limited to a network of permissioned ledgers owned
by a business consortium, the paradigm can be ex-
tended for a set of blockchain systems of indefinite
size. Thus, this paper supports that EA techniques
can aid in solving open issues in blockchain interop-
erability and, in this way, encourage further research
in this area.
This work needs to be generalized for ease of ex-
tensibility to other use cases. For instance, applying
this mechanism to enhance public blockchain inter-
operability in fields other than that of supply chain
management would be noteworthy. Another interest-
ing future research path is to extend the Hermes fault-
tolerant middleware that was described in the prelim-
inary section of this document. The goal would be
to increase the robustness of this tool by leveraging
the transaction validation capabilities offered by the
proposed solution.
We thank the reviewers of this paper for their very in-
sightful and constructive feedback. We put forward
our gratitude to the Hyperledger Cacti community,
which idealized the use case we explore in this paper.
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through FCT, Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
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in the scope of the project nr. 51 “BLOCKCHAIN.PT
- Agenda Descentralizar Portugal com Blockchain”
refª C632734434-00467077, financed by European
Funds, namely “Recovery and Resilience Plan - Com-
ponent 5: Agendas Mobilizadoras para a Inovac¸
Empresarial”, included in the NextGenerationEU
funding program.
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An Enterprise Architecture Approach to Semantic Blockchain Interoperability