2. Let’s compute C
. It consists of two-
bit decompositions and a loop from 0 to
2log(Q) – this time, we need all the rows.
= O(C
+log(Q) ·C
) =
· n + log(Q) · C
3. Determining the complexity of the second loop.
Let us enumerate all the operations in this loop:
• 4 multiplications of DCRTPoly;
• 4 additions of DCRTPoly.
Consequently, C
= O(4(C
)) = O (n · d · log(q)
Global complexity: C
= O(log(Q)
· n · d ·
For these results, the computer used has an Intel Core
processor i7-12800H, 14 cores (6 performance-cores
– max turbo frequency cores 4.80 GHz and 8 efficient-
cores – max turbo frequency cores 3.70 GHz) for a
total of 20 threads. The library is OpenFHE version
1.1.1 (1.0.3 was used for comparison). We used a
plaintext modulus of 65537, and the multiplicative
depth was 3. The other parameters were OpenFHE
default ones.
Table 1: Addition.
parties 2 3 4 5 8 10
time (ms) 98 157 219 279 460 579
Table 2: Multiplication.
parties 2 3 4 5 8 10
time (ms) 115 252 397 550 1136 1642
We did the two operations (addition and multipli-
cation) for 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 parties. The corre-
sponding results can be found in the tables 1 and 2.
Multiplication time is to be understood without relin-
earisation: we just decrypted the ciphertext to verify
the correctness of the algorithm.
The last step was to create the relinearisation key.
The time result (described in 3 and 4)is only for one
element of the evaluation key and does not include
the pre-calculation time (which must be done inde-
pendently by every party because it is the secret key’s
As shown by these last results, the implementation
of the library is crucial to evaluation key’s calculation
time. Refinement of core functions can very likely
lead to substantial improvements in calculation time
Table 3: RGSW multiplication v1.1.1, One row.
threads 1 2 4 8 16 20
time (min) 3:38 3:43 3:25 3:38 3:40 3:23
Table 4: RGSW multiplication v1.0.3, One row.
threads 1 2 4 8 16 20
time (min) 6:23 5:51 5:40 5:25 4:53 6:13
, and it will hopefully be enhanced in future versions
of OpenFHE.
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For instance, the bit decomposition could still be sig-
nificantly optimized.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy