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Fully Connected Network-Based
We created a simple fully connected network-based
auto-encoder architecture for the agents. As shown
in Table 5, the encoder agents receive an image with
a fixed image height and width. The encoder then
transforms the features into a series of fully connected
layers with a fixed hidden dimension size specified
in hidden dim. Finally, the encoder outputs the se-
quence of symbols via the Gumbel SoftMax layer.
As shown in Table 6, the decoder receives a se-
quence of symbols and outputs the image after pass-
ing through a series of fully connected layers with a
fixed hidden dimension of size hidden dim.
Convolution-Based Architecture
We created a convolution-based auto-encoder archi-
tecture for the agents. As shown in Table 7, the en-
coder agents receive an image with a fixed image
height and width. The first two convolutional layers
extract the features in the image using 2D convolu-
tion with a kernel size of 3. Next, we apply the Max-
Pool2D layer with a kernel size of 2. During train-
ing, the dropout function on the output feature with a
probability of 0.25. We flatten the features before ap-
plying the fully connected layer. Next, we apply two
fully connected layers with an optional dropout layer.
Finally, the encoder outputs the sequence of symbols
via the Gumbel SoftMax layer.
As shown in Table 8, The decoder receives a se-
quence of symbols and outputs the image after pass-
ing through a series of fully connected layers with a
fixed hidden dimension of size hidden dim and 9216.
A Framework for Studying Communication Pathways in Machine Learning-Based Agent-to-Agent Communication