Some works have studied the different possibilities
offered by qualitative reasoning. (Medimegh et al.,
2018) focused on the description and the prediction
of the behavior of systems at a high level of abstrac-
tion, while (Zaatiti et al., 2018) developed the diagno-
sis aspect of qualitative reasoning using more numeri-
cal methods. (Gueuziec et al., 2023) proposed a tech-
nique to automatize system abstraction and the cre-
ation of hybrid automata. All these projects focused
on the state space study and did not delve into state
space partitioning but showed the advantages and
the limits of the different approaches. Many works
proposed very different approaches regarding design
space exploration, from the classic search in a finite
design space (Lattmann et al., 2014) to works present-
ing deep-learning-based strategies (Motamedi et al.,
2016). Methods also exist to deal with continuous sets
using probability density functions (Blanchard et al.,
2018) to represent the design space based on previous
knowledge and more qualitative constraints regarding
the expected value of parameters. However, this ap-
proach is more appropriate to deal with the choice
of the initial value of variables and is, therefore, at
the edge between state and design space exploration.
Also, many works regarding the solving of tempo-
ral logic constraints and its use for optimization have
been led (Wolff et al., 2014) and may allow signifi-
cant progress in the resolution of temporal and modal
predicates. DSE, in its aspect of design optimiza-
tion, has been more significantly treated in (Fuchs and
Neumaier, 2010; Wang and Shan, 2006).
Theoretically, qualitative reasoning should have an in-
teresting relation with DSE, and we can take advan-
tage of it to optimize performances and computation
time. Qualitative abstraction allows a permissive rep-
resentation of models and a satisfying logical expres-
sion of essential system properties. Using an SMT
solver on these first-order logic predicates is a relevant
method to test the constraints’ validity for a specific
valuation of the parameter list P.
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Qualitative Reasoning and Design Space Exploration