SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex
Riadh Harizi
1 a
, Rim Walha
1,2 b
and Fadoua Drira
1 c
REGIM-Lab, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Scene Text Detection, Deep Learning, SIFT Keypoints, Bounding Box Regressor.
Scene text detection is of growing importance due to its various applications. Deep learning-based systems
have proven effective in detecting horizontal text in natural scene images. However, they encounter difficulties
when confronted with oriented and curved text. To tackle this issue, our study introduces a hybrid scene
text detector that combines selective search with SIFT-based keypoint density analysis and a deep learning
training architecture framework. More precisely, we investigated SIFT keypoints to identify important areas
in an image for precise word localization. Then, we fine-tuned these areas with a deep learning-powered
bounding box regressor. This combination ensured accurate word boundary alignment and enhancing word
detection efficiency. We evaluated our method on benchmark datasets, including ICDAR2013, ICDAR2015,
and SVT, comparing it with established state-of-the-art scene text detectors. The results underscore the strong
performance of our scene text detector when dealing with complex scenarios.
Scene text detection is of growing importance due to
its various applications in a wide range of fields. It is
often described as the process of localizing the spe-
cific regions of text within images captured from nat-
ural scenes. Indeed, scene text detection can involve
multiple candidate regions, including text, word, and
character levels, which are then candidates for fur-
ther processing. At each level of candidate regions,
there are distinct advantages and disadvantages based
on their utility for specific applications. On the one
hand, text-level candidate regions, which treat the en-
tire scene text as a single candidate region, are par-
ticularly useful for recognizing text blocks or head-
ings within images. Their simplicity makes them the
preferred choice when text recognition is unneces-
sary, as it doesn’t provide fine-grained information
about individual words or characters, which can be
a drawback when detailed text analysis is required.
Word-level candidate regions, on the other hand, fo-
cus on providing finer details by localizing individ-
ual words within a scene. These regions are highly
valuable for applications requiring word-level analy-
sis (Harizi et al., 2022b). But, they may face chal-
lenges when dealing with densely packed words or
when character-level recognition becomes necessary.
Character-level candidate regions offer the ultimate
solution for character-level analysis but demand more
complex processing compared to word or text-level
regions. These regions can be particularly challeng-
ing for handwritten or cursive text. In summary, the
choice of the candidate level depends on the appli-
cation’s requirements, striking a balance between the
need for detail and the complexity of processing.
Several text detection algorithms have been em-
ployed to tackle accurately the text localization task.
Inspired by the rapid advancements in deep learn-
ing and the availability of annotated datasets, numer-
ous text detection techniques have emerged. Deep
learning-based systems have proven effective in de-
tecting horizontally aligned text in natural scene im-
ages. However, they encounter difficulties when con-
fronted with more challenging and complex scenar-
ios, specifically those involving oriented or curved
text. Therefore, many investigations continue to ex-
plore innovative architectures and solutions to ad-
vance the state of the art in text detection. Their
primary focus is on addressing some notable lim-
itations of existing techniques, such as improving
the effectiveness of handling images containing text
Harizi, R., Walha, R. and Drira, F.
SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0012426200003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 980-987
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
with varying angles or vertical orientations. Indeed,
main text detection methods adapted to text of vary-
ing shapes and orientations can be categorized into
two primary groups: region-based and texture-based
(Naiemi et al., 2021). In this study, we will primarily
concentrate on process-driven categories of region-
based methods, which can be defined by three main
groups: pixel-based, model-based and hybrid text de-
tectors approaches. This choice is guided by the na-
ture of our proposition. Pixel-based text detector ap-
proaches aim to detect and precisely locate text re-
gions by conducting an in-depth examination of the
individual pixels. These approaches utilize a variety
of image processing techniques and pixel-level char-
acteristics, including but not limited to color, bright-
ness, texture, pixel connectivity, keypoint density and
corners. These approaches are suitable for detecting
text in scenarios where text regions are well-defined
and exhibit distinct pixel-level features. However, in
real-world scenarios, this is often not the case. There-
fore, most approaches dealing with this challenging
task predominantly fall into two categories: model-
based and hybrid-based text detector approaches. On
the one hand, model-based text detector approaches
rely on pre-trained models or specific neural network
architectures to detect text. These approaches utilize
features learned from training data to recognize and
localize text regions in images. On the other hand, hy-
brid approaches combine the strengths of both pixel-
based and model-based approaches for text detection.
In this context, we introduce an hybrid approach
to address the challenges of text detection in un-
structured, real-world scenarios. This approach com-
bines the strengths of Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
techniques to enhance word detection accuracy and
robustness. While ResNet excels in feature extrac-
tion, SIFT is well-known for its resilience to scale
and orientation variations. Our method utilizes word-
level candidate regions as they strike a balance be-
tween the simplicity of text-level detection and the
detail of character-level detection. Word-level candi-
date regions are considered the optimal choice when
priorities include readability, reduced complexity, and
efficient processing.
The remainder of this study is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of well-known
model-based and hybrid scene text detection ap-
proaches in unstructured, real-world scenarios. Sec-
tion 3 details our proposed SIFT-ResNet hybrid text
detection method. Section 4 presents the experimen-
tal study to highlight the effectiveness of our ap-
proach. Section 5 concludes the study and highlights
open issues for future research.
In this section, we present an in-depth exploration
of related work in the field of model-based versus
hybrid-based text detector approaches, with a partic-
ular emphasis on deep learning-driven methods. Our
focus on this area stems from the growing importance
of text detection in various applications, where the
choice between model-based and hybrid approaches
plays a pivotal role in achieving accurate and efficient
results, particularly in addressing the challenges en-
countered in complex real-world scenarios.
Regarding model-based text detector approaches,
common models used include CNNs and other deep
learning architectures. These approaches are suitable
for detecting text in scenarios where text can vary in
terms of orientation, font, and placement (Zhou et al.,
2017; Liao et al., 2018a; Long and Yao, 2020; Zhu
et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2023). For example, EAST (Ef-
ficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector) employs a
CNN to predict text regions and their corresponding
quadrilateral bounding boxes in a single forward pass
(Zhou et al., 2017). Another model-based text detec-
tion approach is TextBoxes, which predicts both text
regions and their corresponding bounding boxes by
incorporating multiple aspect ratios and orientations
in the output layer of the network (Liao et al., 2017).
Additionally, YOLO (You Only Look Once), origi-
nally designed for object detection, can be adapted
for text detection tasks by training it on text-specific
datasets, making it applicable for text detection in di-
verse scenarios (Redmon and Farhadi, 2017). Stroke
Width Transform (SWT) is another model-based text
detector. It operates in a single pass through the
image, identifying and grouping regions with sim-
ilar stroke widths to identify potential text regions
(Piriyothinkul et al., 2019) (Epshtein et al., 2010).
In (Mallek et al., 2017), the authors explored the in-
tegration of a sparse prior into a model-based scene
text detection approach. Specifically, the features of
the convolutional PCANet network are enhanced by
sparse coding principle (Walha et al., 2013), repre-
senting each feature map through interconnected dic-
tionaries and hence facilitating the transition from one
resolution level to a suitable lower-resolution level.
Liao et al. proposed a unified end-to-end network
which operates in a single pass through the network
to detect and recognize text in images (Liao et al.,
2018b). The introduction of the RoIRotate opera-
tor is a part of their single-stage architecture, which
aims to handle oriented text and gain axis-aligned fea-
ture maps efficiently. Another study developed an
instance segmentation-based method that employed
a deep neural network to simultaneously predict text
SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios
regions and their interconnecting relationships (Deng
et al., 2018).
Concerning hybrid text detector approaches, they
may use pixel-level analysis to identify potential text
regions and then utilize models for further refinement
and classification. Indeed, the classification process
is designed to distinguish text from non-text areas,
while the refinement process is focused on enhanc-
ing the precision of text region detection. This fine-
tuning may entail adjustments to the position, size, or
shape of the bounding boxes to achieve more accurate
text region localization. For instance, Faster R-CNN
can be used to initially generate region proposals that
are likely to contain text and then refine these propos-
als for accurate text localization (Ren et al., 2015).
Moreover, Mask R-CNN extends Faster R-CNN by
incorporating a segmentation mask branch (He et al.,
2017). Another example is CTPN (Connectionist Text
Proposal Network). It generates text proposals in the
first stage and then refines them using a recurrent neu-
ral network (RNN) in the second stage (Tian et al.,
2016). Zihao et al. presented in (Liu et al., 2018b) an
approach that involves linking individual text compo-
nents to create complete text lines. In (Long et al.,
2018), the authors proposed a method representing
curved text with straight lines in a two-stage process:
first identifying potential text regions, and then refin-
ing and classifying these regions for improved accu-
racy in text detection. In their multi-oriented scene
text detection approach (Dai et al., 2018), the authors
used a region proposal network for text detection and
segmentation, followed by non-maximum suppres-
sion to handle overlapping instances. Furthermore,
hybrid methods may include a rectification stage to
address geometric distortions in text, like perspective
distortion or skew. This step improves text legibility
and streamlines the recognition process. An exam-
ple of this method is ASTER (Attentional Scene Text
Recognizer) (Shi et al., 2019).
In summary, hybrid text detection efficiency stems
from using advanced deep learning frameworks for
scene text localization and integrating textual fea-
tures pixel-wise. This integration of textual features
can lead to real-time solutions. Motivated by these
considerations, we introduce our hybrid text detector
framework in the following section.
In this section, we present the proposed deep learning-
based scene text detection method. It relies on an
hybrid-based detection approach that harnesses the
advantages of both convolutional-based deep net-
works and key-points based techniques in order to
accurately localize multi-oriented words involved in
a given real-world scene image. An overview of the
proposed method is depicted in Figure 1. As exhibited
in this figure, our proposition consists of three main
stages: multiscale SIFT-based RoIs detection, RoIs
filtering and grouping, and word bounding box re-
gression. Details concerning each stage of our propo-
sition are provided in the following.
3.1 Multiscale SIFT for RoI Detection
Real-world scene text differs visually from document
text. Rather than employing a preliminary segmenta-
tion or handling the entire input image content and in-
vestigating its overlapping regions, we suggest a more
focused approach which conducts a precise selective
search. This is achieved by detecting keypoints and
exploring a multi-scale spatial grids applied to the
input scene image, facilitating thus the identification
of pertinent local regions. Specifically, our detection
process initiates with the localization of SIFT key-
points, serving as a means to guide the selection of
candidate regions that are likely to encompass text ar-
eas, thereby eliminating the need for exhaustive pro-
cessing of all image regions. Following this, a refine-
ment process partitions the image into cells of varying
sizes using multi-scale grids. Each cell corresponds
to a local patch area having a dimension of n × n pix-
els, with n being selected from the set 8, 12, 16, 32.
This secondary step aids in systematically identify-
ing regions of interest (RoIs). The method focuses
on pertinent local areas, inspecting multi-scale grids
within the image, especially those with SIFT key-
points. Bounding boxes for these chosen cells, re-
ferred to as SIFT-RoIs, are created by computing Eu-
clidean distances between SIFT keypoints and cell
3.2 RoIs Filtering and Grouping
Throughout the training phase, our main emphasis
lies in assessing the precision of the chosen SIFT-RoIs
bounding boxes. In this regard, we utilize the Inter-
section over Union (IoU) evaluation measure which
represents a commonly employed measure in object
detection applications. In fact, this measure is a valu-
able tool for evaluating the alignment between the
predicted bounding boxes, specifically those associ-
ated with SIFT-RoIs, and the ground-truth bounding
boxes. These latter offer precise annotations that de-
fine the true positions of text patterns within the train-
ing images. Specifically, the IoU measure quantifies
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Overview of recent methods in deep learning-based scene text detection.
Reference Model Category Backbone Network Candidate Region Text Shape
(Zhang et al., 2015) STLD X CNN C,T X
(Mallek et al., 2017) DLSP X PCANet W,C X
(Zhou et al., 2017) EAST X FCN W,T X X
(Liao et al., 2017) TextBoxes X VGG-16+CRNN W X
(Liao et al., 2018a) TextBoxes++ X SSD+CRNN W X X
(Deng et al., 2018) PixelLink X FCN W X X
(Baek et al., 2019) CRAFT X VGG-16 C,W X X X
(Tian et al., 2016) CTPN X VGG-16 T,W X
(Wang et al., 2019a) PSENET X ResNet-18 T X X X
(Liu et al., 2022) ABCNet X ResNet-18 T X X X
(Long et al., 2018) TextSnake X U-Net W X X X
(Liao et al., 2021) Mask TextSpotter X FPN+CNN T X X X
(Harizi et al., 2022a) CNN X CNN W,C X
(Busta et al., 2017) Deep TextSpotter X CNN W X
(Liu et al., 2018a) FOTS X ResNet-50 W X X
(He et al., 2018) TextSpotter X PVAnet T,W,C X X
(Shi et al., 2019) ASTER X SSD+LSTM W X X
(Xing et al., 2019) charNet X ResNet-50 C,W X X X
(Wang et al., 2019b) PAN X ResNet-18 T,W X X X
(Long and Yao, 2020) UnrealText X FCN W X X
(Liao et al., 2020) SynthText3D X ResNet-50 W X X
(Zhu et al., 2021) FCENet X ResNet-50+FPN T,W X X X
(Yu et al., 2023) TCM X ResNet-50 T,W X X X
Proposed method SIFT-ResNet X ResNet-19 W X X X
Note: W : Word-based, T : Text-based, C: Character-based, MD : Model-based text Detector approach, HD : Hybrid-based
text Detector approach, MOT: Multi-Oriented Text, CT: Curved Text, : HT: Horizontal Text.
the proportion of the overlapping area between the
predicted and actual bounding boxes in relation to the
combined area of both boxes. Especially, it is ob-
tained for the j-th ground-truth (G
) and i-th detection
bounding box (D
) as follows:
This assessment crucially refines our scene text
detection model’s precision, providing valuable in-
sights into its proficiency in identifying text regions
within images. The IoU values guide the selection of
SIFT-RoIs, and from these, a Bag of Word Patterns
(BoW) model is constructed to determine the pres-
ence of text patterns in specific image regions. After
BoW-based filtering, we move to a region grouping
stage to enhance coverage of dense text patterns. In
this phase, we randomly merge nearest filtered SIFT-
RoIs, usually selecting the two or three closest cen-
troids. This step aims to reduce redundancy, con-
solidate overlapping regions, and potentially improve
precision in the subsequent word bounding box detec-
tion stage.
3.3 Word Bounding Box Regression
As depicted in Figures 1 and 3, the grouped SIFT-
RoIs bounding boxes cover text regions compre-
hensively but lack precision in localizing individ-
ual words. To address this, we introduce a Word
Bounding Box Regressor (WBBR), inspired by object
detectors like YOLO (Redmon and Farhadi, 2017)
and Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015). WBBR en-
hances word region detection for accurate delineation
of word bounding boxes. Our approach adapts bound-
ing box regression for precise localization of arbitrar-
ily oriented words in real-world scene images. Specif-
ically, we analyze SIFT-based RoIs, serving as pro-
posals for WBBR, crucial for accurately localizing
each word region
The proposed WBBR model in this study is based
on the fully-convolutional structure of ResNet-19 (He
et al., 2016), keeping convolution and pooling layers.
However, we modify it by replacing the final fully-
connected layers with four dense layers, as shown in
Figure 2. These layers progressively reduce neurons,
with the last layer having four neurons, serving as the
SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios
Figure 1: Illustration of the proposed scene text detection method.
Figure 2: Illustration of the word bounding box regression architecture.
Figure 3: Illustration of intermediate results generated through the proposed scene words detection process.
detection head for predicting word region positions.
Refer to Figures 1 and 3 for a visual overview of the
proposed word detection process and results on vari-
ous scene image samples.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Features of the datasets used in the study.
Dataset Language Images Text shape Text Features Annotation level
Train Test H CT MO Char Word
ICDAR2013 (Karatzas et al., 2013) EN 229 233 X Large X
ICDAR2015 (Antonacopoulos et al., 2015) EN 1000 500 X X X Small, Blur X
SVT (Wang and Belongie, 2010) EN 100 250 X X X Low-resolution X
Note: ML - Multi-Lingual, EN - English, H - Horizontal, CT - Curved Text, MO - Multi-Oriented.
Table 3: Quantitative comparison among some of the recent scene text detection methods evaluated on the ICDAR 2013,
ICDAR 2015, and SVT datasets. The best values are in bold.
Reference Model R P F R P F R P F
(Zhang et al., 2015) STLD 0.74 0.88 - - - - - - -
(Liao et al., 2017) TextBoxes 0.83 0.89 0.86 - - - - - -
(Liao et al., 2018a) TextBoxes++ 0.84 0.91 0.88 0.78 0.87 0.82 - - -
(Zhou et al., 2017) EAST - - - 0.78 0.83 0.81 - - -
(Liu et al., 2018a) FOTS - - 0.87 0.82 0.89 0.85 - - -
(He et al., 2018) TextSpotter 0.87 0.88 0.88 0.83 0.84 0.83 - - -
(Shi et al., 2019) ASTER - - - 0.69 0.86 0.76 - - -
(Tian et al., 2016) CTPN 0.83 0.93 0.88 0.52 0.74 0.61 0.65 0.68 0.66
(Deng et al., 2018) PixelLink 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.82 0.86 0.84 - - -
(Baek et al., 2019) CRAFT 0.93 0.97 0.95 0.84 0.89 0.86 - - -
(Wang et al., 2019a) PSENET - - - 0.84 0.86 0.85 - - -
(Metzenthin et al., 2022) WSRL 0.70 0.84 0.77 - - - - - -
(Wang et al., 2019b) PAN - - - 0.82 0.84 0.83 - - -
(Long and Yao, 2020) UnrealText 0.74 0.88 0.81 0.81 0.86 0.83 - - -
(Liao et al., 2020) SynthText3D 0.76 0.71 0.73 0.80 0.87 0.83 - - -
(Zhu et al., 2021) FCENet - - - 0.83 0.90 0.86 - - -
(Harizi et al., 2022a) CNN 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.74 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.78 0.75
(Yu et al., 2023) TCM - - 0.79 - - 0.87 - - -
Proposed method SIFT-ResNet 0.93 0.97 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.87 0.74 0.79 0.76
Note: R - Recall, P - Precision, F - F-score.
4.1 Datasets
This work utilizes three popular datasets: ICDAR
2013 (Karatzas et al., 2013), ICDAR 2015 (Antona-
copoulos et al., 2015), and Street View Text (SVT)
(Wang and Belongie, 2010). Table 2 summarizes key
features and details of the datasets. We note that the
proposed WBBR architecture undergoes training us-
ing these datasets. During the training phase, we di-
vide them into three sets: 80% for training images,
10% for validation, and 10% for testing.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
The evaluation in this study uses recall, precision, and
F-score metrics. Recall (R) measures the proportion
of true positives to the total positives in ground truth
annotations, while precision (P) is the ratio of true
positives to the total detected text examples. They are
defined as follows: R =
, P =
. Here,
TP, TN, FP, and FN represent true positives, true nega-
tives, false positives, and false negatives. The F-score
(F) is computed by combining recall and precision
values through the formula: F =
SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios
Figure 4: Some visual results generated by the proposed scene text detection method which succeeds to localize curved and
oriented scene words with different orientations, curvatures, styles, sizes, illuminations, and spatial resolutions.
4.3 Performance Evaluation Study
Table 3 depicts the results of our scene text detec-
tion method compared to other state-of-the-art meth-
ods on ICDAR 2013, ICDAR 2015, and SVT datasets.
Results, evaluated by precision, recall, and F-score,
show superior performance of our method across all
datasets. Specifically, on the ICDAR 2013 dataset,
our method outperforms the WSRL text detection
method (Metzenthin et al., 2022), increasing the F-
score from 0.77 to 0.95, with improvements exceed-
ing 13% in precision and 23% in recall. Compared
to the efficient CRAFT detector (Baek et al., 2019),
our method performs similarly on the ICDAR 2013
dataset but outperforms CRAFT on the more chal-
lenging ICDAR 2015 dataset. The improvements in
precision, recall, and F-measure, particularly on IC-
DAR 2015 and SVT datasets, highlight the robust-
ness of our approach in detecting challenging scene
text, including small-scale and multi-oriented exam-
ples that challenge human perception.
Figure 4 displays results from our SIFT-ResNet
scene text detector. The outputs demonstrate success-
ful localization in complex scenarios with varying ori-
entations, curvatures, styles, sizes, illuminations, and
spatial resolutions. Notably, the method accurately
localizes highly-curved words, as shown in Figures
4. In general, evaluating scene text localization con-
siders both accuracy and efficiency. Our research
combines traditional (SIFT) and modern (ResNet-
based bounding box regression) techniques, result-
ing in a highly accurate scene word detector. The
detector demonstrates notable improvements in pre-
cision, recall, and F-score measures. The proposed
method excels in performance due to the effective
use of multi-scale SIFT keypoints for character pat-
tern extraction and precise localization with a selec-
tive search-based word bounding box regressor in a
deep learning framework. By combining the local
feature capturing strength of SIFT keypoints with the
semantic understanding of deep neural networks, our
approach achieves a more precise scene word detec-
tor. This collaboration highlights the synergy between
traditional computer vision and modern deep learn-
ing techniques. The efficiency of our text detection
method is notably boosted by the significant contri-
bution of the SIFT technique. It streamlines the pro-
cess by identifying key regions with a high likelihood
of containing text, allowing the detector to focus on
these areas rather than the entire image. This concen-
tration improves the overall speed of our text detector.
Finally, the achieved scene text detection results could
enhance the functionality and performance of diverse
applications like text super-resolution and recognition
(Walha et al., 2015).
In summary, our study concentrated on detecting text
in real-world scene images. We introduced a hybrid
text detection method that combines SIFT-based key-
points localization, BoW-based character patterns fil-
tering, and ResNet-19 based word bounding box re-
gression. Experimental results affirmed the method’s
efficiency, particularly in handling multi-oriented and
curved scene texts. Performance evaluations were
conducted on three challenging datasets, comparing
favorably with various state-of-the-art text detection
methods. As a future work, we aim to extend this re-
search to address the multi-script text detection and
recognition tasks.
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SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios