other one with synthetic images). The clearly best
classification rates were achieved using only real-
world data (91%), followed by using only synthetic
data (81-83%), and the worst results were achieved
using mixed data (50-76%). A comparison of the fre-
quency spectra of the synthetic images showed that
each generator exhibits unique model-specific char-
acteristics (a model-specific fingerprint). It’s likely
that this fingerprint is one of the reasons for the de-
graded performance of the classifiers trained on syn-
thetic data and, even more so, on mixed data. In any
case, the experiments clearly demonstrate that, de-
spite substantial developments in the field of synthe-
sis, synthetic training data should always be used with
caution, especially when synthetic data is used to re-
place only data of a single class. There is always the
risk that a deep learning based classifier learns to dif-
ferentiate based on model-specific characteristics and
not, as intended, based on class-specific features.
The employed FP removal techniques did not
work as intended and were unable to bridge the gap
between real and synthetic data. In future work,
we therefore plan to develop better FP removal tech-
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novation Strategy Salzburg 2025 (WISS 2025) under
the project AIIV Salzburg (Artificial Intelligence in
Industrial Vision), project no 20102-F2100737- FPR.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications