prediction is considered during the prototyping phase
and construction of the manufacturing machine, the
relevance of features can inform the selection of phys-
ical sensors to be deployed on the machine. The pro-
totype machine is equipped with a larger set of sen-
sors, and only after evaluating the prediction models
is the final set of relevant sensors determined.
Finally, besides the direct relation to the manu-
facturing case study, we see the benefit of deploying
smaller, less complex, and ideally interpretable mod-
els (Breiman, 2001; Rudin et al., 2022). At the same
time, there is a trade-off between simplicity and ac-
curacy, referred to as the Occam dilemma (Breiman,
2001). The simpler a model is made, the less accurate
it gets. We see this in the case study from the error
difference between the simpler decision tree vs. the
more complex gradient-boosting trees or random for-
est. By applying explainability methods to reduce the
feature space, we again reduce the model complexity,
making the final model more interpretable.
This study showcases the potential of combining ML
and explainability techniques to enhance the perfor-
mance of predictive models of surface quality in the
manufacturing sector, specifically in the context of
the milling process. Despite the limitations imposed
by data availability, our approach successfully lever-
ages less data-rich ML models, enhancing their effi-
cacy through feature selection based on explainability
For future work, we are interested in extending the
application of explainability methods in ML models
to other manufacturing processes of our partners be-
yond milling to create a more comprehensive predic-
tive system. Additionally, utilizing these ML models
as digital twins for the corresponding physical ma-
chinery opens new avenues for employing parameter
optimization methods. This integration not only en-
hances the accuracy of the models but also provides
an opportunity for real-time fine-tuning of machine
operations, thereby potentially improving efficiency
and reducing costs.
This work is funded by the European Union under
grant agreement number 101091783 (MARS Project)
and as part of the Horizon Europe HORIZON-CL4-
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