mance. For the UCF-24 dataset, we are able to speed
up (theoretically) the model by a factor of 6.6 while
only reducing the mAP by about 4%.
This result can also be observed in the energy con-
sumption, where there’s a reduction by a factor of
3.2. This significant decrease is especially vital con-
sidering energy consumption is a crucial factor for
edge deployment, enabling the model to be utilized on
battery-powered devices. By examining the memory
usage and latency of the deployed models, it’s clear
that the compressed models are more suitable for edge
For future work, other pruning criteria and
scheduling methods can be investigated. Currently,
we used sensitivity analysis to determine a pruning
schedule. However, this is not the optimal way to de-
termine the schedule. This could potentially be au-
tomated, as done in the field of AutoML. For exam-
ple, in the work of (He et al., 2018), a reinforcement
learning approach is used. Furthermore, we used a
static post-training quantization method. In future
work, we could investigate the use of quantization-
aware training. Finally, the quantization results can
also be improved by better software support, as dis-
cussed in Section 3.3.
This research is partly supported by the FWO
SBO Fellowship 1SA8124N ”Knowledge Based Neu-
ral Network Compression: Context-Aware Model
Abstractions” and by the Flanders Innovation En-
trepreneurship (VLAIO) IMEC.ICON project no.
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Deep Learning Model Compression for Resource Efficient Activity Recognition on Edge Devices: A Case Study