values abstractly. Exploring the potential
establishment of a specialized interface, such as an
assertion interface, could be an intriguing avenue for
future research, allowing client code to formulate
assertions about objects with hidden states and
enhancing the assertion framework's capabilities and
This paper has introduced and explored the concept
of constructive assertions as a valuable technique for
enhancing code reliability and verification. By
leveraging abstraction functions and assertion-only
variables, we have demonstrated how constructive
assertions offer a concise and comprehensible
approach to specifying program behavior. The
assertion library of immutable collection classes
further underscores the potential of this approach.
While challenges such as proper cloning and
namespace pollution warrant consideration, the future
holds promise for refining and expanding the utility
of constructive assertions. As software development
continues to evolve, the judicious application of this
technique stands to contribute to more reusable,
maintainable, and reliable software systems.
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