obtaining the average values, it was then compared
with the dimensions of the original STL model. Once
again, this comparison was made by calculating the
relative percentage error between both.
Thus, Table 3 shows a comparison made between
the measurements obtained in the ImageJ software
and the dimensions of the model in the STL file, for
the biomodel in which the lost nucleus was made of
glycerin-based soap.
Table 3: Comparison between the measurements obtained
in the ImageJ software and the dimensions of the STL file
model, by calculating the percentage error, for the PDMS
biomodel (in which the missing nucleus was made of
glycerin-based soap).
Name Length-
Error (%)
Aneurysm 5.204 5.00 4.07%
Left Arm 1.946 1.85 5.20%
Right Arm 1.885 1.85 1.86%
The main objective of this study was to investigate
the flow in an idealized semi-rigid biomodel
representing an intracranial aneurysm. The flow
visualization tests identified areas within the
aneurysm where fluid recirculation occurred.
Notably, the central region of the aneurysm, where
recirculation occurred, exhibited lower velocities
compared to the inlet and outlet speeds. With an
increase in the flow rate, the disparity between the
velocity inside the aneurysm and the inlet and outlet
velocities became more pronounced, indicating an
expanded recirculation area within the aneurysm.
Furthermore, an increase in the flow rate resulted in
the recirculation focus moving closer to the aneurysm
wall. It is highly recommended to conduct further
studies concerning the aim of this paper, namely there
should be performed numerical analysis for
validating the experimental results for the two studied
geometries. It is suggested to conduct numeric
simulations in steady state and transient regime to
infer if there are discrepancies between the velocity
values determined experimentally and numerically.
Apart from the validation of results, further numeric
simulations will produce a more profitable use of the
velocity and pressure profiles in terms of the
prediction of aneurism geometries that are at high risk
of rupture.
Authors acknowledge the projects
EXPL/EME-EME/0732/2021, 2022.06207.PTDC
(https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.06207.PTDC) and
2022.03151.PTDC (https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.
03151.PTDC) for the financial support, through
national funds (OE), within the scope of the Scientific
Research and Technological Development Projects
(IC&DT) program in all scientific domains (PTDC),
PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, European
Regional Development Fund (FEDER), via the
Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.
(FCT, I.P) and the R&D Units projects
(UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) (CIMO),
SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020), UIDB/04077/2020,
UIDP/04077/2020, UIDB/04436/2020,
UIDB/00532/2020, LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE). and
LA/P/0083/2020 IN + - IST-ID. Andrews Souza
acknowledges FCT for the Ph.D. scholarship
2021.07961.BD and José Pereira acknowledges FCT
for the Ph.D. scholarship Ref. 2021.05830.BD.
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