therapy. The advantages and disadvantages of the
interactive paradigm in question are explored and discussed to define the direction of the next steps in this
Speech therapy is a field of medicine that aims at
treating impairments concerning linguistic abilities.
De Pompei defines it as ”the variety of processes em-
ployed by speech-language pathologists who work
with the full range of human communication and
its disorders. Treatment areas include speech, lan-
guage, cognitive-communication, or swallowing dis-
orders in individuals of all ages, from infants to the
elderly” (DePompei, 2011). Speech impairments can
impact individuals in their social, working and aca-
demic lives, generating a sense of inadequacy and
stress with serious implications. Therefore, experts
suggest to make sure to diagnose, recognize and solve
them during the early stages of life. The motivation
behind this lies in the fact that children are more keen
to learning, acquiring new skills, and correcting be-
haviors. This case study considers speech therapy as a
field that involve three actors: speech therapists, care-
givers, and patients.
Therapists. They make diagnoses and create and
manage therapies that are administered to patients,
who are monitored and assessed during the whole
process to understand improvement levels and/or
change the direction of the treatment, if necessary.
Therapies consist of personalized exercises whose
difficulty is weighted on the level of severity of the
patient’s disorder.
Caregivers. Caregivers play a crucial role in speech
therapy because they are responsible of guiding and
assisting children in attending appointments and fol-
lowing through with the treatment, even outside med-
ical facilities. They help patients when they have to
practice at home and provide emotional support, act-
ing as a middleman (Barletta et al., 2023b).
Patients. Patients are the subjects of speech therapy
and, in this research work, they are children whose
age ranges from 4 to 8 years old. They are assigned
exercises and need to carry them out to improve their
condition and eventually solve their impairments.
The introduction of technology in speech therapy
has the goal of supporting the actors involved in the
process by reducing the cognitive demand of tasks
Barletta, V., Calvano, M., Curci, A., Pagano, A. and Piccinno, A.
Evaluation of "Speech System" and "Skill": An Interaction Paradigm for Speech Therapy.
DOI: 10.5220/0012416700003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 568-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
that can be automatized and making them feel more
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), employing
Smart and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, under-
taking a Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach,
and applying gamification can make the difference in
the way that all the parties involved in speech therapy
interact with each other and perform their activities.
More specifically, AI can be an incredibly powerful
tool when it comes to automatize tasks that require
unnecessarily high costs in terms of resources and
time, such as the correction of exercises or the diagno-
sis of patients based on their performance. According
to Dorsemaine et al, IoT is a ”group of infrastructures
interconnecting connected objects and allowing their
management, data mining and the access to the data
they generate”, which implies that different objects
pertaining to the same environment can cooperate and
collaborate to facilitate daily tasks and support indi-
viduals in their activities, enabling remote control-
ling, vocal interactions, customization, and so much
more (Dorsemaine et al., 2015). On the other hand,
the treatment process can be a stressful and frustrat-
ing process for children, because they are constantly
required to step outside of their comfort zone and be
exposed to potential failure. Therefore, gamification,
which is ”the use of game design elements in non-
game contexts” (Groh, 201), can change children’s
perception and make them feel more at ease, enjoy-
ing the tasks that they are assigned, enhancing en-
gagement levels. Therapies can become a more plea-
surable and playful experience, making it possible to
achieve learning goals in shorter time spans and with
higher accuracy (Desolda et al., 2021).
In this research work, an interaction paradigm is
proposed, which combines a web application, called
”Speech System”, and a skill designed for Alexa
the Amazon’s Smart Assistant, called ”Skill”. The
aim of the proposed solution is to allow therapists to
manage treatments and patients in a continuous, hy-
brid, and systematic way. More specifically, it has
the goal of enabling patients to perform exercises at
home avoiding to waste resources in travelling to at-
tending physical appointments at the doctor’s office,
while benefiting from the advantages and guidance
that can be earned from the employment of smart ob-
jects and voice assistant (Barletta et al., 2023a; Cal-
vano et al., 2023). The interaction paradigm will be
later explored and illustrated.
The HCD approach states that users have to be in-
volved in every phase of the creation of a new prod-
uct, service or technology; testing and appropriately
evaluating the outputs of any product can allow to
reach higher satisfaction levels of users when inter-
acting with it, while guaranteeing more effectiveness
and efficiency (NIST, 2021). User studies are crucial
to assess the feasibility and validity of the work per-
formed and to determine its positive and negative as-
pects. Therefore, a user study was conducted, provid-
ing useful insights into the interaction paradigm and
how the users perceived it.
Speech therapy can be integrated into smart homes
thanks to the numerous tools and technologies avail-
able today (Barletta et al., 2022). Smart voice as-
sistants, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant,
and Apple HomePod, can be exploited in the medical
field to introduce more consistent and daily support.
The reason lies in the fact that treatments and ther-
apies need consistency, which is an aspect that can
be reached with daily practice and the right medical
support. It is important for professionals to be able
to follow their patients throughout the entire process:
from diagnosis to disorder solution or improvement;
it becomes necessary to have remote monitoring tools
at their disposal rather than only traditional in-person
In this context, Qiu et al. explores how voice as-
sistants can enable remote delivery of speech thera-
pies at scale; in particular the objective of this study
consists in helping individuals with speech impair-
ments to have access to treatment in case of absence
of trained professionals and available resources (Qiu
and Abdullah, 2021).
In addition, Cassano et al. and Buono et al. pro-
pose scenarios in which smart home devices can be
used to support speech therapy for children with lin-
guistic impairments and how different interconnected
devices, with the help of End-User Development tech-
niques and thanks to higher levels of engagement, can
increase the chance of success of treatments in this
field. Therefore, it states that IoT devices can be used
to administer therapies and support therapists (Buono
et al., 2019; Cassano et al., 2019). Moreover, it has
been determined that the employment of a vocal assis-
tant in smart home environments can present interest-
ing challenges, such as the presence of environmental
noise and how the integration of Automatic Speech
Recognition systems can be helpful in the scenario
(Aman et al., 2016).
Another important aspect to highlight is that au-
tomation of the home environment is not the only fac-
tor that improves and facilitates the therapy process,
but also speech recognition is crucial. In this regard,
Evaluation of "Speech System" and "Skill": An Interaction Paradigm for Speech Therapy
Chern et al. propose a smartphone-based hearing as-
sistive system that includes voice-to-text conversion
to make speech recognition easier, as smart voice as-
sistants can be used to provide personalized feedback
that adapts the system to the unique needs of the user
(Chern et al., 2017).
An additional study on this issue was conducted
by Lecouteux et al. and Parameschachari et al., where
other Automatic Speech Recognition techniques are
explored in more detail about the artificial intelligence
algorithms behind the mentioned technology; it has
the potential to support speech therapy and improve
communication for individuals with speech disorders
(Lecouteux et al., 2011; Parameshachari et al., 2013).
Furthermore, the use of speech recognition mod-
els in speech therapies has also been studied by in-
troducing a correlation with the concept of serious
games. First of all, it is important to explain the con-
cept of serious games, which can be defined as ’games
that do not have entertainment, enjoyment, or fun as
their main purpose’ (George, 2019).
For example, Ganzeboom et al. and Vogel et al.
explore the use of speech recognition technology in
speech therapy; they find that the introduction of se-
rious games, by triggering intrinsic motivation and
participation of patients, can improve the effective-
ness of speech therapies, especially in patients with
dysarthria due to Parkinson’s disease (Ganzeboom
et al., 2022; Vogel et al., 2022).
On the other hand, it is common to think that the
typical target users of these models are younger peo-
ple, but this is wrong. In fact, another important con-
tribution has been made by analyzing these models
and also considering the perception of older people
(Aman et al., 2016; Werner et al., 2023). In fact, the
main contribution consists of highlighting the differ-
ences between people who are users of the system that
involve speech recognition and those who are not; the
authors determined that the non-users see their age as
an obstacle to this type of technology and showed in-
hibition to try it. Otherwise, users find it easy to use,
but have raised concerns about the transparency and
privacy of their personal data (Werner et al., 2023).
In addition, systems and applications with the goal
of facilitating language development can be found in
the literature. Some examples are indicated below:
Happi Scrive
and KidEWords
are crossword
puzzle applications for children that help them de-
velop writing skills.
Teach and Touch
is an application through
which speech therapists offer children the op-
portunity to perform a personalized rehabilitation
path on specific morphosyntactic difficulties.
Training Cognitivo
is a project with the objec-
tive of evaluating and training language disorders
that affect preschool and school children, adoles-
cents, and young adults. In this initiative, a group
of speech therapists and psychologists is involved.
Finally, it emerges that the potential advantages
that can be gained from exploiting the mentioned
technologies are worth the effort of designing and de-
veloping a web application that possesses gamifica-
tion and game-based learning elements to keep track
of therapies, follow children in their treatment and al-
low them to carry out exercises from the comfort of
their home.
This study involves three actors (i.e. speech thera-
pists, caregivers and patients) and a home equipped
with smart devices. In the interaction paradigm, the
process takes place in a smart home, in which the pa-
tient and the caregiver live, through the employment
of smart assistants which allow users to interact vo-
cally. The latter, represents an external entity that en-
ters the scene to solve problems and guiding the user
during the process. On one side there is the therapist
who interacts with the web application and uses its
functionalities to perform therapy management activ-
ities and, on the other side, there are the patient and
the caregiver who interacts both with the smart assis-
tant and the web application (Barletta et al., 2023a).
It is important to note that the actors involved in this
study are the same as those considered in the work
previously cited.
3.1 ”Speech System”:
A Web-Application
”Speech System” is a web application that provides
three separated personal areas belonging to each ac-
tor involved in the process; Figure 1 illustrates the
welcome page of the application.
In the therapist section, the system provides multi-
ple functionalities to allow professionals to create di-
agnoses, use or create exercise, and employ them to
create therapies to administer to patients. Three types
of exercises are featured:
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: ”Speech System” and its three sections for each
Naming Images: the patient has to identify the
objects represented in the images by enunciating
their name.
Repetition of Words: A set of words character-
ized by similar phonetic characteristics is shown
to the patient who have to enunciate them.
Minimum Pair Recognition: The patient has
to click on the loudspeaker button and, after,
”Speech System” will vocally indicate the object
on which he/she has to click.
Gamification is embedded in the child’s section of
the system: after each exercise the patient gains
cookies to reinforce the reward mechanism and
increase engagement. The exercises performed are
recorded and available for the monitoring of the
speech therapist and the caregiver.
The caregiver’s section allows them to view ap-
pointments, start or stop therapies that were assigned
to their child, and customize the graphical interface
to make their personal area more welcoming and ad-
justed according to their preferences.
3.2 ”Skill”: An Amazon Alexa Skill
As mentioned previously, the interaction paradigm
encompasses ”Skill”, a skill for Amazon’s Alexa de-
veloped ad-hoc for the purpose of this study.
Alexa is a smart assistant which is characterized by
machine learning algorithms throughout it is possi-
ble to develop vocal performances, which offers to
the user a more intuitive way to interact with tech-
nological devices. More specifically, using the Ama-
zon’s Skill Kit and Developer Console
, developers
can create new functionalities, called ’Skills’. In ad-
dition, each skill is characterized by an intent, which
are actions that the device has to perform to satisfy
the user’s requests and are launched through sample
utterances defined by the developer while implement-
ing the skill. Sample utterances contain input parame-
ters, called slots, with the objective to personalize the
action performed by the smart assistant according to
the user’s needs. The skill in question is characterized
by three main functionalities, which allow the user to
launch the skill, to create a reminders for the patient to
perform the exercises of the day, and, finally, to start
the therapy. A detailed explanation of the features in
question is provided below.
Skill Launch. To use this feature, the user has to
enunciate the wake-up phrase ”Alexa launch ”Skill””.
Then, the smart assistant answer with the expres-
sion ”Hello <NameOfTheChild>! Tell me ”I am at
home” to start therapy” to welcome they.
Reminder Creation and Usage. Reminders are
used by caregivers to define when and where the child
must perform the therapy. With the objective to make
the interaction with Alexa more flexible, multiple sen-
tences that the user can pronounce to create the re-
minder were created. In particular:
Create a reminder on [date] at [time] in [room].
Set a reminder [date] at [time] in [room].
Create a reminder [date] at [time] in [room].
Set a reminder on [date] at [time] in [room].
It is important to highlight that the words ”time”,
”date”, and ”place” are slots that saved in the database
and are the field that allow the user to personalize the
reminder. Consequently, if the reminder is set suc-
cessfully, the smart assistant gives the feedback to the
user saying ”The reminder was successfully set. and
at the time and place for which the reminder was cre-
ated, the speaker automatically activates and says ”It
is time to start your therapy! Launch the skill and tell
me ”I am at home””.
Therapy Initiation. The patient is able to start to
perform the therapy activities by pronuncing the fol-
lowing expression ”I am at home”. After, the smart
assistant will indicate to the user to go in the room
setting while creating the reminder saying, for exam-
ple, ”Go to <RoomSetByCaregiver>! If you are al-
ready there, tell me ’I am here’!”. Now, the smart as-
sistant, after giving the instruction that are necessary
to find the place in which the tratment will be per-
formed, is waiting for the answer from the user. Fi-
nally, the smart assistant is ready to let the child start
the therapy and, thus, says ”Let’s start!”. In order for
this feature to work properly, there must be a therapy
available in e-SpeechT, administered by the therapist
and started by the caregiver.
Evaluation of "Speech System" and "Skill": An Interaction Paradigm for Speech Therapy
3.3 A Stereotypical Scenario
In this section, how the integration of ”Speech Sys-
tem” with Amazon Alexa works is presented. As
shown in Figure 2, the scenario in question that takes
into account a stereotypical structure of a common
house, (Barletta et al., 2023b).
Figure 2: Example of Smart Home (1. Caregiver’s Bed-
room, 2. Kitchen, 3. Living Room, 4. Child’s Bedroom, 5.
From the Figure 2, it is possible to notice that
smart assistants are set in the living room, kitchen,
and child’s bedroom. In this context, it is important
to underline that the role of the caregiver is crucial
because they have the responsibility of setting up the
environment to prepare the child to perform the activ-
ity required by the therapy.
The interaction with the smart assistant works in
the following way:
1. The caregiver sets a reminder through Alexa for a
specific date and time.
2. At the indicated moment, Alexa wakes up and
says ”It’s time to start the therapy! Go to the
<RoomSetByCaregiver>. If you are already
there, tell me ’I am here’!”.
3. The child follows the Alexa’s indications and
replies to the smart assistants with the suggested
sentence. After this, the patient goes to the indi-
cated room.
4. Alexa enunciates the following expression ”Let’s
start!” and launches ”Speech System” on the pa-
tient’s device.
In conclusion, it is underlined that this interaction
paradigm helps the patients to be more autonomous
while performing the exercises assigned by the speech
therapist, even in absence of the caregiver. The em-
ployment of the smart assistant represents also a way
to introduce gamification and gaming elements in the
process to increase their engagement and motivation
This section explores the planning and execution
phases of the user-usability study conducted to test
the interaction paradigm in question and how patients
behave while performing the therapy at distance. The
results are discussed and commented, highlighting the
problems, weaknesses, and strengths points.
4.1 Planning
This user study was planned to be conducted in
the presence of a facilitator and two observers, who
are responsible for making the participants feel wel-
comed and explaining how the study is carried out. In
addition, each participant was required to carry out
the tasks following the ”thinking aloud” technique;
it consists of asking to talk and express aloud how
he/she is feeling, what difficulties are being encoun-
tered, the doubts that are emerging, and whether the
goal of the task is thought to be reached or not. Ver-
balization by users makes it possible to understand
not only what problems the user experiences in us-
ing the system, but also why said problems arise.
It is, moreover, an excellent system for obtaining a
large amount of information with the participation of
a small number of subjects.
The objective of the study was to test the usabil-
ity and accessibility of the system and its integration
with Amazon Alexa voice assistance; in fact, the goal
was not to evaluate the medical effectiveness of the
administration of therapies through ”Speech System”,
but rather to see how children interact with the smart
assistant with respect to ease of use when performing
exercises in the application. The target users of this
study were children aged 4 to 8 years, which gave the
possibility of testing the services provided by the ap-
plication for users with different linguistic capabilities
and cognitive maturity, keeping in mind the target au-
dience for which the system was originally designed.
Being a pilot study for this interaction paradigm, the
suitable number of participants was considered be-
tween eight and ten for reliable results; therefore, the
actual execution of the study involved 10 children, en-
compassing all the characteristics of the target users
in question. The participants were chosen through
convenient sampling (Bellhouse, 2005).Each test was
carried out in an informal setting, with the aim of en-
suring as little stress as possible for the participants,
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
as children can distract themselves or get upset quite
easily when under pressure or in uncomfortable situ-
The actual link between Amazon Alexa and
”Speech System” was performed with the Wizard of
Oz technique, which consists of realizing the proto-
type in which the participants interact with the sys-
tem where answers and feedback are provided by the
experts behind the scenes, unbeknownst to them. The
feature to be simulated through this technique was the
opening of the application right after the final phrase
played through the speaker; more specifically, one of
the experts opens the browser on a computer before
the children approach the device.
A crucial part of studies with users are question-
naires. To administer them correctly, it is necessary
to measure the questions based on the individuals to
whom they are addressed. Your age is relevant since
it determines the attention curve, your memory skills,
and your ability to adapt your response to the context.
In light of the latter, two types of questionnaire
were designed for the study: First, a Google Form
questionnaire which has the objective of evaluating
the consistency of the state of concentration of the
child, the ability of Alexa to recognize vocal com-
mands from the children, and the enjoyment of the
interaction with both ”Speech System” and Amazon
Alexa. It is administered to the observer of the test,
who acts as a caregiver. It contains questions with a
Lickert scale, multiple choice, and open answers, de-
pending on the topic and the subject.
The choice of questions with different responses
was made to keep the individuals engaged and prevent
them from responding in a distracted and unfocused
way. As shown below, the questionnaire is divided
into two sections:
The first seven questions are directed at the care-
giver’s experience while using the application.
the other addresses specific issues regarding the
1. Were problems encountered when starting the
2. Indicate the specific problems in case you an-
swered “Yes” to the previous one.
3. Do you think that the child would have completed
all of the exercises in your absence?
4. When analyzing the statistics of exercises, do you
think that the automatic correction works accu-
rately and correctly?
5. Was it hard for you to follow the child during the
exercise execution?
6. On which device was the system used?
7. Did you encounter other specific difficulties? If
so, please list them.
1. How long did the child use ”Speech System”?
2. Did the child ask for help?
3. Did the child’s mood negatively change during the
execution of the exercises?
4. In case you replied “Yes” to the previous question,
why do you think the mood changed?
5. The child showed signs of anger and irritability
while using ”Speech System”.
6. The child remained concentrated for the entire du-
ration of the game.
7. Did the child want to continue playing?
8. The child perceives the game as: an obligatory
task, a game
9. Which difficulties were encountered when log-
ging onto the system?
10. The child got bored when using the system.
11. The child wanted to stop the execution of the ex-
ercises in advance.
This questionnaire aims at collecting both quali-
tative and quantitative results, such as the user’s dif-
ficulties during the task execution and the percentage
of task success, respectively. For example, questions
1) and 2) are relevant to understand whether the lo-
gin phase was problematic for the child or not. Ques-
tions 3) and 9) aims at measuring the effectiveness of
the application and whether the child is autonomous.
Questions 10-12, 17) were administered to get an in-
sight into the mood of the child to establish the pos-
itive or the negative implications coming from the
integration of the proposed technology. This aspect
is crucial for the study because anger and stress can
cause the medical ineffectiveness of the exercises.
In conclusion, to understand whether the goal of
masking therapy as a playful experience was met or
not, Question 15) is administered. The second is a
single-question questionnaire, which has the goal of
directly asking the child how he/she feels after the
test. The answer is provided through a smileyome-
ter (Bell, 2007; Jesus et al., 2019), as shown in Figure
3 in order to let participants of all ages be able to re-
ply; the question is ”Congratulations! You completed
your exercises. How do you feel?”.
Evaluation of "Speech System" and "Skill": An Interaction Paradigm for Speech Therapy
Figure 3: Single-question questionnaire for children
through a smileyometer.
Moreover, it also planned a small reward for each
child who takes part in the study. The necessary ma-
terial and pieces of technology needed to successfully
perform the study are a computer to use ”Speech Sys-
tem”, a smart speaker, and a tablet for the smileyome-
ter question. The motivation behind this choice lies in
the fact that the Alexa Skill to be tested is still under
development and has not been released to the public.
4.2 Execution
After the completion of the planning phase, partici-
pants were recruited with respect to the requirements
previously established. Considering that the target au-
dience of the system was children aged 4 to 8 years,
the permission of the parents and caregivers was nec-
essary to proceed; their presence was crucial for the
execution of the tests because they were conducted
on-site, at the participants’ homes, with their supervi-
The study involved 10 children, 7 girls, and 3 boys.
It was crucial for the children to be comfortable with
the environment in which they were tested, to reduce
any chance of additional stress or frustration during
the study, as seen in the Figure 4.
The experts made it sure to set ”Speech System”
beforehand, by creating the profiles for each child,
new therapies, and exercises, which were necessary
to test the system simulating a real-life scenario. The
facilitator and study observers set all devices in the
environment while each child was distracted, making
the experience more immersive for them.
More specifically, each caregiver was asked in which
room the child would have had to perform the test,
in order to program the Amazon Alexa Skill accord-
ingly. In the latter room, a computer was set with the
starting page of ”Speech System”, ready to be used
by the children, as if the voice assistant opened it. Be-
fore starting with the actual test, the context and goal
of the study were carefully explained to each child,
taking into account their age and making it all seem
Figure 4: Picture of one of the children using ”Speech Sys-
as playful and light as possible. Each child was then
accompanied to a room in their home where the Ama-
zon Echo was set, and then the test began.
During each test, observers paid attention and took
notes of the child’s movements, emotions, and what
he was saying. One of the experts acted as a caregiver
and was there in case the child needed help or guid-
ance throughout the process.
In order to understand the effectiveness of the invo-
cation phrase of the skill, two options were the sub-
ject of study: ”Launch ”Skill”” and ”Launch Ther-
apy”; they were tested through the within-subject de-
sign. When the child completed all the exercises in
”Speech System”, the smileyometer question was ad-
ministered. Meanwhile, one of the observers filled in
the Google Form questionnaire, acting as their care-
4.3 Results and Discussion
In this section, the results obtained during the study
will be presented. More specifically, the analysis of
participants’ behavior during the tests and their re-
sponses to the questionnaires will be explored, draw-
ing conclusions from them.
During the tests it stood out that this interaction
paradigm involving Alexa and ”Speech System” can-
not be a one-size-fits-all solution.
The skills and capabilities of children develop at a
very fast pace, which inevitably creates a gap between
those of 4-5 and 6-8 years old, caused by the reading
and writing skills or the lack of them. Nevertheless,
the experts, being already aware of this issue, were
ready to support the children by reading words and
phrases on the screen when necessary. At the same
time, it was noticed that the presence of an adult figure
that gave hints about what to do made the participants
feel under pressure and examination, leading to a state
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
of inadequacy and discomfort.
On the other hand, older children were already
familiar with smart assistants and computers due to
their employment at home and in schools, which
made it easier to perform the test and explain to them
how to carry out the tasks; it led to more autonomy
during all phases of the study.
Even though every child wished for a different
invocation phrase for the skill in question, a further
distinction can be made: the younger children could
not even enunciate the initial one, as opposed to the
older ones. It becomes clear that it is necessary to
create ramifications of ”Speech System” and its inte-
gration with Alexa, depending on the characteristics
of its user. More specifically, two aspects to focus
on in order to improve this interaction paradigm are:
choosing a different invocation phrase that recalls the
concept of playing as mentioned in the previous para-
graph and suggested by the children; differentiating
the types of exercises.
Nevertheless, it is important to underline that a
factor kept in mind throughout the whole process of
analyzing the results was the embarrassment and shy-
ness of the participants, which can cause reticence.
This aspect is considered as a potential bias. In con-
clusion, it can be asserted that in spite of the pre-
viously mentioned problems, the overall experience
was perceived as enjoyable and fun and something to
repeat in the future. This suggests that technology can
be a great tool for helping children in therapy by trans-
forming boring and serious activities into something
fun and playful.
The employment of technology in medicine has been
spreading at a very fast pace, expanding the horizons
for every party involved. When it comes to speech
therapy, e-health enables professionals to assist pa-
tients remotely, monitor in a more systematic way the
therapies that they administer, and automatize some
of their tasks. At the same time, children can engage
in less stressful activities with the use of gamifica-
tion techniques and game-based learning. In addition,
by not attending recurrent physical appointments, pa-
tients are less exposed to feelings of frustration and
anxiety due to situations that can be perceived as ex-
ams or tests.
In this research work, these concepts are embod-
ied in ”Speech System” and ”Skill”, converging to-
wards a new interaction paradigm that connects and
intertwines the advantages of a web-application and
the employment of smart assistants.
The analysis of the results made it possible to as-
certain that, broadly speaking, children enjoy the sys-
tem and the interaction with Alexa to the extent that
they wished to continue playing. However, even if
the activities were perceived as funny and pleasant
in the majority of cases, some problems were en-
countered that deserve to be studied in-depth, such as
the difficulty for children to enunciate the invocation
phrase, following the instructions to perform some
exercises in ”Speech System” that required more ad-
vanced reading or speaking skills. Future work is in-
tended to involve a more specific catering of the ex-
ercises in ”Speech System” to children depending on
their age; older children performed activities too eas-
ily, as opposed to the younger ones who were unable
to read and with lower linguistic skills.
In addition, it is planned to include the employ-
ment of a metric to further standardize the study when
evaluating it.
Lastly, a future work that is intended to perform
concerns the execution of a longitudinal study to as-
sess the impact of the interaction paradigm from a
medical point of view, too. This activity can provide
useful insights on the strengths and weaknesses of the
proposed solution.
The work was partially supported by the SMATH4SD
project (Smart Therapies for Speech Disorders) under
the grant ’Horizon Europe Seeds 2021’ funded by the
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