Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent’s Head and
Facial Behavior
Afef Cherni
, Roxane Bertrand
and Magalie Ochs
Aix-Marseille Univ., IN2P3, CNRS, France
Aix-Marseille Univ., LPL, CNRS, France
Aix-Marseille Univ., LIS, CNRS, France
Multimodal Cues, Persuasion, Embodied Conversational Agent, Machine Learning Methods, Mathematical
The persuasiveness of a virtual agent refers to its ability to influence, persuade, or motivate users to take spe-
cific actions or adopt certain attitudes or beliefs. Virtual agents can use its multimodal capabilities, including
non-verbal cues to enhance their persuasiveness. In this paper, we present a new tool called THRUST (from
neuTral Human face to peRsUaSive virTual face) to automatically generate the head movements and facial
expressions of a persuasive virtual character. This tool is based on a machine learning approach from a human
videos corpus to identify the non-verbal persuasive cues. A convolution-based model then transforms neutral
non-verbal behavior to a persuasive non-verbal behavior simulated on a virtual face. Videos generated by the
tool have been evaluated through a subjective perceptive study with about 90 participants. The results show
that the virtual agent’s head and facial behaviors generated by the THRUST tool are perceived as persuasive,
thus validating the proposed approach.
One challenge facing the field of intelligent virtual
agent research is the automatic generation of behav-
iors for embodied conversational agents, especially
concerning social and emotional dimensions. In this
article, we focus on the generation of persuasive vir-
tual agent’s behavior. According to (Miller, 2013),
the persuasion can be defined as ”any message that is
intended to shape, reinforce or change the responses
of another or others”. As highlighted in (Burgoon
et al., 1990) and (Chidambaram et al., 2012), the per-
suasiveness of a message does not solely depend on its
content but also largely relies on the multimodal com-
ponents, encompassing different verbal, vocal, and
mimo-gestural levels (such as facial expressions, ges-
tures, and pitch). This article specifically focuses on
the social cues conveyed through non-verbal signals,
such as facial expressions and head movements, that
can be expressed by a virtual agent to enhance per-
suasiveness. However, this article does not address
the argumentative aspects related to persuasion, such
as identifying arguments to convince, arranging the
order of argument presentation, and responding to ar-
guments raised by the persuadee.
Our ultimate objective is to create an Embodied
Conversational Agent (ECA) with persuasive capa-
bilities to encourage the elderly population to en-
gage in physical activity. In the field of intelligent
virtual agents, numerous persuasive virtual agents
have already been created (e.g. (Lisetti et al., 2013;
Petukhova et al., 2017; Nguyen et al., 2007)). The
main method for modeling persuasive behavior in-
volves identifying behavioral cues that have an impact
on perceived persuasiveness, and integrating these
cues into virtual agents. The literature emphasizes
certain human behavioral cues related to persuasion,
such as body movements (Burgoon et al., 1990) and
prosody (Petukhova et al., 2017). In the domain of
virtual agents, empirical research has shown the im-
portance of certain verbal and non-verbal cues in en-
hancing the persuasiveness of the virtual agent (Ghaz-
ali et al., 2018; Chidambaram et al., 2012). However,
as far as we know, there is currently no existing multi-
modal behavioral model that generates the behavioral
cues that a virtual agent should display to be perceived
as persuasive.
In this article, we present a new software tool
called THRUST: from Neutral Human Face to Persua-
sive Virtual Face with its subjective evaluation. The
Cherni, A., Bertrand, R. and Ochs, M.
Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent’s Head and Facial Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0012429700003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 1, pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tool is designed to automatically convert a video of a
human into a video of a virtual character that exhibits
a persuasive non-verbal behavior. Specifically, the
tool extracts automatically the human’s head move-
ments and facial expressions, applies modifications
based on a proposed computational model, and repro-
duces the resulting head and facial movements on a
virtual face. The main focus of the paper is the com-
putational model that transforms the head and facial
movements obtained from the human face to persua-
sive movements that are then mimicked on the vir-
tual face. The model is evaluated through a percep-
tive study to validate that the generated animations
are perceived by users as persuasive.
Developing a persuasive behavior model implies
several challenges, and in particular the precise iden-
tification of the behavioral cues associated to persua-
sion. These cues should be modified on virtual agent
to simulate a persuasive behavior. For this purpose,
we investigate, in a first step, the relevant behavioral
cues of persuasion. We use machine learning tech-
niques to explore the cues of persuasion in a human
video corpus. In particular, we explore the POM cor-
pus (Park et al., 2014), which is, to the best of our
knowledge, the only multimedia corpus with annota-
tions of perceived persuasiveness. The POM corpus
contains web videos of individuals discussing diverse
topics in front of a camera. In our machine learning
approach, we pay a particular attention to the inter-
pretability of the model to be able to identify features
that can be easily understood and replicated on vir-
tual agents. Our aim in this research is not to cre-
ate a classification model to assess persuasiveness but
to use machine learning to identify the relevant fea-
tures of behavioral persuasiveness. Based on the iden-
tified persuasive behavioral cues, the THRUST tool
converts the cues extracted from the human face into
persuasive ones. From the POM corpus, we propose
a dictionary to establish reference points that reflect
persuasive non-verbal behavior. A convolution-based
model, based on this dictionary, is integrated in the
THRUST tool to compute the persuasive behavior of
the virtual agent .
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we discuss theoretical and empirical research works
that explore the behavioral cues related to persua-
sion. In Section 3, we introduce an overview of the
architecture of the THRUST tool. Section 4 details
the machine learning framework and Section 5 the
convolution-based model. In Section 6, we present
the implementation and the evaluation of the tool. We
conclude in Section 7.
Several research studies, particularly in the human-
human interaction field, have explored the efficiency
of certain behavioral cues. For instance, (Burgoon
et al., 1990; Petukhova et al., 2017; Miller et al.,
1976), have emphasized the importance of various
multimodal behavioral cues. In the present article, we
focus on non-verbal cues related to persuasion. As
highlighted by(Burgoon et al., 1990), gestures, body
movements, smiles and facial expressions are impor-
tant non-verbal cues that enhance persuasiveness.
At the interactional level, several works studied
the positive impact of mimicry on persuasion (Tan-
ner and Chartrand, 2006). In this article, we anal-
yse corpora of monologue excluding the possibility of
studying the interactional level. Other contextual ele-
ments, such as the appearance of the persuader (Bur-
goon et al., 1990), may impact the perceived persua-
sion. In this article, given the size of the considered
corpus and the lack of contextual variability, as a first
step, we do not consider the influence of the context.
Based on the research showing the importance of face
and head movements for persuasion (Burgoon et al.,
1990), we consider in our study the facial expressions
through the study of action units and the head move-
ments. These behavioral cues considered as features
of the learned models are presented in more details in
Section 4.3.
In the Intelligent Virtual Agent domain, to gen-
erate automatically the behavior of a virtual agent,
two main approaches are identified in the literature.
The first approach relies on rule-based systems that
exploit linguistic information from the text and the
meaning of gestures, facial expressions or head move-
ments to determine the appropriate signals to express
(e.g. (Cassell, 2001; Marsella et al., 2013)). Rule-
based approaches remain very limited, given the vari-
ability of human expressions across modalities. In a
much more recent approach, machine learning meth-
ods are used to automatically generate co-verbal ges-
tures (e.g. (Chiu and Marsella, 2014)), facial expres-
sions and body movements from speech (e.g. (Habi-
bie et al., 2021)) or from speech and text to take
into account both acoustic and semantic information
(e.g. (Ahuja et al., 2020; Kucherenko et al., 2020)).
Most studies are based on deep neural networks (e.g.
(Chiu and Marsella, 2014; Hasegawa et al., 2018;
Kucherenko et al., 2020)) and, more recently, on the
use of GAN architectures (e.g. (Ahuja et al., 2020;
Habibie et al., 2021)). Compared to existing works,
the originality of the work presented in this article is:
(1) we generate non-verbal behavior, not from speech
or text, but from a video of a human with a neutral
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Global architecture of the system to automatically transform a neutral human video to a persuasive virtual character
video. Input: a video of a human with automatic extraction of head and facial movements using OpenFace. Model: a
computational model to automatically transform neutral non-verbal features to persuasive non-verbal features Output: a video
of a virtual character replicating the behavior of the human but with persuasive head and face movements.
attitude; (2) we generate the facial and head move-
ments whereas most of the existing models consider
the body and head movements and (3) unlike exist-
ing works that do not allow the generation of socio-
emotional behaviors, we propose the automatic gen-
eration of persuasive behavior.
From a machine leaning perspective, few research
works have investigated persuasion. The main work
has been conducted by Park et al. (Park et al., 2014;
Park et al., 2016; Nojavanasghari et al., 2016) on the
Persuasive Opinion Multimedia (POM) corpus con-
sisting of 1000 movie review videos obtained from
a social multimedia website called As
proposed by Park et al. (Park et al., 2014; Park et al.,
2016; Nojavanasghari et al., 2016), we use machine
learning algorithms to explore persuasiveness. How-
ever, our work differs from the latter in several as-
pects: (1) contrary to Park et al., in order to ob-
tain explainable models, we do not use deep learning
methods but “white box” classifiers such as SVM and
Random Forest; (2) still in our perspective of inter-
pretability, we consider non-verbal features that can
be simulated on a virtual agent
; (3) last but not least,
our final objective is not to create a prediction model
but to explore the non-verbal cues and to use machine
learning-based methods in order to create a persua-
sive artificial agent. In the next section, we present
the architecture of the proposed tool to automatically
generate a persuasive virtual speaker from a human
The THRUST tool takes as input the video of a hu-
man and provides as output a video of a virtual agent
replicating the same human’s behavior but in a per-
suasive way. The tool is composed of 3 main mod-
ules: the Input module, the Model module, and the
Output module. The architecture is illustrated Fig-
ure 1. We describe each module in the following.
In the Input module, the system takes a video of
a human speaking in a neutral way. At this step,
the OpenFace tool
is used to extract the human’s
head and facial movements. These measures noted
as (U
, where U
design the i-th measured fea-
ture characterizing the face and head movements, will
be saved and used as an input of the Model module
which transforms them to a set of features (W
characterizing the head and face movements of a per-
suasive speaker as output. For this purpose, a combi-
nation of machine learning methods and convolution-
based techniques is used. The machine learning meth-
ods are employed on an existing corpus to identify the
important relevant features of persuasiveness (Step 1,
2, and 3 in Figure 1), which is explained in detail in
Section 4. Note that, the resulting learning model is
also used as a classifier to automatically determine if
the behavior in a video (human or virtual agent) is
persuasive (Step 2 in Figure 1). By this way, this
learnt model is used to confirm if the transformed fea-
Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent’s Head and Facial Behavior
ture vector (W
is indeed considered as per-
suasive (as depicted in Figure 1 by the dotted arrow
from the ”output” box to the ”classification” box). In
the subsequent steps (Step 4 and 5 in Figure 1), a
convolution-based method is used to determine how
to modify the features to be persuasive (details of
these steps are given in Section 5). Finally, in order
to deliver the same speech as the original video, but
with persuasive head and face movements, the Out-
put module uses the embodied conversational agent
Greta to simulate the set of variables (W
generate the video. The vector (W
denotes the
value of the head and face movements extracted from
the original human video and modified to be persua-
sive (Figure 1).
4.1 Corpus and Features Extraction
In the step 1 (Figure 1), we consider a specific cor-
pus and extract the features from the video of the cor-
pus. Concerning the choice of the corpus, nowadays,
few corpora in the research community are available
to study persuasiveness. In this work, we consider the
Persuasive Opinion Multimedia (POM) corpus (Park
et al., 2014). This corpus is freely available and con-
tains videos of speakers trying to convince on differ-
ent subjects. POM corpus consisting of 1000 movie
review videos obtained from a social multimedia web-
site called It contains different conver-
sational videos cut into a total of 1096 thin slices.
Each cut was annotated by different native English-
speaking workers of the United States.
Based on the theoretical and empirical research
on persuasion presented above (Section 2), we con-
sider the following groups of features: facial ac-
tion units (AU1, AU2, AU4, AU5, AU6, AU7, AU9,
AU10, AU12, AU14, AU15, AU17, AU18, AU20,
AU23, AU24, AU25, AU16, AU28, AU43), emotions
(Anger, Contempt, Disgust, Joy, Fear, Surprise, Con-
fusion, Frustration), head movements (displacement
and rotation in (x, y, z) axes, speed of the head move-
ment and its acceleration according to (x, y, z) axis)
and acoustic descriptors (fundamental frequency f
peak slope). For each feature, we computed the mean,
median, maximum, minimum, standard deviation and
the variance.
4.2 Formalization of the Classification
As illustrated by the step 2 (Figure 1), to identify the
importance of the features in the perception of the
persuasion, we consider a classification task: based
on the features as input, the classifiers have to pre-
dict if the features are persuasive as output. As a first
step, we consider a binary classification to simplify
the learning problem (i.e. prediction if persuasive or
4.3 Automatic Analysis of the Vocal and
Non-Verbal Cues of Persuasion
In the step 3 (Figure 1), the objective is to compare
the performances of the classifiers and then to se-
lect the most important features that ensure the high-
est prediction performances. We propose to experi-
ment different classifiers: the Naives Bayes (NB), the
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and the Random For-
est (RF). These methods, compared to other neuronal
models, are well suited for handling small datasets
and have the advantage of interpretability. All exper-
iments were performed with 10-fold cross-validation
(CV) where each CV was tested 10 times. In order to
estimate the performances of the different classifiers,
we compute scores from classifiers returning random
predictions, to establish baselines. We consider three
different strategies: uniform (generates predictions
uniformly at random) (noted BR), stratified (gen-
erates predictions with respect to the training set’s
class distribution) (noted BU0) and most frequent
(always predicts the most frequent class in the train-
ing set) (noted BU1). For each fold of the cross-
validation, the random classifiers are fitted on the
training set and used to generate predictions on the
validation set, for each strategy. Each classifier is
trained on 80% of the corpus and tested on 20% of
the corpus.
The performances of the classifiers are evalu-
ated though the classical metrics of accuracy and F1
weighted score (to cope with the unbalanced classes).
Moreover, we compute the statistical significant dif-
ferences of the obtained F-scores. The Student’s t-test
is performed to compute the statistical differences be-
tween the F1-scores of the classifiers and of the base-
lines obtained by the k-fold-cross-validation. This
test is one of the recommended methods to compare
the performance of machine learning algorithms (Di-
etterich, 1998).
In order to evaluate the importance of each group
of features to predict the persuasion, we compute the
performance scores of the classifiers considering each
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
group of features and combinations of groups as in-
put. The results show that the emotions do not enable
us to obtain significant differences with the baselines.
In others words, the emotions are not sufficient to pre-
dict persuasion. In the same way, the group of fea-
tures containing only head movements or only acous-
tic features leads to performances not significantly
different from the baselines. However, the features
of the facial expressions provide good performance
scores with significant differences with the baselines
(with RF, accuracy score = 0.71, F1 weighted score
= 0.74 and p-value < 0.05). Considering combina-
tions of groups of features, the result reveals that the
combination of non-verbal and vocal cues improves
significantly the accuracy score (with RF, accuracy
score = 0.74, F1 weighted score = 0.82 and p-value
< 0.005). These results are in line with the research
on persuasion showing the importance of multimodal-
ity for perceived persuasion. Finally, the best accu-
racy score is obtained by combining facial expres-
sions features, head movements and vocal features
with a Random Forest classifier, we have an accuracy
score = 0.81, a F1 weighted score = 0.72 and p-value
< 0.0005.
In the following steps, since we obtain also good
results with the combination of facial expressions fea-
tures and head movements (accuracy score equals to
0.74 and F1 weighted score equals to 0.82), we focus
on these non-verbal cues that we can be simulated on
the embodied conversational agent Greta
Figure 2: Screenshots at the same time of two animations
given as input the same video of human: (1) neutral atti-
tude generated without transformation and (2) persuasive
attitude generated by the model of the THRUST tool.
In this section, we describe the steps 4 and 5 illus-
trated on Figure 1. These steps consist in comput-
ing the non-verbal cues (facial expressions and head
movements identified in the previous steps) of the vir-
An open-source platform to create Embodied Conver-
sational Agent:
tual speaker to enhance its persuasiveness. The com-
putation is based on the POM corpus. This corpus
contains neutral and persuasive sequences. It is im-
portant to note that, in this study, we define a neutral
attitude as the act of speaking without attempting to
be persuasive. It does not mean that the neutral face
is not persuasive.
For each relevant non-verbal feature, we gener-
ate a signal that describes its average dynamic across
all persuasive or neutral sequences in the POM cor-
pus. For this purpose, we treat each slice (Ambady
and Rosenthal, 1992) in the POM corpus as a sam-
ple and we use the average value of each non-verbal
behavior’s dynamic as a reference. The generated sig-
nals characterize the typical values of the non-verbal
cues associated to a persuasive attitude. Each signal
is associated to a non-verbal cue. These signals cor-
respond to references that the non-verbal cues have
to follow when we generate the persuasive behavior.
The reference values is noted (M
, where M
corresponds to the i-th reference of the non-verbal
cues indexed with i = 1, ..., N (for example, AU1
and AU2 as facial units and head position according
(x, y, z) axis). To generate persuasive non-verbal cues,
we modify the U
value using a convolution prod-
uct between U
and M
which involves averaging the
input based on the properties of the reference M
A re-sampling step may be necessary at this stage to
avoid the issue of size mismatch between U
and M
It should be noted that our convolution-based strat-
egy is only applied to the non-verbal cues that Greta
takes into account, namely head movements along the
(x, y, z) axis and specific AUs (AU1, AU2, AU4, AU5,
AU6, AU7, AU12). In the next section, we present the
implementation and the evaluation of the THRUST
tool integrating the models presented above.
The process outlined in Figure 1 has been success-
fully implemented and is now fully operational. As
described in 3, we use OpenFace to extract the fea-
tures from the input (the video of human with a neu-
tral attitude). Then we developed our Model module
(Step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) to convert neutral human face
and head movement into persuasive virtual ones using
Python language. The output of our Python script is
played with Greta tool. At this final step, we have
used the virtual female character Emma to create the
final output of the THRUST tool (the video of a per-
suasive Embodied Conversational agent). The entire
code of the tool, as well as a tutorial video, is pro-
Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent’s Head and Facial Behavior
vided in the GitHub account of the authors as an open-
source project
. In the following sections, we present
an objective and subjective evaluation of the tool.
6.1 Objective Evaluation
The videos generated by our tool show a noticeable
difference in terms of facial and head movements be-
tween the videos of the virtual speaker without trans-
formation (i.e. the non-verbal cues extracted from
the human video are directly replicated on the vir-
tual speaker; called neutral videos) and those trans-
formed by the models (i.e. the non-verbal cues ex-
tracted from the human video are transformed by the
models and replicated on the virtual speaker; called
persuasive videos). The generated neutral videos ap-
pear to have very little movements, while the gen-
erated persuasive videos show more eyebrow move-
ments, smiles and head movements. To assess the ef-
fectiveness of our tool, we propose an objective eval-
uation based on the learnt classifier. As described pre-
viously (Section 4.2), to construct the THRUST tool,
we have developed an accurate classifier for predict-
ing persuasion. We propose to use this classifier to
verify that the generated videos are correctly classi-
fied as persuasive. For this purpose, we consider the
best classifier that was the Random Forest one. To
evaluate the model objectively, we have generated 24
videos. Four persons have been filmed (2 female and
2 male). We asked to each person to say two different
predefined sentences in a neutral way. The sentences
are related to our use case, e.g. “Through physical ac-
tivity you can overcome disabling pain and improve
your general well-being”. The two sentences have the
same size. The speech production of these sentences
lasts around 10 seconds. In total, we have recorded
8 videos of human speaker of 10 seconds. Using the
THRUST tool, we have generated two kinds of video
using the same virtual speaker (Figure 2):
videos of a neutral virtual speaker that corre-
spond to the replay of the recorded human fea-
tures on the virtual face;
videos of a persuasive virtual speaker that corre-
spond to the recorded human features transformed
by our model and replicate on the virtual speaker.
For each recorded human video, we have generated
these two kinds of video. Moreover, we have cre-
ated baseline videos. These videos correspond to the
noisy version of the recorded human features on the
virtual face (we used a classical additive white Gaus-
sian noise). The baseline videos have been created
in order to compare videos with the same amount of
movements (persuasive and baseline videos) with the
neutral videos with few movements. In total, we had
24 videos to evaluate
The generated videos have been provided to the
classifier to evaluate objectively if they were classi-
fied as persuasive. Note that only the non-verbal fea-
tures of the video have been used for the classifica-
tion. The results show that all the persuasive videos
are classified as persuasive whereas the neutral videos
and the baseline videos are classified as non persua-
sive. This first objective evaluation constitutes a first
validation step of the proposed tool. However such an
evaluation is not sufficient since the classifier and the
THRUST tool have been created based on the same
data. To complete this evaluation, we present in the
next section a subjective evaluation to assess the gen-
erated videos with users.
6.2 Subjective Evaluation
The THRUST tool has been evaluative through a per-
ceptive study. We describe the protocol of the experi-
ment and the results of the evaluation in the following.
Videos. In this subjective evaluation, we consider
the same 24 generated videos used for the objective
evaluation (previous section): 8 videos correspond-
ing to a persuasive virtual speaker, 8 to a neutral
virtual speaker and 8 corresponding to baseline with
randomly generated animations. As for the objec-
tive evaluation, we consider only the non-verbal cues.
Consequently, the videos were played without sound
to avoid the lip synchronization problem and the im-
pact of the speech on the perception.
Questionnaire. We asked several participants to
evaluate the perceived persuasiveness of the virtual
speaker, both of the videos before and after the trans-
formation of our model (i.e. the neutral and persua-
sive videos) and the baseline videos. For this purpose,
we consider 2 questions: QI “Did you find the char-
acter persuasive in the video ?” and QII “Did you
find the character animations convincing in the video
(translation from French). The responses to each
question were indicated through a Likert-scale from 1
to 5.
Participants. A total of 89 persons (51 female and
38 male) have participated online to the experiment.
They were recruited on French mailing lists. The age
of the participants is in average 34.2 (SD = 11.78).
Task. Each participant had the task to watch each
video and to indicate their perception through the
Examples of videos: https:
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
questions on the virtual speaker’s persuasiveness (2
questions). The experiment took place online. The or-
der of the video and of the questions have been coun-
terbalanced to avoid an effect on the results.
Results. The scores of the participants have been ana-
lyzed using a Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA.
We applied a normality test using kewness and Kur-
tosis. The distribution of each measure is normal. In
Table 1, we report the descriptive statics of the results.
We report the results considering each question
Concerning the first question QI Did you find
the character persuasive in the video ?”, the results
show a significant effect of the agent’s behavior on
the users’ perception, F(1.48,89) = 12.66, and p <
0.001. The persuasive virtual speaker (M = 2.43,
SD = .08) has been perceived significantly more per-
suasive than the baseline virtual speaker (M = 1.93,
SD = .08), p < 0.001, and the neutral virtual speaker
(M = 2.18, SD = .08), p = 0.001. This result vali-
dates the proposed approach showing that the videos
generated by the THRUST tool are perceived sig-
nificantly more persuasive than the videos gener-
ated without transformation or with randomly gen-
erated non-verbal cues. Note that no main effect of
users’ gender has been found, although women (M =
2.28, SD = 0.07) had the tendency to perceive agents
more persuasive than men (M = 2.08, SD = 0.08),
with p-value equal to 0.08. Interestingly, the sentence
used for the recording has a significant impact on
the perceived persuasiveness F(1, 89) = 17.41, p <
0.001, whereas the videos had no sound. The videos
recorded with the sentence 2 (M = 2.25, SD = 0.06)
were perceived as more persuasive than the videos
with the sentence 1 (M = 2.11, SD = 0.06).
Concerning the question QII “Did you find the char-
acter animations convincing in the video?”, the re-
sults are coherent with the results for the question
QI. In fact, the main effect of the agent’s behavior
is significant with F(1.54, 89) = 13.35 and p < .001.
The persuasive virtual speaker (M = 2.51, SD = .08)
has been perceived as more convincing than the base-
line (M = 2.02, SD = .09) and p < .001, and the
neutral virtual speaker (M = 2.27, SD = .08) and
p = .003. No main effect of users’ gender has been
found, although women (M = 2.37, SD = .07) had the
tendency to find agents more convincing than men
(M = 2.16, SD = .08) and p = .06. The sentence
used for the recording has a significant impact on
the perceived convincing aspect F(1, 89) = 29.38 and
p < .001. The videos recorded with the sentence 2
(M = 2.34, SD = .06) were perceived as more con-
vincing than the videos recorded with the sentence 1
(M = 2.18, SD = .05). These results confirm that the
videos generated by the THRUST tool are perceived
significantly more convincing than the videos gener-
ated without transformation or with randomly gener-
ated non-verbal cues.
Discussion. The results of the perceptive study enable
us to validate the videos generated by the THRUST
tool. In fact, the animations of the virtual speaker
are perceived significantly more persuasive and con-
vincing after the transformation by the THRUST tool.
The significant differences with the baseline videos
with randomly generated animations show that it is
not the fact that the persuasive videos have more fa-
cial and head movements compared to the neutral one
but it is the animations generated by the tool that al-
low the perception of persuasiveness. Moreover, we
have evaluated the tool considering different human
videos as input, both female and male, showing, then,
that the tool provides persuasive output whatever hu-
man is in the input video. A point of attention is
the speech. Even if the videos were played without
sound, surprisingly, it appears that what is said has a
significant impact on the perceived persuasiveness. A
more fine-grained analysis considering a larger set of
sentences should be conducted to explain this result.
The thrust tool has been evaluated considering only
one specific female virtual agent. Videos generated
with virtual agents with different appearances should
be evaluated to completely assess the efficiency of the
The main goal of the presented work is to develop
and validate a new tool that can transform a video of
a neutral human face into a video of a virtual agent
with a behavior expressing persuasiveness. For this
purpose, we have proposed a tool called THRUST
(from neuTral Human face to peRsUaSive virTual
face) based on machine learning techniques and on
a convolution-based model. The tool computes au-
tomatically the facial and head movements of a per-
suasive virtual speaker. The tool has been evaluated
through an objective and subjective study. Both eval-
uations on a set of videos have enabled us to demon-
strate that the virtual speaker’s behaviors computed
by the tool are perceived as persuasive. Even if the
evaluation was limited to a specific set of videos, fea-
tures and virtual agents, these results constitute a first
validation of the proposed approach for the automatic
generation of persuasive behavior.
Since the THRUST tool is based on the POM cor-
pus, which is the only corpus with persuasion anno-
Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent’s Head and Facial Behavior
Table 1: Descriptive statistics on the results of the subjective evaluation. The statistics (M: Mean and STD: standard deviation)
are reported for each question asked to the participants (QI and QII) and for each sentence said by the virtual character
(Sentence 1 and 2), considering the gender of the participant (women and men) and the condition (baseline, neutral and
persuasive - Section 6.1).
Women Men
Baseline Neutral Persuasive Baseline Neutral Persuasive
Sentence 1
QI 1.86 0.06 2.32 0.13 2.37 0.06 1.85 0.07 2.33 0.08 1.98 0.06
QII 1.94 0.56 2.54 0.14 2.40 0.1 1.97 0.08 2.39 0.15 1.91 0.02
Sentence 2
QI 2.26 0.03 2.10 0.03 2.76 0.09 1.79 0.06 2.02 0.14 2.62 0.02
QII 2.33 0.02 2.20 0.04 2.91 0.13 1.86 0.18 2.00 0.20 2.85 0.03
tations, and was created using the open-source tool-
boxes Greta and OpenFace, which only use some non-
verbal cues, there are certain limitations in the choice
of features. We propose on the future work to expand
our analysis and include other multimodal features,
particularly vocal features, to enhance the persuasive
model and to develop an automated artificial agent ca-
pable of expressing persuasive speech.
This research was funded by the French National Re-
search Agency as part of the COPAINS project.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence